• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

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Total Words: 12,796,504
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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Eyes are a gateway to the soul

Even the most common sayings can lead into larger things. Twilight sends a letter to Celestia confronting her unjustly founded fears of Twilight's immortality years after the passing of her last friend.

Based off an idea conceived early this morning. Approx 1 hour went into this. Finally have a proper counter to the Twilight Sadfics out there.

Chapters (1)

During a lull in the conversation at an upper class charity dinner, Rarity takes a moment to contemplate some commonly held assumptions made of Princess Celestia. Specifically, her table manners.

Chapters (1)

It's common knowledge that Discord conquered Ponyville and cast his unique brand of magic over the residents. After his defeat, Twilight and Celestia set up counseling services for the ponies who remembered what it was like to be under his control. For Cheerilee, it may not be enough.

Chapters (4)

It has been a thousand years since Celestia last saw her beloved sister after her banishment. Ever since then, she has counted the days to her sister's return. When the night finally befell upon Equestria, and Nightmare Moon liberated, it was suppose to be a joyous reunion. But fate has something else in mind...

Collab done with TailsFox88 (Chapters 1-17)
Chapter 18 (Solo)
Collab done with Foals Errand (Chapters 19 onwards)
Artwork done by pridark

Chapters (19)

TD, the human that first showed up in Equestria in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! is depressed that he's stuck in the world of ponies with no way home, but finds solace in helping Cheerilee teach her class. However, Cheerilee is sick with the flu one week, and that just happens to be the week that a teaching supervisor comes to the small Ponyville classroom. From the very beginning she has doubts that TD is a person fit to teach the future generations of Equestria. Should TD fail to meet her standards, he will not be allowed to teach them anymore.

Non canon in the Non-Bronyverse

Chapters (2)

After an inventor, Fast Wheels, completes his masterpiece he is invited to showcase it to Princess Celestia herself! So, he arrives at Canterlot to give Celestia driving lessons and the day unfolds in a way that he could never have imagined...

Chapters (1)

Cloud Kicker has an issue.

The human TD Powell is in Equestria, and it is likely that he has... advantages that she cannot find with ponies (and one of her rules is no Diamond Dogs. Ever) but he seems more than a little unresponsive to her advances, claiming silly things like 'I'm not into ponies'. Of course, TD just found out that he can't go back to his planet, so he's stuck in Equestria forever! It's Cloud Kicker's job to make him feel welcome and comfortable, right?

Surprisingly enough, all goes well, and the two become good friends. But when an incident involving love poison affects their relationship, Cloud Kicker will be forced to deal with the fact that one of her precious few platonic friendships may be changed forever.

A crossover between The Winningverse and The Non-Bronyverse

Written for Cloud Kicker Month

Chapters (6)