• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

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Total Words: 12,796,504
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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Rainbow Dash finds out that Twilight's mother is the real identity of Silky Dusk, the author of the Daring Do books.

Excited by her discovery, she writes a fan letter.

Things only go downhill from there.

(Written before Daring Don't)

Proofread by RainbowDashie1001.

(Russian translation courtesy of Korryamber)

(Audio reading by KhaosSparkz)
(Audio reading by Ironwolf)
(Audio reading by Landon)

Chapters (3)

YouTube Reading by untamedwaters.

It's not easy being a child living with the knowledge that your mommy is never going to get to watch you grow up. But this was a young Rainbow Dash's reality. Despite her mother's cancer, Dash's family had still been a very happy trio of ponies. But all fairytales must end.

Rainbow Dash's father has come to terms with the approaching departure of the mare whom he called his 'angel'. When the time had finally come for her to say goodbye, would Rainbow Dash be able to accept that her mother will die?

"Mommy's going back to Heaven." It was such a comforting thought to Dash, but she didn't want her mother to go.

(Side-story to What's Really the Most Important, to shed light on what happened to Rainbow's mother. This is technically a prequel, since it takes place a good... 18 years beforehand!

Cover Art originally by TheToughestFighter


http://thetoughestfighter.deviantart.com/ )

Chapters (1)

With her return to Canterlot and her sister handling most of the royal responsibilities, Luna doesn't have much to do with her spare time. She and her assistant Vanilla decide to start a vlog, where Luna reads the fanmail that she receives.

Chapters (1)

Having returned to Canterlot for official purposes, Twilight and Spike grow increasingly ready to go back home to Ponyville. Yet, when Twilight recognizes signs of distress in the Sister Sovereigns, the princesses Celestia and Luna, her curiosity gets the better of her.

What she finds shows her more about her teacher than she could have dreamed...yet places her in tremendous danger...

Chapters (3)

After a strange set of circumstances involving baby beavers, a field trip from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and an "epic rain cloud" leave Sweet Apple Acres adrift Applejack writes to Mayor Mare asking for some understanding, some sympathy...and a bailout.

As things go from bad to worse around the farm a young republic is tested and Caramel finds himself in an usual position...all while Applejack informs the mayor of her attempts to save the farm.

Chapters (1)

As she prepares to lift the sun to its apex, to usher in the solstice and bring the Summer Sun Celebration to its climax once more, Princess Celestia embraces the vision of the Equestrian summer that it places before her.

In the vision the summer she is birthing plays out around her, and as a happy phantom she walks through the summer stories of the lives of Twilight, Spike, the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony, their families and loved ones, and even her own sister, Luna. As she does so, she thinks on this world, her role in it...and the gift she's given it.

Chapters (1)

Whilst enjoying the company of Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the doughnut shop immediately following the events of The Best Night Ever a disappointed Princess Celestia send a letter off to Prince Blueblood explaining the implications of his failure of the "Rarity Test", among other things...

Chapters (1)

A Spartan of the UNSC falls into Equestria and has various shenanigans in the land. First chapters revolve around how he meets the royalty, the mane six, and the new world in general.

Chapters (18)

Spitfire and Soarin' share a special moment after hours! Soarin' introduces Spitfire to something that she's never experienced before. Will she be able to handle it?

Chapters (1)

Dealing with dangerous animals can be a burdensome task. There are things that an animal caretaker will have to deal with that are more than just cuddles and cuteness. In a clearing, deep in the White Tail Woods, Fluttershy has a fateful encounter with a deadly python, big enough to swallow a pony whole.

I'm sorry for writing this. I really am. It's a very short read, and it's just a swift punch to the feels. Whether I hit your feels, or miss them by a long shot, either way, I made a terrible mistake and I apologize.

Chapters (1)