• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

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Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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TD Harrison Powell, the human that first came to Equestria in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Ponyville for about three months when Twilight realizes something interesting: she doesn't really know that much about humans and how they work. Sure TD is receptive to her interviews for the most part, but he can't tell her everything and she wants to find out about how he acts casually.

So she decides to stalk him for science!

This is a little one-shot I decided to make while I'm waiting for my pre-readers to get the next chapter to me. This is canon and isn't supposed to be taken seriously at all.

Inspired by, but not ripped off of, Mood Wings

Chapters (2)

Death's job is simple. When somepony dies, it's up to him to make sure they pass on smoothly. Equestria isn't that large, and so his job is normally simple. A few here and there aren't ready to move on, and he helps them as much as he can. For him, life, or whatever it is you want to call it, is simple. Until Princess Luna, the only living being who can freely acces his little office, shows up with a request.

After all, Twilight is an alicorn now, and certain pieces of paper need to be filled out.

Chapters (1)

Every year around Hearth's Warming eve, Lyra the unicorn dreams about a mysterious figure in a red suit, and every year she goes alone to the place in her dreams, waiting for the stranger to come along. And every year, he's never once been there to greet her.

Will this Hearth's Warming Eve be different than the previous ones, the year her dreams literally come true? Or will she be left alone in the snow once more?

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu.
One-Shot story inspired the the image. All image credit goes to the artist. Cover was used with permission.

Chapters (1)

When Sombra, ex-ruler of the Crystal Empire, is discovered alive and well, Twilight has her hooves full keeping the tyrannical king in check. Instead of the original plan of throwing him in a dungeon or banishing him to Tartarus, Celestia decides to go with the plan that worked out well enough for Discord.

To reform Sombra.

Pinkie takes the job, and gets right to work in helping Sombra become a better pony. Will Sombra finally change from his old, wicked ways and reform? Or will he instead strangle the annoying, pink menace known as Pinkie Pie?

Thanks to the awesomely talented Mickeymonster for letting me use his art! Check him out for even more spectacular artwork!

Chapters (11)

When the mane six go to see a Wonderbolt's show in Canterlot, Fluttershy decides to not go as crowds of that size make her too nervous. So, Princess Celestia decides to spend the day with her instead while her friends are away. The two decide to play a few simple games of chess to pass the time...

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Chapters (1)

Who would have thought a pony and a changeling could have children together. I certainly wouldn't have. This is Shining Armor, and I'm in a weird situation. Chrysalis has shown up to my home and dropped a kid off stating that it was our son.

What will Cadance think? How am I going to raise a changeling child? Why does Chrysalis keep coming into my life, and why am I finding it harder to keep her away? Hopefully answers can be found with as little problems as possible. Oh who the Tartarus am I kidding, my seed is a changeling! There's bound to be a problem along the way.

Story inspired by Bakki's excellent fanart.

Cover done by Droll3. Thanks Droll3, and go check his work out

Chapters (7)

Who knew ten words could be so hard to write?

Small collab with RainbowBob

Edited by Sorren, Hobbes, SolidFire, and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)

RECoyote being told that he should be keeping a journal of his travels. REC finds out that Princess Celestia love getting letters from her ponies. So he starts sending her journal entries as letters.

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

Trixie had planned to have a quiet night under the open stars without Ursa Minors, enchanted amulets, and especially not other ponies to bother her. When a scroll turns up and commands her to attend the Princess for a night of deeply inappropriate fun, she just has one particular problem:

There’s more than one princess in Equestria.


Story is set a couple of weeks after the end of season 3.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus, Mooncalf and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry, To Romance a Magician and Spanner in the Works for three great fics that are well worth your time.

Image composition was done by me, vectors used from left to right are from blueathombomb, nickman983, chamomiletung, santafer and andreamelody.

By Royal Command now has an unofficial sequel/inspired by fic written not by myself in the form of Waiting for Celestia.

Chapters (1)