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While pouring over the town's taxes, Twilight Sparkle notices an anomaly in Applejack's returns, deciding to confront her about it. Needless to say, backcountry traditions and consumption tax-dodging don't sit too well with the Princess of Friendship.

Cover art by Probablydnon

EDIT: Featured 3/20!

Chapters (1)

Being imprisoned in stone is a lonely experience, my dear... You have nopony else than yourself and your thoughts. You also get some time to contemplate about past mistakes...

Pre-read and edited by frieD195. May be revised in the future.

Now with a Youtube reading!

Chapters (1)

Discord, the Lord of Chaos and the Creator of a world that has twice imprisoned him in stone, can't get enough of his favourite little ponies. But why?

Picture from http://mlp.wikia.com.

Chapters (1)

A being that exists to perpetuate chaos. A creature that only knows how to destroy order and peace, tearing itself, and everything around it to pieces. A Draconequus is disorder, violence, and death.
As a child, Discord must confront this definition, and come to terms with it his own way.

Featured on Equestria Daily March 15, 2012

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's Harmony Project is the culmination of her life's work. The only thing left is for everyone to be gathered, so that all of Equestria can join together in Harmony.

But now that success is staring her in the face, Twilight begins to have doubts. Fortunately, she has a friend like Discord, who is only too happy to lend a paw to a friend in need...

Editing work courtesy of NorsePony.

Chapters (1)

After being imprisoned once again for hundreds of years, Discord has had plenty of time to think.

What had he done to deserve this? How had he ended up in this situation again? He did everything right this time (literally becoming one of the good guys, with no ulterior motives). They still feared him. They still hated him. And in his moment of weakness, an old personality resurfaces. A personality that even Discord had struggled to put away, in hopes that it would never return...

Awesome Art By Ziom05

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has always been quite the student, even before she earned the title of Princess. However, her new responsibilities require some new knowledge; an idea of what Equestria was, what the world was before Order was established and the Princesses came to power. The problem is finding somebody who can teach these things.

If only there was some ancient being who had been through everything, who had been alive before the time of Order, before Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon, before King Sombra ruled over the Crystal Empire. Perhaps someone from the Era of Chaos, when Discord Draconequus had reigned over everything... But where in Canterlot Castle would they ever find somebody like that?

Chapters (4)

The ponies of Equestria know Harmony as not just an ideal, but as a force that actively shapes their existence. It guides them through their lives, brings them prosperity and ensures good will triumph over evil most of the time.

However, exposure to it can be unpredictable for those crossing over from other realms. Sufficiently long stays in Equestria can even lead to a change of form to one indigenous to the land.

And those unlucky enough to be slated to become a source of Harmony itself may find themselves unable to leave.

Translation: This fic contains the gradual transformation of a human (male) to a very young alicorn filly.

Set just before Season Five. Non-Earth human and an Equestria that's slightly different.

Cover Art by the talented Mix-up check out his work here: http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)

A loving letter from a father to his daughter, telling the tale of the day they first met.

A prequel to a story that is still in the works. Coming soon!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is feeling a bit down after her critters have gone to sleep for the winter. Discord decides to lighten the mood in his own way. Obvious 40 Year Old Virgin reference.

Chapters (1)