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After constant hassling from her parents combined with the long nights spent with only Tank for company, Rainbow Dash decides to give the dating scene a try. Unfortunately, it isn't until she's given a few stallions in Ponyville a chance to impress her does she realize the perfect stallion has been right in front of her the whole time! He understands her competitiveness, need for speed, and her hatred of boredom. There's just one problem: he could end up destroying the world.

Chapters (4)

Life is a garden, beautiful when it blooms. More than time and more than labor, it requires devotion. Rarity and Fluttershy have been growing a garden for years, even if only one of them knows it.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash turns thirty, and it's just like any week, month, year, or decade of her life.

Chapters (1)

Following the most recent Apple Family Reunion, Applejack finds herself alone in her room with much on her mind. With the star-filled sky as her only witness, she finally has a chance to open up to the two most important ponies in her life: her parents.

Story in Russian: Here!

Special thanks to:
Brony Assasin
Mr. Carnage
And this song: Re: Stacks - Bon Iver.

Chapters (1)

Octavia's new to Ponyville, and she just bought a used couch. As it turns out, she has to move the heavy thing clear across town on her lonesome. That isn't the problem. The problem is these damn crazy ponies who won't stop pestering her.

Cover Art by faloxx

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash isn't bitter about the whole Mare-Do-Well incident. Or at least that's what she tells herself. Either way, she's not going to miss this chance for some harmless revenge pranks, and so she constructs a plan to prank all of her best friends, starting with Twilight Sparkle. All Dash needs is a quill and some paper.

Thanks to the amazing DShou for the cover image.

Chapters (6)

"My handsome little cherub, close your eyes.
Mommy's going to give you clear blue skies.
So you’ll laugh and dance and play in the air.
And sing the song of angels everywhere."

Chapters (4)

Most of the time, Applejack is honest. A lot of times, she's a dependable pony.

Then, sometimes, she's full of militant squirrels piloting her in a war with the Chipmunk Confederacy over a sacred acorn.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have always been best friends, doing everything together. After a sleepover with friends though, a simple dare leaves the two in a complicated situation with mixed feelings emerging and bizarre misunderstandings ensuing.

Co-written by Souldin and Rated Ponystar

Chapters (1)

“Hey RD! Come pick me up at the ’Acres at seven. We’re goin’ on a date tonight.”


Applejack seems determined, Rainbow Dash tries to catch up.

Original Story idea by Tchernobog and Steel Resolve.
Title, pre-reading/editing assistance, and an apple cart full of awesome ideas courtesy of Tchernobog.
Post edit pre-reading by Zaphod.

Proudly part of bookplayer's AppleDash Primer; Featured on Equestria Daily 10/09/13

Scene markers were created from these.

Original vector by Are-you-jealous modified with permission.

Chapters (1)