• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

Amazin Applejack! 216 stories
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Total Words: 3,577,120
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Applejack's marefriend asks her the one question you never want to hear in a relationship, and she wants an answer. Now.

It's a really bad time to be the Element of Honesty.

Audio Reading by Agent0Fluffy

Chapters (1)

Applejack is a young filly trying to do more than she should be capable of. However, during her darkest time, help comes from a very unexpected source.

Chapters (1)

Rarity explains to Sweetie Belle what the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw when they walked in on her and Applejack.

It was totally innocent. Really!

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

While on a date, Rainbow Dash runs into an ex-girlfriend. Things get uncomfortable immediately.

Sex tag is for raunchy humor and implied relations of a deviant nature.

Chapters (1)

The Golden Oak Library was destroyed in Twilight's battle with Tirek. But instead of digging up the remains to use as decoration, what if the earth ponies of Ponyville had come together to regrow it in honor of Princess Twilight?

Chapters (1)

After her family finds itself in dire financial straits, Diamond Tiara must learn to deal with her situation. Though the transition is tough on her, she soon finds that her father seems happier since losing their fortune. As she tries to understand why, she begins recognizing the value of merit and her views on certain ponies change.

This is my entry for the Everfree Northwest Fanfiction Pre-Con Contest. Please judge as harshly as you want. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

A big thanks to Mudpony for all the help and finding a pic to be the cover art for the story!

Chapters (1)

Set after the events of Cart Before The Ponies, what would happen if Spoiled Rich had been watching the derby, and was less than thrilled at Diamond Tiara's performance? If you read it, you're about to find out.

Oh, and Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are there too. Just so you know.

Chapters (1)

Applebloom just wanted to spend a day with her friends, crusading for her cutie mark. Instead, she found something even deeper and more troubling about herself. Turns out she's not even a member of the Apple Family by blood. In fact, she's not even truly native to Equestria! She's an alien! An alien robot no less!

Now Applebloom will have to deal with the reality of her origins and try to cope with them and her newfound abilities as she moves towards her future; a future that just might never come to be if her new foes have anything to say about it. Decepticons are, after all, a monstrous cabal.

Now, it's up to Applebloom to light Equestria's darkest hour.

Cover image credit goes to Inspectornills

Chapters (12)

On the last day of school before summer vacation, Cheerilee informs her students that she's going to pursue her doctorate in Fillydelphia, and won't be returning as their teacher in the fall. Her friends and students alike spend her last night in Ponyville bidding farewell and showing their appreciation for her, each in their own unique way.

But one student, in particular, has a hard time coping.

Originally written for the Writeoff Association's July 2016 prompt* and published under the title Bonitatem Doce Me, this story has been revised, rewritten, and expanded from its previous version. Featured on EqD on 8/9/16. Also featured in the Royale Canteloupe Liberty.

*which it won!

Chapters (4)

There is and will be a time in your life in which you will have to say goodbye to someone you love with your whole life. For Twilight, a book or another pony cannot fix this new hole in her life.

This story dedicated to CuteSkittles, a friend who is moving away.

Cover art by: WhiteDiamondsLtd Will take down if requested.

Chapters (1)