dead 183 stories
  • dead 183 stories - 155 unread chapters
    Created by daily mail
    - April, 2016
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Sahara's magic act didn't just cause another explosion- it caused a riff in space-time. Now, with a portal open to another world within the walls of ZPA, can the residents of both worlds co-exist in harmony?

Zoophobia crossover - All characters belong to their creator, Vivziepop.
All MLP characters belong to Hasbro.

This is a story for this group right here.

Chapters (2)

Life has a weird way of messing with you. You might get screwed here or there, out a job, maybe a stab in the back, nothing you can't get back from. Then there are those times. The times you can't get back from within your wildest dreams. And the universe couldn't cut me a break and make the impossibility simple. Nope, didn't get to stay human, didn't get the luxury of being transmorgified into a pony, griffon, or other, I didn't even end up as an already established pony within the candyland of Equestria!

Nope, for me, I wake up not as Pinkie Pie, but instead inside the mind of Pinkie Pie. Back on the rock farm when she was a filly. My name ain't that important anymore, but Pinkie's taken to calling me Mena. And it's gonna be a long, windy, freaky road ahead, ain't it?


[Tags will be updated if need be. Dark tag there for overall and reoccurring themes. And while it's not enough to warrant the tag there may be adventure elements from time to time. Critique is welcome and I hope you enjoy!]

Holy cow, featured on day/night one! Thank you muchly so everybody!

9/19/2023: Overall grammar overhaul for existing chapters.

Chapters (14)


Have I been chosen?

... Or did this happen because I asked for it?

It doesn't really matter now, does it?

Stranded on another planet, at the mercy of the bastard god that brought me here, I will survive. I am not like the beings of this world. I am not like my own kind anymore.

I am growth. I am change.

I am the Chaotic Gamer.

Tags will be added as the story goes along

I'm going to keep a counter.
(18/Dec/2019) (12/Mar/2020)

Total featured times: 2

Chapters (5)

I wanted to just enjoy going to Supanova with some friends. As embrassing as losing a bet, my punishment being going dressed as Raven from Teen Titans is, I'm not going to let it spoil my fun.

However, waking up in the world of My Little Pony as Raven herself might spoil that fun. I mean, being an empath in MLP... after the Changeling Invasion at the wedding?

Yeah. I don't see any problems for me from that. Not to mention keeping my new powers under control when they're tied to my emotions and I haven't had all the years of training Raven did.

And let's not forget that my new powers are shadow magic, so basically Dark Magic. I don't see that causing me any problems socially, either. Nope. None at all.

T due to Scenes of Violence, Blood, (hence the Gore tag) sometimes and nudity of a young girl and other things.

Adventure and Slice of Life tags would be here if they didn't go against each other, plus there was no room. Sex tag mostly for when Raven is nude and how she talks about sex and similar things with the ponies at times.

Featured 3/5/2016.

Featured 12/3/2017? Wow. Thanks:scootangel:

Featured 23/3/2017.:rainbowderp: Um... okay.

Chapters (14)

Be Awed and Amazed by the tale of Sweetie Belle as she traverses the multiverse in search of her lost mentor and friend, Twilight Sparkle! Will she find her in post-apocalyptic Equestria? Or maybe in a strange world where everypony is the wrong gender? Or even where a Pony claims to be a human? Read as she journeys through very familiar worlds you might have read about... if you dare!

At this point in time all the main worlds to be visited have already been chosen. Thank you all for the suggestions, and I hope you enjoy the surprises!

Here's the official TSC:F Music Intro: The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments

You can also visit the TV Tropes Page which has spoilers!

Chapters (38)

Twilight gets killed protecting Princess Celestia and wakes up to the words Game Over floating in front of her.

Chapters (21)

Another Harry Potter crossover fanfic (in general; it's actually my first one.) This time, however, I'm giving Harry to somepony a little less scrupulous.

Chrysalis had been planning for the attack on Canterlot for years.

When she wanted to relax, she would walk through an odd portal that led to a world unfamiliar to her.

It was during one of these walks that she stumbled upon the blood wards of #4 Privet Drive... and the negative emotions of one Harry James Potter.

Upon the further investigation she had ordered, Chrysalis discovered the true depths of these emotions.

She also ended up linking Harry into her hive physically and mentally. A whoopsie for most, but for Chrysalis, it presented a chance to give a better life to Harry.

The only downside was that she needed to rethink her plans to include Harry.

The Wizarding World shall beware Prince Harry Chrysalia...

The cover image is a DeviantArt picture from seahawk270. Go support the original creator!

Chapters (3)

Red Vs Blue Xover!

Church, the Alpha, was fairly sure he would die when he went to confront the Meta. Dead or not, he didn't expect to wake up in a forest, and not as a horse. A horse with a horn, wings, modified armor, and mounted firearms- but still a horse. Because he refused to call himself a pony, no matter what the locals said or how much Tex teased him! Now he just has to try to save his fractured mind. The AIs, luckily or not, are there to help him as they explore this new world.

Meanwhile, his loud and painful(for him) entrance into their world has brought a great amount of attention to the mysterious being that is now wandering through Equestria. The ponies best tread carefully. After all, the Alpha's "pack" can be protective.

May be Harem/Marem/Herd.

PS The Dark tag is mainly for Alpha Church's canon back story.

Chapters (3)

WARNING! This story is a spinoff of my surprisingly successful story Refined Starlight in a Broken Vessel!

If you are not familiar with it, please read it here

From whole 'nother world comes three new vault hunters, six new areas, four new vehicles, and hours of bonus quests!

Explore the derilect Weastton Drilling Rig, rumored to be haunted!
Check out the Hyperion Ultimate Racetrack!
Take to the skies in a Buzzard or a Condor!
Take the new Grinder vehicle, which is heavily armored and slow, but crushes enemies under its spiked wheels, for a spin!
Zip across the dunes of the Dust or the snow of the Highlands in the new Nightmare vehicle, a speedy bike with a front-mounted minigun!
Sass back against Handsome Jack!

Play as any of the three new classes:
The loyal Speed Demon, Rainbow Dash!
The crazed Reveler, Pinkie Pie!
Or the cosmic Starborne, Anthony!

Three new Legendary items are also scattered about, in the hands of dangerous new Bosses:
The high-capacity Vladof Insurgency Supreme is an assault rifle with over 200 magazine capacity!
The super-durable Pangolin Alpha-Series shield unit, that looses a blinding flash when depleted!
And the insane Maliwan Dreamwalker, an SMG with every elemental type in one gun!

Buy the pack, plunder Pandora, and throw Handsome Jack a party he won't ever forget!

Includes a new theme tune to go with the new Vault Hunters.

Second Warning! Contains spoilers for Borderlands 2.

Chapters (17)

Three friends, jonnybench, Lucifer, and Him were having a great time, playing minecraft and making up for trolls that they had played on each other. However, their attempt at making amends ends up displacing not just their minecraft avatar, but the players themselves as they end up in the mystical land of equestria. Will they return home? Only time will be able to tell.

I came up with this idea after reading a similar story, and decided to write my own using my minecraft username and two of my friends on a server I play on. My avatar is jonnybench, (korosensei skin currently) and feel free to join us on the crundee craft server if you want to see the world that helped to inspire this. (( for server ip) I don't own the server, i only play on it and hope to see more people join!)
The names of the two othe characters are people I play with. The names may get a bit annoying, but it was either Him or Death, and I wanted to limit myself to one satanic name.

Also, teen rating due to language. Nothing too bad, just wanted to put that out there. Might change later on.

Chapters (9)