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"Live a little, they say. Easier said than done."

These are the voyages of the Canterlot ghoul Lemon Frisk. His mission: to find the Meaning of Unlife. His continuing perils: crazed raiders, feral ghouls, overzealous rangers, deranged robots, and a mare who won't stop poking him.

Set in the universe of Fallout: Equestria, by Kkat.

Audio book:
The Daily Unlife Day 0 to 4 on YouTube (by NitoKa)

Download: (warning - E-books include the explicit "Night Eight" chapter :raritywink:)
The Daily Unlife E-book in epub format (936 KiB)
The Daily Unlife E-book in pdf format (4.32 MiB)
TDU Media Pack: all the stuff linked to from the story and more, to enjoy all of the story offline (16.49 MiB)

Russian version:
Fallout Equestria: Обыденная нежизнь on, translated by TL082CP.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Fallout Ecuestria. El desvivir diario on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (18)


To most, they are the creatures that almost took Canterlot, shapeshifters able to feed on the emotions of those around them.
While this is true, it is not all there is to the story.

When the Great War began, an alliance was struck between Princesses Celestia and Luna, of Equestria, and Queen Chrysalis, of the Changelings.
The changelings, natural infiltrators since birth, would become spies for Equestria. In return, they would no longer be hunted, permitted to continue feeding as they had for countless years before their failed invasion, provided they not engage in acts harmful to the equine government or population at large.

Of course, that was simply the beginning. As the war began to escalate, Stable-Tec, the company responsible for the life-saving Stables, recieved a request from parties that would, as part of the contract, remain anonymous and unnamed.
They were asked to create something new, something that would allow both changelings and ponies to survive, and promote harmony between the races.

They were asked to create...

Project HIVE

Chapters (26)

Jacknife, of Wasteland Bouquet fame, finally recieves her own fic!

The resident courier of Little Fillydelphia, Jacknife is a mare on a permanent sugar-&-adrenaline high.
See how she spends her days, discover her past and try to keep up as she tears through town on a mission!

When this mare hits 88MPH, you're gonna see some serious stuff.

Chapters (1)

WARNING: Dark themes and very mild graphic content.

The life of an alicorn is one of solidarity. Your place is never questioned, for it is guaranteed. There is no fear. There is no doubt. You are surrounded by your sisters, others like you, constantly aiding you, helping you, and always there is the voice of the Goddess.

What will happen when this ends?

A sidestory to Fallout: Equestria, set during the events of the main story in a different region. Follow 'Alicorn' as she does what she must to reunite with her precious Unity, and see what she discovers along the way.

Chapters (4)

The world is slowly dying, eaten away by an unseen force bent upon the utter destruction of Equestria. Celestia had pinned her hopes on a pony that was meant to save the world. Somewhere along the way everything went astray.

Far to the south Chrysalis amasses her armies for the final battle between pony and changeling. Through the aid of a negative energy crystal a new breed of changeling has arrived. The world shall burn before the might of the Undying Swarm. Death has come for Equestria on pellucid wings.

Prior knowledge of the "The Stormlight Archive" isn't needed.
Artwork by viwrastupr.

Chapters (1)

We went in expecting vicious graverobbers, desperate bandits, even crazed grievers who had trapped themselves down there.

If only we were so lucky.

(For Halloween. Part of the Upheaval world)

Chapters (11)

Random Task is your not-so-average Ponyville resisdent who lives up to the full extent of his name. He is a pony of all trades doing odd jobs and deliveries for Pinkie Pie, who has secretly developed a crush on him. But little does anypony know of his alias Mix Tape, who is renowned as one of Equestria’s premiere music reviewers for a number of top tier music magazines, which always attracts the attention of music artists and their colleagues. And if there were anypony he has started to love writing music reviews about, he was biased towards a local DJ he’s never met. That is, until he discovers that this DJ is the mare of his dreams.

But when fate allows the two to meet, Task learns there’s more to this mare than he thought! She has a dark past, filled with flaws and triumphs in her own musical endeavors. And that past comes with six bitter ponies who have all shared a romantic history with her. Can Task overcome her six evil exes and win the mare's heart? Or will he be condemned to being just another stepping stone of his crush’s past?

Chapters (3)

All I ever wanted was to use my talents to protect the ponies I cared about. With confidence, good aim, and ponies I trust by my side, I was able to do just that in the small town of Millstone. But there are some things you can't always count on.

It's not unusual for a pony to run from her past here in the Wasteland. I just didn't know I was running.

Written for the June 2013 Pre-Reader Battle.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day and once again Applejack finds herself uninterested in the festivities. This year, however, Applejack is shocked to hear a strange voice "in the sky" that narrates her life and is pressuring her into romantic feelings for Rarity. Applejack is at the mercy of this unknown source as she is pulled to carousel boutique to seal her fate with Rarity in one sweet simple kiss.

Chapters (1)

The Elements of Harmony are no more. When Celestia used them against her sister to banish Nightmare Moon and restore her sister. They worked and failed them both. For the Nightmare was flung from the land of Equestria and neighbors, But Luna was not returned. And by being used against another of their own, The Bonds the elements aligned with Luna and Celestia broke. As to did the Elements. Now only the Element of Magic remains. Protecting the Imperial Equestrian Empire and Celestia has come to grieve the loss of her sister.

Nightmare Moon Though Banished has not remained idle. In her lands across the World she has made her realm of Eternal Night. Her Darkness consumes the minds of those who enter, turning them into her nightmare creatures.

Time is running out, for the nightmares are slowly concurring the world. And all fear one day Nightmare Moon herself will rule the world.

Now the Empire is in true trouble for the Element of Magic is Missing!!! Can it be found before Nightmare Moon conquers the world? Or is it already to late.

This story is a collab concept between me and some other bronies I know
Father Mordteiva(owner of the story)
Mallsp(creator of the base concept)
Other people include
all above are editors for the story as well
All in Service of the AcolytesofDiscord

Chapters (3)