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Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Celestia, a loving daughter, a friend to five, and a sister.

She's also known as a freak, a monster, and an abomination to many others.

All because of what she was.

She wasn't a griffin, or a minotaur, or a dragon. She was a draconequus, but nopony except the Princesses knew that. All records of draconequii were destroyed and ponies thought that the statue of Discord was just a statue made by an artist with a wild imagination.

Until Discord breaks free of course.

Now Twilight, her friends, and her family is forced to learn about what she truly is and also have to deal with a huge secret that has been kept from her for a millennia.

And also stop Discord from turning the world inside-out.

Featured - 24/07/2017

Chapters (5)

While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath.

So what else could Derpy be faking?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bookends Part 3: Or Family Values

Life in Ponyville goes on as normal for the next eight years. The dangers and trials for the Mane 6 appear to be something of the past. The ponies of Ponyville have all but forgot the hazards of the past.
The group of friends continue growing as close as ever. With the inclusion of Pinkie’s wife Trixie, and the now accepted fact that Pinkie is a Changeling, there seems to be nothing the group couldn’t handle.
But with the responsibility of three growing and precocious foals; Celestia and Luna Sparkle and Zap Apple, Twilight, Cheerilee and Rainbow have their hooves full.

But when a warning of another threat against Equestria from Princess Celestia comes to Twilight, the mothers fear what could happen when they have children to consider.
If the safety of Equestria is to be maintained, a different view of harmony may have to be accepted.

As is normal with life, things happen that we don’t expect. And a hidden past almost never stays hidden…

Chapters (11)

This is an alternate history exploring a possible future for Twilight Sparkle. It takes place after the Royal Wedding but before Magical Mystery Cure.

This short story is the teaser for the Bookends Series. It is about discovering that finding love is about finding your deepest dreams.

Chapters (4)

Poor little Spike. Time and time again he's heard vicious arguments between Twilight and Trixie, but now he finally sees it, first claw, and can't take it anymore- he pours his heart out to Applejack.

Chapters (1)

Desc- Well...obviously the Gala wasn't so great for everypony...but I always wondered why they didn't include a certain Moon Goddess in at least the last episode of the season, ya know? Well, if I had it my way (and it wasn't supposed to be a kid's show, primarily, hehe...) our favorite and little-known-of Alicorn would have come to at least bring the spirits up of miss Sparkle!...but I can't have it my way, so I resort to entertaining you with this story of mine. Enjoy.
NOTE, Written BEFORE "Luna Eclipsed" episode was released, so...yeah. Keep that in mind.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight and Luna Make a Porno

With Twilight making lewd films, Shining can't help but feel he's being surpassed by his younger sibling. He aims to rectify that, but unfortunately, he has to convince his wife first. Making a sex tape is harder than he thought.

Written for the Monthly Shipfics group.

Chapters (1)

Check out the sequel: Here!

Twilight gets called into a meeting with Luna and Celestia. The kingdom is hurting for money and there's only one way to get rich quick. Celestia is going to have to film them making porn.

Written for the Monthly Shipfics group.

YouTube Reading by Scarlett Blade - Here

This story was featured!? Wow! Thank you all so much! :yay:

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is a teacher, a ruler, and the occasional savior of Equestria, and she loves it. Her jobs can be rewarding and fulfilling, but they can also be a bit exhausting. Hearing her friend is feeling a little worn out from all the responsibilities she has, Sunset Shimmer offers Twilight a holiday together across the portal in the human world. No evil magic, no intramural sports, and no one else. Just the two of them spending the entire day together.

Original art by Uotapo
Cover text generously added by Novel Idea

First story in the Rays of SunLight series.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has always been the stoic princess. With a few exceptions she has always tried to appear strong and unbreakable yet something has been troubling her heart recently. After raising the moon one night she decides to visit Twilight for some advice.

Here is the youtube reading by Agent Fluffy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsNA9VTa17w

Link to cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/90sigma/art/Princess-Luna-and-Twilight-Sparkle-Stargazing-319122041

Chapters (1)