• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Favourites 1055 stories
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Total Words: 12,796,504
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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Featured August 5-7, 2013.

After releasing Snowdrop's first snowflake into the first winter's snow, Luna reminisces about the last time she saw Snowdrop before becoming Nightmare Moon. After going to bed and commencing her dreamwalking for the night, she runs into said friend in her own dreams.

This is a sequel to SillyFillyStudios fan episode Snowdrop. It is advisable that you watch before reading the story.


Chapters (1)

After Celestia humiliates her at a dinner, Luna storms off and ends up snooping around in her sister's room. There, she stumbles upon the journal Celestia kept immediately after the banishment of Nightmare Moon.

Cover art by bunnish on dA.
This story now has a reading by Craft Arts. Go check it out!
Featured on Equestria Daily on August 22, 2013.

Chapters (1)

The sequel to Role Reversal.

It's been several weeks since Smarty Pants began her life at Sweet Apple Acres. Even after the night she shared with Big Mac, he hasn't realised her true intentions. Seemingly, his definition of 'friend' is very different to her own. When Smarty catches wind of an upcoming competition, she hatches a plan in the hopes of finally making Big Mac understand her feelings. What can possibly go wrong?

Pre-read by the, oh, so lovely RainbowBob, and edited by the omniscient Fluttrick!

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash: two ponies leading two separate lives. Yet after a series of fateful encounters, the two will discover something that will change their lives forever.

Chapters (9)

One day you decide it's time to change it all. Instead of minding your own business, you accompany Celestia to wherever she needs to go to. A bond is certainly being established...But what kind of bond?

My first attempt at a multichapter story. Celestia has been requested a lot of times for a heartwarming moment but as soon as I began, I realized something. I wasn't able to make a one shot out of it without breaking the story. Because of that, this will be the first story I've written with more than one chapter.

I have no idea how long it will be and chapters will probably be posted once every week.

Big thanks to my (retired) editor Keeper-of-Harmony.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to To Befriend the Night

A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step, sure, but the remaining steps are no less difficult. You are merely more determined to survive them.

A deed which, like all others, is much better endured in good company.

Coverart once again done by jjames10 (or Tome Turner).

Chapters (14)

Submitting to trials, tribulations, lies, misunderstanding, and pain. And all these things for one purpose. To Befriend the Night.

Coverart by: jjames10 (Tome Turner)
Thanks man!

Sequel out now: To Swoon the Stars

Chapters (17)

What Spike was doing in the episode "Stare Master". After Twilight leaves to go have tea with Zecora, Spike starts to worry when Twilight doesn't come back after a while. (NOTE: If you haven't seen the episode "Stare Master", I recommend doing so before reading this story).

Cover art belongs to TheDescendant.

Chapters (2)

After a thousand years imprisoned in the moon Luna has returned but for her those thousand years passed by in a matter of moments. Though the Elements of Harmony have cleansed Nightmare Moon's taint from her heart she is still very much a broken mare. Celestia suggests she write her thoughts down in a diary to help her process what she is going through but what will she see fit to write?

Chapters for this story will be short but will be updated often.
Featured on 6/18/2014 and several times since then. Holy crap you guys are awesome!

Chapters (177)