• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012


Ok maybe you're right, but has anyone seen Discord and Star Swirl in the same room together?

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At what should have been a routine doctor's visit, Applejack learns that she can never bear foals of her own. After an emotional breakdown, her friends do their best to calm her.

However, as the discussion develops, nopony is prepared for Twilight's revelation: the grand event which brought them together has left a hidden scar within each of them.

Tempers flare, relationships are strained, and the strength of their friendship is tested as each must come to terms with her newfound sterility.

Now on Equestria Daily
and Twilight's Library

Thanks to these wonderful people for all their help

Cover artist


Prereadering and suggestions from:
Distaff Pope
John Perry

Chapters (3)

Thunderlane had never thought he would meet a mare who would turn everything he knew on love and relationships upside down. He always figured that if he ever found a mare worth dating, she would be a close friend of his who he could talk to easily.

That was before a simple mix-up introduced him to Derpy.

Now on a date with the wall-eyed pegasus, he finds out that sometimes a pony needs another to sleep peacefully.

Chapters (3)

Practice makes perfect. And Princess Twilight wants everything to be perfect. Especially the end of the world.

Chapters (8)

As Spike pines after Rarity, he remembers a bedtime story Princess Celestia told him long ago, called the Ballad of Firebrand and Olivine. The ballad was about a dragon and a pony falling in love, and the consequences that love brought upon them.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbooms and Royalty

Alternate Universe (Dashverse): A continuation of "Rainbooms and Royalty" Ponyville goes to sleep one night only to find in the morning that every foal in town is gone! The ancient evil King Sombra has returned and stolen foals from all over Equestria. But why? What is his true purpose in stealing them? It's up to Rainbow Dash and her friends to rescue the foals and stop this evil once and for all. But it's a long journey and complications arise with the ponies that join them. How can they save Equestria and preserve harmony when there is disharmony among their own ranks?

Chapters (29)

On the eve of another world ending crisis Princess Celestia has complete control of the situation. Every detail has been accounted for, every eventuality anticipated. The Elements of Harmony gathered and ready to save the day and even an important side project set up. Yet after planning so carefully there are still a few things that even Celestia couldn't anticipate or prepare herself for.

Celestia X Big Macintosh

Note: Story contains crack shipping, blatant stealing borrowing of Norse mythology due to author appeal, shameless use of Shakespeare quotes for chapter titles and the constant harassment of Princess Luna.

Chapters (8)

No one's important. No one's special. Except for the princesses.

Blueblood's always known this. He's always accepted this. He'll never be special. He'll never do anything important.

But now he has to. There's too much at stake.

He knows he'll fail, but he has to try. Because...

Chapters (3)

Rarity always wanted to be Lady Rarity. Over time, it became more clear it was not meant to be. But she's fine, she's got a successful business in Ponyville, her fashion line showing in Manehattan and she has her friends, even if most of them are moving on with their lives. A prince sweeping her off her hooves was just not meant to be.

So how in Equestria did she end up on a date with the richest pony in town?

Confusion, feelings and wine mix for a potentially explosive, heartwarming (or rending?) evening, along with a pinch of generosity.

A sweet, feels-full, wistful Rarity X Filthy Rich romance fic in three parts.




Written and developed in the same 'Universe' as Cola Bubble Gum's story, Rum Punch. Story takes place before the events of Rum Punch. If reading in order, read this story first.

Other Royalsverse stories: Colts, by Guy Incognito, Heart of Silver, by The Weatherbug, and Despicable Blue, by yours truly.

Initial idea was suggested by Cola Bubble Gum.

Story inspired by the song Royals as sung by Puddles Pity Party (kind of), and my deep love for Rarity (oh yes.)

Editors: Sharp Spark, Cola Bubble Gum
Additional Editing by: Comrade Sparkle

Artwork: 2135D Artwork inspired by Silver Linings Playbook , but made into a beautiful, better image by 2135D

Part of my 4 Prompt Jan Challenge. Even though I already broke the rules and made this a chapter story, and went over the word limit.

(Also, it's total horsefeathers that there isn't a Filthy Rich tag.)

Chapters (3)

Every child has a moment when they must come face to face with fear. It is a moment predicated in growth and exemplifying growing up. It is a moment that can define a childhood, for good or ill.

For Dinky Hooves, that moment has come.

Winning entry of the January 2013 Writeoff, "The First Time".

A standalone story of the Whiskverse!

Approved by Twilight's Library!

Now in Chinese! (Google translated and read by me!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Order

Despite receiving a harsh reprimand from Captain Ironhoof for his "little stunt," Flash Sentry still struggles with his forbidden feelings for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Maintaining a professional stance while adhering to the law of the land proves an even more difficult task, especially when his one act of defiance only seems to awaken the seething rebellion within him.

When Flash is assigned to escort Twilight to the Crystal Empire at Princess Celestia's insistence, tensions on all sides only seem to escalate.

Full list of character tags: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Discord, Prince Blueblood, OC, Other.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket and Holo for editing.

Now with a TVTropes page! A huge thanks and tons of Doge GIFs to Poptard for creating it!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for some language, mild violence, and thematic elements. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue and implied sexual situations.

Chapters (26)