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When Fluttershy finds a page of a clopfic containing Spike and a certain white mare, the page finds itself in the hooves of many ponies it's been kept from. All of the clues seem to point to Spike, but is there more to this page than meets the eye?

Author's Note: Contains lines of some saucy material. Nothing to clop over, but it refers heavily to something you'd find in a clopfic. Don't read if you're offended by this sort of thing. I only rated it teen because it's pretty tame and there's very little of it, but if it's too much I can rate it mature and add up a "sex" tag.

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (1)

What started as a normal friendly visit ends up taking two ponies on a trip down memory lane that leads them both to realize their friendship began even before Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom.

Chapters (1)

The follow-up to Rainbow's Lament.

It's been almost eleven months since Dash and Blitz almost died in Ponyville's worst blizzard, and now the two pegasi are anticipating the upcoming birth of their foal. But when Dashie goes into labour, Blitz not only has his patience tested, but also discovers that one of his closest friends is harbouring a shocking secret...

Rainbow Blitz and co. belong to Trotsworth.

Image courtesy of JaquelinAmyRose

THERE WILL BE NO SEQUEL. I'm sorry to say that I want to keep working on the Foals of Harmony - the first two stories of which (Equestrian Rhapsody and The One Free Stallion) are already posted. However, I would LOVE it if someone could adapt Rainbow's Lament and Aurora Spectralis into comic form. I never expected this to get so much love!

Chapters (1)

Rarity is once again too busy to spend time with her sister. With Twilight Sparkle looking after her, Sweetie Belle discovers a liking of poetry and tries to write a poem about her sister.

Chapters (1)

Author: Pinkie Pie, shut up! No you can't name- You already did. Son of a...
Pinkie Pie: So author, you're always writing stories about me! How about I write a story about YOU!?
Author: That is a horrible... horrible... HORRIBLE ide-
Pinkie: Spectacularific! Let's do it!

A hack author (from "Extremely Terrible and Horrifying Stories" and "Mystery Pinkie Pie Theater 3000") is attempting to write his next magnum opus. Then Pinkie Pie happens.
Not the most original idea in existence, but hey, this is my take on how it would play out.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds a dusty old book full of puns and begins to use them, much to the dismay of her friends, considering her puns are slowing down their travels and they need to be PUNCTUAL.

Chapters (1)

There isn't much love can't do, but it can't give you a right choice when you're torn between two loves.
A love of a young dragon, or a love of your friends and family, which will Rarity choose?

Chapters (1)

Rainy weather and a looming deadline drive Twilight Sparkle up the walls and Spike out of the tree. Only Pinkie Pie can save the day, by introducing the reluctant librarian to an unexpected new hobby. Astoundingly, sex does not ensue.

Chapters (7)

Silver Spoon questions why she participates in the psychological destruction of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Inspired by the title image by the inimitable Rainbow.
Featured on Equestria Daily - 2012/05/29 -- -- -- Hungarian Version -- -- -- Reading by the Living Library Player Society

Chapters (4)

A thousand years is quite the generation gap, so Princess Luna decides she has to get with the times. However, this isn't quite as easy as she thinks it will be...

Chapters (21)