Favourites 1113 stories
  • Favourites 1113 stories - 46 unread chapters
    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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An MLP/Warhammer 40K Crossover

The Iron Warriors 38th Company has landed in Equestria, entrenching themselves like a barbed hook. They hunt the aliens of the Tau Empire, intent on destruction and pillage.
A small squad is dispatched on a reconnaissance mission, only to find that there is intelligent life on this world besides the feuding space-farers.
Will these improbably adorable and friendly equine aliens turn the damned warriors of Chaos from their blood-soaked path, cleansing them of their dark legacy with the magic of friendship and harmony?

No, that isn't happening.

(Dark humor warning; limited grimdark themes)
(Cover art by Nicholas Kay)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This story is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)
(Featured on Equestria Daily 8/20/15 :yay: )

Chapters (8)

General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, conqueror of star systems, and slayer of Jedi. And... stranded on Equestria?

This can't end well.

TV Tropes page.

Now featuring a dramatic reading by LimeyPony!

Chapters (30)

The world is slowly dying, eaten away by an unseen force bent upon the utter destruction of Equestria. Celestia had pinned her hopes on a pony that was meant to save the world. Somewhere along the way everything went astray.

Far to the south Chrysalis amasses her armies for the final battle between pony and changeling. Through the aid of a negative energy crystal a new breed of changeling has arrived. The world shall burn before the might of the Undying Swarm. Death has come for Equestria on pellucid wings.

Prior knowledge of the "The Stormlight Archive" isn't needed.
Artwork by viwrastupr.

Chapters (1)

A year has passed since the attack on Canterlot. Twilight and her friends are off on a picnic near the forest, but are attacked by dozens of hungry Hydra. But when Twilight and her friends think they're going to die, HE, shows up again, and Twilight, her friends, and the princesses, are determined to know more about their savior.

Chapters (5)

"Expand. Recover. Protect"

When given the chance, would you want to take another stab at living? Markus Obediah took that chance when a lab accident sent him to critical care. The beings in power saw this as an opportunity. Markus thought he would receive a new body, new powers, or at least become a new person. Instead, he must now command and become part of an army the likes none have ever seen before. An army that can mold and shape into whatever form it wishes. An army that can use any and every resource to fuel a massive war machine. An army with so much potential, it can spell disaster or progress in the extreme to this new and unexplored world. An army of...goo?

Chapters (2)

The girls decide to listen in on alien transmissions. But will they like what they hear? This is a bit of a random one off that suddenly popped into my head when I was looking at the features page. If they could tune in to human music, why not military transmissions? I realize that the story is not very coherent, but it was a good distraction.

Chapters (3)

Have you ever wanted to know the true story of what happened to Godzilla when he melted down in Tokyo? What if I told you that he became a legend once more in a land he never knew could exist.

After defeating Destroyah in his meltdown stage, Godzilla's heart finally gave in and destroyed him. But now, Godzilla has awakened in a strange new world.

The dominant life forms? Ponies.

But when a mysterious tragedy strikes a town of the ponies, Godzilla realizes it might be the work of something that happened to his own world. He must find out who or what did this, and hunt them down. But along the way, he'll make new allies, see/fight new creatures, and learn of how he has such a special connection with a certain purple pony.

But most of all, will the ponies of Equestria be safe...Under God's Watch?

Chapters (2)

"One must do all they can depending on the situation."

That's what I always say to myself, at least. Me? I'm just a trainer who aim to defeat every single champion and become the strongest. That's the goal that I carry with me until the end of time. One day, a massive world changing event occured. Of all the thing I expected to happen, this isn't one of them. A new world where peace rules with iron fist, diverse inhabitants, even meeting a new friend. Because of that, a lot of things happen to me.

My name is Eric Angelo, this is my story....no...our story. Our legend where everything begins anew.

I would like to thank you zeusdemigod121, for inspiring me to write my own side story. And for pre-reading

I would like to thank you tdnpony, evowizard25, berry tenebre, kingofsouls for proof-reading and editing as well.

Keep in mind that this is a revamped version of the original. I felt I should write a better, more refined version.

It's probably no excuse, but I'm not a native English speaker. I'm not perfect with grammar.

Cover art is by yours truly, again. Background is not mine, I picked it up from google.

O'Mega Artwork :

Eric with Mega Sally, the Dreaded Dragon (Artwork is by yours truly, background is still not mine, I picked it from google. I just added a little bit of things into the original background such as the flaring light)

Sylvia with Mega Kenneth, the Unseen Dragon

Chapters (22)

To a mysterious coastline, three dragons awaken with no recollection of their past, the beings that filled it, or how they ended up there.

As simplicity cracks to give way to the true, complex monster beneath, Spyro, Spike, and Toothless must come face to face with their own demons, a world they have been forced to forget, and an evil so ancient, that success might as well be in vain.

Sometimes, all it takes is being estranged to find the true path of attainment.

[Character tags will be added as the story progresses]

Edited by the wonderful Mike Myers

Chapters (1)

A noble dragon is not decided by blood, but by fate. Celestia knows this, but as she thinks back on the origins of Spike's egg, she ponders the truth of that statement.

Chapters (1)