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This story is a sequel to "Just Kiss Already!" And Other Rumbaloo Tales

Scootaloo and Rumble have finally graduated, and are trying to get used to their new lives together. With training at the Academy, as well as some pretty big and unexpected surprises along the way, the two have a lot of challenges ahead of them. As well as one certain question on every other pony's minds. "When are you getting married?"

Chapters (13)

It first started with Rumble liking Scootaloo, then they started liking each other, then they started dating. Simple as it sounds, this story indicates a lot more happening between the lines.

New Cover Art- Link

Old Cover Art-Link

Chapters (43)

What if you had super powers?

When Soarin's grandfather comes to visit, that's exactly what he gets. Now, with his new powers, he feels obligated to help those who need him most. Whenever there are natural disasters, he will be there. Whenever there is a loose baby carriage rolling down a hill, he will be there. Whenever a filly's cat is stuck in a tree, he will save it. Whenever his friends need him...he will try to be there.

Why? Because he has the ability. He has the courage. He is a hero. He is...Super Soarin!

Cover art by: MBlood

Chapters (6)

It's Twilight Sparkle's birthday, and Princess Celestia has sent her a rather unusual birthday gift. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are each given a gift certificate to a place that no pony seems to have heard of before. What will Twilight Sparkle and her friend's think of this strange gift? Will they be able to have fun and enjoy themselves at this place?

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is bitter at her idols after the failed Gala. But can this change?She is send on a mission with other pegasi and the Wonderbolts. Ending up wounded in a rather sticky situation all alone, she thinks that the Wonderbolts wont even notice her disappearance, they would leave, after all they didn't care.
Or not...
What if one of them had always kept an eye on her?

Chapters (4)

A freak accident causes Rainbow Dash to have to relearn the basics of both flight and walking. Her dreams of being a Wonderbolt seem crushed forever and she feels empty. However, all is not lost.

An unexpected stallion becomes her guide and trainer to help her become the pegasi she once was. They become fast friends, but will they discover more in this adventure in friendship?

If you spot any mistakes, feel free to tell me. Constructive criticism is appreciated :)

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been experimenting with top secret sports that they have been working on in hopes to bring new excitement and entertainment into this years upcoming Equestrian games. They need help in finding ponies to promote and play this new sport so that they can showcase it to the officials at the Equestrian games.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Little Push

He never seems to fit in. Some of them are dynamic and active, he is passive. Some of them are driven, he is lethargic. Some of them talk, he simply listens. Yet nopony doubts that he is a true friend.

Turquoise Blitz and Prism Bolt have a relationship, to the eyes of most ponies, roughly equivalent to what their mothers had. All it takes is one incident in their youth to form a bond with no words, no promises and total understanding.

And, as is often the case, the strongest bonds are christened in blood.

This is my entry to Kilala97's Fun Fact Fanfic Contest.

Proofreading done by Imaginary Valued.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had always wondered why and how pinkie had gotten her "Pinkie sense" and today Twilight was going to find out. Though the answer may shock her.....and may also make her contemplate her existence.

(Holy Sun Butt! This is a VERY dumb fic please don't take it seriously! Its supposed to be Crap! )

A Very Stupid One-Shot whose existence is solely based of the fact I have insomnia and that I was bored.:applejackconfused:

Give this a like if you hate raw lemons....or lemon juice...:pinkiesick:

This is unedited so don't take it seriously :applejackunsure:

I threw the cover art together last second so piss off. :ajbemused:

I wuv you all:heart::rainbowkiss:

Chapters (1)

A mischievous and evil little imp sneaks into Ponyville and upon seeing the tails of the Mane Six, decides to steal them in order to complete a special potion, and so, one by one he manages to dock each of them in their sleep. Now the girls must find a way to restore their tails and stop whatever the little creature has planned.

Cover art done by Powerpuncher.

Chapters (1)