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Octavia has a musical history and a side to herself she'd rather not have to explain outside of Ponyville. Inside Ponyville... well, everything was fine until she spotted Vinyl Scratch. What was she doing here?

Don't panic, Octavia! Don't freak out, don't lose your mind, don't....
Oh well.
(And check out Goombasa's excellent dramatic reading!)
Cover by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

My unicorn parents called me a worthless mud pony. They pushed me every day to overcome my lowly status. When I woke up one morning with my cutie mark, I thought they would love me. I couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

It was not destiny or enjoyment that led me to discover the cello and composing. My parents made that decision, deciding before I was born I would continue their family legacy of famous musicians.

They did not realize what that decision would cost them.

Special Thanks and Links:

Cover Art: Dreampaw. The inspiration for the story.
Dramatic reading of Act I-III by Malao567. June 2013
Reading with music by ObabScribbler. June 2014
Song: Hooks and Strings by Reverb Brony. May 2014

Style inspired by H.P. Lovecraft
TypeWriterError: Editor & Rating Board
Gage of Grandiloquence: Editor
The11thWonder: Pre-reader
Nharctic: Pre-reader
Breath of Plagues: My Pinch Editor.
ArgonMatrix: Bad Grammar Exterminator
Daemon of Decay: Advice, also inspired me to write fan fiction. Blame him!

Chapters (3)

If there's one thing bronies hate more than anything it's nobles, and Celestia has finally had enough of them too. She has a plan for some payback and she intends to enjoy herself, and her sister and Twilight are along for the ride.

Chapters (1)

Despite how kind and caring Princess Celestia seems to be, Twilight Sparkle constantly worries about displeasing her. From her nightmares of returning to Magic Kindergarten, to being sent to a dungeon, to banishment; there is no punishment that Twilight cannot imagine.

But why is Twilight so afraid of her teacher? Where did this paranoia come from and what secrets has Celestia kept from the rest of Equestria?

Taking place before the Return of NightMare Moon, this story will finally shed light on exactly why Twilight fears the teacher she claims to love so very much.

Chapters (7)

It is the responsibility of a king to care for his people and maintain order in his kingdom. That shouldn't be much trouble for a ruler as powerful as Discord, right? With his faithful and insecure advisor at his side, the draconequus sets out to explore his new world and personally see to it that peace reigns in Equestria.

However, the ponies want nothing to do with their frightening new ruler, and the unamused Spirits of Equestria aim to drag the Spirit of Chaos away before he can cause any more harm. Can Discord be the ruler Equestria needs? Or is he truly doomed to become the monster he is seen to be?

Chapters (21)

Celestia brings the Statue of Discord to Ponyville with the wary intention of releasing him, as per a mysterious deal negotiated between Discord and the alicorn sisters. With the ancient war between Harmony and Discord now officially over, with the Chaos God curious over his own defeat, both sides most decide what to do now. Can Discord make a place for himself among ponykind or will he leave Equestria entirely?

It'll at least be interesting with the reluctant supervision and aid of the six who defeated him, Discord actually putting forth some effort, and Celestia personally keeping an eye on everything.

A retelling of Keep Calm and Flutter On with a more long term reformation of Discord.

Chapters (3)

Discord has existed since the beginning of time, forced to suffer as a mere spirit called entropy. When he escaped his ethereal prison, he committed horrifying acts against the cosmos in retribution. Leading to the extinction of humanity from the lands of Equistria.

Now, after the fall of Tirek, Discord contemplates his life and what it means to be forgiven. His one chance to make up for this crime lies in the stone body of one of his victims. His body beaten and mind broken, the soldier Discord tormented before will live again. Forced to live in in a body that is not his, this man must learn to accept a new life and the lessons Equestria will teach him.

Chapters (11)

His evil was legend. He was an entity of incalculable power and unparalled malice - his icy soul utterly consumed by his plans to destroy all of life, until he was stopped and defeated. But what if that wasn't the end? What if he was given a second chance, in another world? For he was not always like this. Nobody is born evil. But anyone can turn evil. Will he become a hero? Or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes and walk the same path as before, the Path of the Damned?

Edited by Zaleros, TimePrincess
Proof-read by: Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former edit: Lazygamer313
Former last check-up (starting from chapter 139): Dubz
Chapters 132-133 proofread: Sixkiller5, DarkZonker, SmurfOnSteroids, Bast, Shadowfire, Wraithguard, Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former proof-readers: Vrilix, Defias, Merchent343, TexPony
Fan Fiction Read on youtube by lunarassassin

Epub with styles (italics, bold): http://www.mediafire.com/file/l7flswrrl68do0y/rebirth-of-the-damned.epub, created by Halusm

1. This is my first fanfiction, so honest criticism is appreciated.
2. This is a crossover with Warcraft universe.
3. English is my second language, so you will have to forgive me for possible grammar mistakes.
4. Hope you like it.
5. There is a prequel called: Project Eclipse.

Chapters (176)

Featured on May 14, 2013. And again on November 29, 2014 more times than I can count thanks to you guys.

Now with our own TVtropes page! Help us catalog the awesomeness.

Holy crap we've got a trailer too!

MLP:FIM is the property of Lauren Faust
Bleach is the property of Tite Kubo

Plot aspects for chapter thirty six onward contributed and improved by Ketvirtas and Alondro
Chapters 0-88 proofread by xbox432
Chapters 89-onward proofread by LyonAzakura
Partially inspired by Dirty Bit's story Cuatro
Further inspired by Christopher28's story A Different Viewpoint of Equestria
Further inspired by Trinary story Friendship is Empathy
Random plot elements inspired by SwimmingDalek98 and Phoenix Archangel
Story structure and pacing inspired by Tite Kubo

Ulquiorra Cifer was defeated at the hands of a mere human and died in Las Noches. Or at least that's what he thought. In the boundary that separates life and death for all Hollows, he's found by one that finds him interesting enough to give a second chance at life free from Aizen's control, and free to do as he pleases; he was just never told that his second chance of life would take him to an alternate world he never could've imagined even if he tried.

The land of Equestria is a magical place full of hope, and second chances. In this land where friendship is considered the most powerful magic in existence, can the Cuatro Espada find something that's been missing and learn how to live? Or will his presence be the downfall of the peaceful world and all of its inhabitants?

Chapters (155)

Diablo Crossover.

The Archangel of Justice destroyed the Worldstone to spare Humanity the corruption Baal infected it with. The force of its death knell shatters Mount Arreat and sends Tyrael hurtling across the endless planes of reality. He falls upon a world untouched by Angel or Demon, far from the sight of the High Heavens. So far, in fact, that he fears he will not be reborn from the Crystal Arch.

Wounded and near death, hope appears in the form of two strange creatures bearing the power of night and day.

Tyrael now faces a time of recovery as his power slowly heals within a body fashioned for him by his saviours. Justice Incarnate tastes for the first time the life of a mortal, and it is a strange, confusing experience .He has been left in the care of one Twilight Sparkle to learn of this world.

After all, where better to find peace and harmony than Ponyville?

Act I - The Root of Evil
Act II - ????????
Act III - ???????
Act IV - ???????

[Cover image used with full permission of the owner. Go on, go have a look at Chagial's stuff.]

Chapters (41)