• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012


Ok maybe you're right, but has anyone seen Discord and Star Swirl in the same room together?

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  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

It's Button Mash's birthday and he's finally legal across all of Equestria. All he wants to do is stay in, work on his kill to death ratio in Thirst for Blood and maybe catch up on some back issues of Moanin' Mares. Unfortunately for him, he has two best friends who've decided they've had enough of him being helpless, repressed and anti-social.

Rumble has a plan: a night of bar hopping from one end of Ponyville to the other where, hopefully, Button Mash can find a girl to take home. Rumble is absolutely sure this is the going to be the best night of Button Mash's life. Button Mash is absolutely sure he just wanted to stay in. Shady Daze is absolutely sure he wants to keep his two best friends out of a prison cell.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

(Set in the same world as Einhander's 'Royals' and Cola_Bubble_Gum's 'Rum Punch'. All the events are set after both stories.)

Cover art by Silver_Tip
Edited by SpaceCommie
Proof-Read and Co-Written by Shub-Niggurath

Chapters (17)

Screwloose, the notoriously screwy pony, has been getting better. She's been seeing a therapist, Dr. Hornwinkle, and he is pleased with her progress. She has been building relationships, fitting in, attending therapy sessions regularly, and speaking pony-speak instead of barking.

Dr. Hornwinkle suggests during one session that she tries dating, to see if she can finally integrate into pony society.

Alas, the pressure is too much and Screwloose suffers a bit of a relapse.

Chapters (15)

Twilight reads a book about literature and, analysing her world, decides that everything she does is planned by someone other than her.

She does not take it very well.

Rated Everyone for adult humour.

now with a reading

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo spends an afternoon out with Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Cover art generously drawn by Zaponator.

Chapters (1)
by Hap

Although Flash Sentry is overjoyed to be engaged to Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia withholds her blessing until she can interview the couple. At the interview, Flash is even more surprised than Celestia to find that something is indeed terribly wrong. This revelation leaves him questioning whether he ever really knew either princess.

Chapters 1-10 edited by the inestimable Zaponator, who encouraged me to write in the first place.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 5/14/14

Chapters (14)

Abstract: In his final and most personal monograph, a prolific and widely celebrated ethnologist and hippologist describes the customs of the Little Ponies (sp. Equus parvus) related to courtship and matrimony. Topics covered include sudden-onset equine infatuation (SOEI), typical courtship behaviors, the prominent role of the equine matchmaker, and the rituals of equine marriage.

But this study moves beyond a mere description of pony culture. It reflects also on the interactions between pony and human—and on what those interactions mean for the future of the human race.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (3)

Scansion has a problem. The poems that flow from his pen at night are the most beautiful he's ever written, but he doesn't remember writing them. Drawn ever-deeper into an exchange of letters with a voice that speaks only through his work, he must discover the truth: Is the lonely, recently-returned goddess of the night reaching out to him in the only way she can, or is he chasing shadows?

* Now with a dramatic reading by Neighrator Pony! *
* Chinese translation: 女神 (Thou Goddess) by 卷耳 (estiMaDashie)! *

Holy crap you guys. What have I unleashed? Here's a sample of the word-of-mouth blogstorm that drove it to the feature box out of nowhere:
"This is the best thing I've read in a long time."Bad Horse (rated: sitewide Top 10)
"'Thou Goddess' is magical and transcendent all the way through."Skywriter
"[P]oetic beauty. There is scarcely a height of acclaim I would not believe it deserves."Causal Quill (rated: sitewide Top 10)
"[C]hock full of splendid poetry … a jaw-dropping piece of prose and one of the best fics I have ever had the privilege to read."Present Perfect (rated: sitewide Top 15)
"I shall keep this brief, because I must finish weeping before lunch is over. This is gorgeous, and has utterly deserved every accolade it has received."Blue_Paladin42 (rated: sitewide Top 5)

Winner of AugieDog's "Nocturnes" Luna story contest! | Featured on EqD!

Further reviews:
"This is a remarkable fic, beautifully written ... quite simply, dazzling."Louder Yay (rated: ★★★★)

If the title sounds grammatically incorrect, please read this.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there was a pony. Her name was Celestia, and her purpose was to initiate a series of events which would ultimately result in in the production, encouragement, and maintenance of harmony in the world. This series of events started with eating grass.

Written during a speed-writing exercise at three in the morning. Experimental, pretentious, and totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (3)

After Twilight receives flawless marks on her exams, Princess Celestia rewards her with a visit to her private garden. Contains filly Twilight and Momlestia.

Cover art by Mamandil on deviantArt and used with permission.


Chapters (1)

[2nd Person Perspective]

Working as a waiter at Canterlot's various social gatherings is a nice job. Especially since you began chatting with the cello player of the usual quartet, Octavia. You've gotten to know a lot about her, but one night there seems to be something on her mind. You offer her a drink to ease her nerves and you bring your glasses together in cheers.

Next thing you know, you wake up in a strange hotel room in a town you've never been to next to a certain gray mare.

Art by John Joseco

Chapters (10)