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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Celestia had to burn twilight sparkle to stop her at the entrance exam. After 21 years of living in the everfree, the feral creature known as twilight sparkle is begining to regain her power.Join her on her journey to defeat the white monster from her memories and the pink pony that hunts her everyday. Heavily inspired by this.http://www.fimfiction.net/story/78582/the-monster-in-the-twilight

Chapters (15)

Attempting to summon a creature without a Contract is literally gambling with your soul. However, Uzumaki Naruto is extremely lucky when it comes to gambling and manages to summon something that won't kill him outright.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie."
"Uh... I'm Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage!"

Chapters (6)

Take no more than one pill every six hours.

Rainbow Dash accidentally gives Twilight a severe overdose of painkillers. Now, she and another visitor to the library must deal with the consequences of forgetting to read the label.

Rated Teen for drug references and strong pony language (Rainbow Dash uses the "b" word).

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/27/14.

Partial readthrough by Emporerson

Click here to see the five references mentioned in the A/N.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is getting ready to move from Crystal Prep to Canterlot High School, but there is one thing she would like to do before leaving. The words are on the tip of her tongue, but instead of using them, she decides to move forward.

Featured on August 5, 2016! :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is a princess. She has an important role as a leader of Equestria, which means she has to worry about what everypony thinks of her. So when she overhears a private conversation, she has to come to terms with how she feels about herself, love, and a certain somepony, all while weighing her public image against her personal desires.

A story set in the Who We Become series.

This story can be read with no prior knowledge of Who We Become stories.

Content warning: The non-con tag is for discussion about an event that happened before the story takes place, and is not depicted graphically. The sex tag is for consensual sex. This story contains depictions of homophobia, hate groups, and gay slurs.

Thanks to ArchAngelsWings and Eddie Grammar for editing :twilightsmile:
Cover art by Pasu-Chan

Chapters (28)

Rainbow Dash is the best. She's consistently at the top of her class, and is the envy of all her peers. Things only get better when Fluttershy finally starts visiting Cloudsdale again after being gone for months.

Except she must not be good enough yet, because they still don't notice her.

(Also available in print and as an audiobook)

A story set in the Who We Become series.

This story could be read with no prior knowledge of Who We Become stories.

Content warning: This story contains depictions of homophobia and gay slurs.

Edited by ArchAngelsWings, Eddie Grammar, and Hoofclid.
Cover art by Dessert, known on Fimfiction as Mouch30.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Inner Strength

This story is a sequel to Playing House

After discovering the magic of friendship, Sunset Shimmer's senior year was one of the happiest times of her life. But it's been almost two years since graduation; all her friends have moved on to studying abroad, to promising careers, to new lives.

Sunset decides that with nothing left to keep her in the human world, it's time to go back where she belongs, only to find that returning home is different than finding one.

A story set in the Who We Become series.

Although this story could be well understood without knowing anything about Who We Become, this comment will explain what happened in previous stories if you want to get caught up.

Content warning: This story contains depictions of polyphobia. The narcotics tag is included for heavy alcohol use, no hard drugs.

Thanks to ArchAngelsWings, elmago02, Eddie Grammar, and Dessert, known on Fimfiction as Mouch30 for editing/pre-reading. This text would be much uglier without them :ajsmug:

And another thanks to Dessert for the wonderful cover art, which I'm sure is the biggest reason anyone notices this story in the first place :raritywink:

Chapters (23)

A romance story with Twilight and Trixie, based in a world where Twilight and Trixie are a couple, and get together in secret to go on dates.

Chapters (24)

After a full day in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity decide to explore the palace garden's legendary hedge maze. Their attempts to unravel the mysteries of the labyrinth yield some interesting and unexpected results.

Chapters (1)

For Derpy Hooves, it seems like every day gets worse than before. Her whole life she has been seen as nothing but a rolling disaster. She's seen as a clueless, quirky, messed up pony, simply due to her walleyed disability. How can she possibly hope to erase the stereotypes she was assigned? For Derpy, it's impossible.

Impossible, that is, until she chances into a certain purple unicorn. Will this meeting be yet another failure, or could it be the opportunity she's been looking for, and how could that opportunity affect her life?

I'd like to thank slip_stitch for being both an editor and a proofreader for me. Without her help, this story would literally be one giant punctuation error.
Also, thanks to Ardensfax for giving me the inspiration to try my hand at writing, Tobyc for putting a massive amount of work into a tvtropes page dedicated to the story, and Perilian for the massive amount of encouragement that kept me motivated enough to work my hardest at writing.

With a giant thanks to Kevinltk, Address Unknown is now available in both ePub and mobi formats! If you would like to download them, they are available here:

ePub - Teen (Clop Free)
mobi - Teen (Clop Free)

Cover art designed by Novel Idea

And, for everyone out there that enjoys Address Unknown, I have been honored to have a dramatic reading done by HanaYoriUta!

Here are the links, in 3 separate installments:
Chapters 1-15
Chapters 16-30
Clop Chapters

Chapters (30)