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    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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What would happen if James get's sent to a world filled with technicolor-ed ponies by Discord & is transformed into one of his favorite Pokemon, a zoroark? Some good comedy & a little mischievous tricks. Will James be able to get back home or will he be stuck as a zoroark in Equestria for good.

Chapters (5)

A wild eevee wakes up in a town with weird ponytas everywhere. Unfortunately, the "ponytas" notice the eevee, and they must have IT. It's too cute for them.

Can Fluttershy save Eevee from the havoc? Probably, since she good at controlling ponies (somewhat).

I wonder if any havoc will even take place...

Edit: This story is being Cancelled. But, I will write another Pokemon fic later. Sorry I had to everyone down...:fluttercry:

Chapters (2)

Only a few hours after she learned of the Griffon Empire's invasion, Princess Celestia surrendered herself to the griffon army and asked for an audience with the Griffon Emperor.

The Emperor thinks she's here to negotiate Equestria's surrender.

He's wrong.

Spanish Translation
Polish Translation

Chapters (1)

When an magical anomaly cause dimensional rifts to appear across the human world and pony world slowly merging them together. Will two separate worlds merge seamlessly or destroy each other in the merging. How will the societies change with the introduction of Equestrian magic and Human Technology? Will both parties be able to adapt to each others societal standards? (Crossover in the sense that i will bump up human technology using tech from Command and Conquer 3, and Votoms. I will also some characters from the respective series.)

Chapters (1)

So here I'm stuck in Equestria, in the form of Mewtwo from Pokemon, FUN!
What's not so 'fun' is that my appearance is frightening to most ponies. It doesn't help that I can only communicate by projecting my thoughts into the minds of others. Now I need to find some way to convince the Princesses that I don't want to harm anypony, and that there's something bigger is happening.

Chapters (19)

After the defeat of Tirek, Instead of receiving a castle; The tree of harmony goes haywire and causes a mass eruption of magic all over not just Equestria but the entire world. Arceus, viewing this decides to help Celestia and the other world leaders to transport their subjects to the Pokémon world. With little to no knowledge of the Pokémon World and the loss of their homes, can the inhabitants of Equus live in harmony with the Pokémon? Or will it end up in utter chaos and war breaks loose. Only time can truly tell. Read to see the creatures of Equus adapting to the Pokemon world and creating bonds, which the likes has never seen.

Status: Cancelled

Basically the reverse version of A New World, a New Way. If you haven't read it before. Go check it out, it is a must read :pinkiehappy:

Special thanks to zeusdemigod131 for giving me permission to write this story. Also, some of his characters will make an appearance in this story.

[Adventure] [Slice of Life] [Comedy] [Mystery] [Drama] [Romance] [Crossover] [Alternate Universe]

((Contains elements of: Super Mystery Dungeon, Gates to Infinity, Explorers of Sky, Stormy, Light and Blazing Adventure))

((Contains spoilers of Super Mystery Dungeon)) So if you don't want to be spoiled, I suggest not reading this story.

I also have a group now. Click Here

Cover art made by SilverWolfFTW. If you have any questions and some free ideas you wanna say. For free to mail me. :twilightsmile:

Remember if you want to create a side story or even add in some ideas, feel free to message me about it and I'll see what we can do. :raritywink:

((Note I: No humans will not exist in this story.))

((Note II: I am taking bits of the anime, manga, games and even some head canons.))

Chapters (10)

After an accident involving a Lightning Chariot joyride, Viridi, Goddess Of Nature, ends up in Equestria. She soon finds herself in a conflict with a newly revived Hades, Lord Of The Underworld who has his own plans for Equestria.

I don't own Kid Icarus, any of the characters from the series or out of the series.

Kid Icarus belongs to Nintendo and so do other Nintendo characters mentioned in the story.

Chapters (11)

After the Crusaders nearly destroy the town AGAIN trying to get their Cutie Marks, Twilight sits them down to tell them some fairy tales with rather unconventional morals and endings in hopes that it will teach them a lesson in patience and how to go about getting their Cutie Marks without causing too much property damage and risk to life and limb...
And just in case it doesn't…well, it's a good thing she always has a Plan B...

Chapters (2)

When the original Freddy Fazbear and his friends get sent to Equestria, how would they react? By entertaining the children of course! But how would the locals react to them and the strange occurrences that seem to follow them?

Freddy Fazbear and his friends are well known figures throughout the country, adored by adults and children alike. For years it has been the Night Guard's job to ensure it stays that way.

What will happen when this is no longer true? What if there was nobody there to warn others of the danger these 'innocent' animatronics pose?

Featured on 02/06/2015

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Voyage's End

Eleven years has passed since ponies and humans met for the first time. Now, Twilight ventures out on her most incredible endeavor to date.

"Once more, we boldly go into that great unknown." -Twilight Sparkle

Edited by: Way2Dawn

Chapters (1)