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Cheese Sandwich asks Pinkie if she'd like to dance.

Equestria Girls Verse

This story takes place after Rainbow Rocks, contains minor spoilers.

Chapters (1)

After an incident at a dance club in Ponyville, Twilight is thrown out for good. To her horror, she finds out that her dancing is the cause.

Chapters (1)

Being locked in a small, confined house for several hours wouldn't be so bad, if there was a bathroom to use. And Pinkie Pie needs to go badly.

Season 5 spoilers!!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Spike's Dolls

Spike didn't see Rainbow and Pinkie laughing in the bushes.

But Twilight did.

And she intends to find out exactly what those ponies have been up to.

Chapters (1)

After the events of Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara have a little conversation. Surprises are shared, secrets are learned, and a scheming best friend is up to something...

Chapters (1)

It has been over a month since Twilight and Friends struck down Lord Tirek and saved Equestria, for the umpteenth time, and ever since becoming the Princess Of Friendship, Twilight has been curious about the secrets that Rainbow Power holds.

Spending most of her time studying on this new power, Twilight eventually gets the idea to tap into it once more, and see what it can do.

But she wasn't aware that Rainbow Power only works in their time of need, and in any other occasion, can cause "slight" loss of age. Stuck as foals, the Mane 6 have no choice but to embrace their new roles. Luckily for them, Rainbow Power also generated a temporary mother for them all.

CRITICAL CODE RED!!! CRITICAL CODE RED!!! CRITICAL CODE RED!!! YOU WILL ONLY HEAR IT THIS DANGEROUS SOUNDING ON THE WONDERFUL 101!!! (Wii U) This story contains, Foals, Cuteness, Rainbow Power, Diapers, Breastfeeding, Other Foal Stuff. Do not read if you suffer from a disease that could affect your heart if you read/saw cuteness. If you are pregnant, do not read, this is your future. Other than that, if you are not affected by this, enjoy the story!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Foalsitting Your Friends is Magic

Another surprising event has occurred revolving around Twilight's cold - this time managing to turn the ponies into dragons and the dragon into a pony! What type of disasters will happen this time?

Only one way to find out!

(I advise reading the prequel first, as it will make a lot more sense)

Chapters (2)

Gilda's been at Junior Speedsters Flight Camp for 3 months, and she still feels like she hasn't found her place. Even with her unique flight skills, the others seemed to ignore her entirely since she is a Griffin.

After another day of practice routines and ridicule, Rainbow Dash decides her friend needs some cheering up. And she's not giving up until she finds a solution to the griffin's problem.

Besides, most times all a sad friend really needs is a treat and someone to share the experience with.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has to break up with Flash Sentry due to royal reasons... and the fate of Equestria. Pinkie Pie, (with the help of Cheese Sandwich) throws a party. A 'So Sorry You Broke Up I Hope You Feel Better Soon and Find Your True Love Someday' party. Yes, that pony does have a party planned for every occasion!
But Twilight isn't feeling good about it. She goes into a mini depression, but decides to go. She was expecting a small get-together... not all of her friends getting paired up! And the worst thing to happen happens, Flash gets together with one of Twi's friends.
Will Twilight come to terms with what really has to be done? Will she accept her new fiancé? Will her friendship survive?
Find out.

Chapters (3)