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Fluttershy gets more than she asked for when she visits the Library and hears moaning from behind the door. Concerned that Twilight may have developed a problem, Rarity and Rainbow Dash go and investigate.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo and her friends have long been crusading for their cutie marks, but after a long string of failures, Scootaloo is more desperate than ever. Desperate enough to try something as namby-pamby as - ugh - dancing. Will Scootaloo find that dancing's more fun than she expected, or will she end up once again covered in tree sap? Read this to find out!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 7/25/12.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Friendship with Benefits is Magic. Not intended as a direct followup as much as my own take on the idea. What is Celestia to do when Twilight Sparkle shares a little too much? And why doesn't Twilight have any idea what she's talking about? And why is Luna smiling so much!?

Followed up by yet another epistolary conversation between Twilight and Celestia about the magic of not knowing what the hay that other pony is talking about. Features a special guest appearance by naughty!Luna.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Chapters (2)

Twilight helps her friend perform a sonic boom. But when she does, it reminds the mare of someone gone from her life. In the end, Twilight is there to remind her she's not really gone.

This is my FIRST story, please feel free to put in any -constructive- criticism that you may have so I can become better! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

Also, BIG thanks to Starlitalpha for the massive help and support given! Without it I probably wouldn't have had the courage to post this :). Thanks again!

Chapters (1)

Twilight always thought that being able to send the Princess her letters instantaneously through Spike's fire breath was the best thing in the world. Instant correspondence with her mentor and secret crush could never be a bad thing, right? Unfortunately, Twilight has a habit of writing her secrets down on flammable materials. Now her secret's out, so what's a panicky unicorn to do? Panic, obviously!

Chapters (1)

We have all lost something or someone special in our lives. Some move on faster than others, and some never move on, as their life comes to a stand still. Could you smile at such loss, and continue smiling through your life, knowing that the special someone was gone forever?

First attempt at sad fic.

Inspired by cover pic.

Also inspired by the song 'The Crow and The Butterfly' by Shinedown.

Chapters (1)

This collection is for the use of short stories that I have written for prompts of the Thirty Minute Ponies Tumblr. Sometimes they fall beneath the word limit, but I apparently type with the speed of an adrenalin-addled rabbit so they will more often sit at about the thousand word mark.

These various stories have nothing in common except that they contain ponies, so I'll make sure to mention the genre in the title.

Chapters (4)

Luna thinks of a novel way to cheer up a distraught Sweetie Belle. Five stars on Equestria Daily!

EDIT ONE: Please also check out Singing to the Moon by the fabulously talented uSea. It's a story which I didn't even know existed until someone in the comments pointed out the similarities (I mean, seriously, that story even has some of the exact same phrasing as my own. It's eerie).

EDIT TWO: Funnily enough, long after this was published, the show itself also did something similar. I guess there's something about this pairing that lends itself to this idea?

Chapters (1)

Growing up is never easy, especially when you're a dragon among ponies and the closest thing you've ever had to a parent is a slightly scatterbrained young unicorn. When tempers boil over, can this makeshift family pull itself back together?

Chapters (1)

Golden Bracer, a Lieutenant of Celestia's Royal Guard, has desires that somewould declare shameful, perhaps even indecent. One day, however, these desires find him invited into Princess Celestia's own private quarters. With his honor as a guardspony on the line, Golden Bracer can only hope to keep his secret safe.

Chapters (1)