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One day, while deep in thought during a flight, Fluttershy finds herself flying over Sweet Apple Acres. She ends up helping Applejack harvest her apples, but she's got something that she's having trouble getting off her chest.

(My first pony fanfic! Originally posted on EqD back in March-April 2011. I'm pretty sure it was the first AJ/FS fic on EqD, a fact I like to tout because I am silly.

Being as it's my first work, I think I've improved quite a bit since then, but I'm still quite pleased with how it came out as a whole.)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Sparkle Kitten

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity are about as happy as two ponies can be together. Their love is about to be tested, though, when Twilight's former flame returns to Ponyville to take back what was once hers.

This story takes place in the same timeline as Sparkle Kitten and Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge. It's written without taking the events of Magic Duel into consideration, as I thought of this idea a good long while ago, but only just got to it.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating?

The Handmaiden is the right hoof of the Queen. Bodyguard, Confidant, Friend, Lover, Assassin. These are all roles the Handmaiden may be expected to fill. This is the story of the Handmaiden to Queen Chrysalis, Truth Uso, and her last days as the Handmaiden.

Rated Teen for Violence and Swearing

This Story is actually a prequel, taking place before If You, and therefore contains inherent spoilers. However, the ending to If You spoils this story as well. Read If You if you want a funny plot twist. Read this story if you want a serious plot twist.


Source leads to title cover art. Untitled cover art here

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Side-story to Past Sins - Slowly, the wounds inflicted by Nightmare Moon's reign heal. Ponyville is being reconstructed, and the last refugees are leaving the castle. Nyx is with Twilight. Celestia and Luna rule Equestria and guide the sun and moon once more. Everything is as it should be.

But some things are never washed away. These are the things that remain to remind us of the past. They remind us of the good times we've had with friends and family. They never let us forget the mistakes we've made. Everyone has them. Twilight has them. Nyx has them.

And, on occasion, when you share your scars, your photos, and your trinkets with another, they just might share theirs in return.

Chapters (1)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

Novalis has progressed far. Once a mere admirer of Princess Luna, he is now her ambassador on errands she cannot handle herself, and her personal student, studying the stars and sky when his dreaming is not interfering.

A sequel to Nocturnality, Novalis will now begin exploring the world, and his relationship with the Lunar Princess.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Gemmed Satyr

The third episode of the Gems Trilogy. Rated Teen for sexual implications, minor violence, and some dark themes.

It’s been three months since the events of The Sweetest Gem and The Gemmed Satyr, and everypony is in emotional turmoil.

Can Fluttershy stomach up the courage to take her relationship with Rarity to the next level? When Rainbow Dash finds out a dark secret about Applejack’s boyfriend Caramel, can she hold a promise not to tell her friend, or will her conscience make her do the right thing?

Does Sweetie Belle really have good reason to worry about her and Spike's future together? And just why has Pinkie Pie been so keen to hang out with Twilight lately, and what does she mean by the "prophecies" coming true'?

But their problems are only beginning. Trouble is brewing in Equestria. Strange things are happening all over the land: one of the royal sisters has mysteriously disappeared, a familiar evil is about to rise again, and the fate of all the hearts in Equestria will lie in these six ponies’ own troubled hearts as they search for a mystical place talked about only in myth.

Chapters (27)

Discord was defeated. Villains always are. It’s really quite cliché.

Before he lost, he asked himself a question: what if your virtues went out of control, rather than your flaws? Perhaps if the heroes and villains weren't so clear-cut, the conclusion wouldn't be so inevitable. If nothing else, there would be some fun chaos along the way!

Can the main six find a way to undo Discord's magic, in spite of themselves and each other?

Disclaimer; I have been working on this for a while, and the writing at the beginning is not as good as the writing later. Hopefully it is not too great of an impediment to the story.

Editing by Meta Four, ocalhoun, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi, Sessalisk, Sereg, and JapaneseTeeth, all of whom are amazing. Go shower them with admiration!

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Alternate cover by sstwins! Unfortunately I couldn't use it since it compresses badly on fimfic, but still worth a look!

Google Docs version (contains unpublished/scrapped chapters and early drafts--if you're only interested in the finished product you can safely ignore this link)

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Borderline

Reading the first one is not absolutely necessary, but strongly recommended.

I don’t know how, but Pinkie managed to escape from the Canterlot Prison for the Mentally Unbalanced, adding insult to injury to a nation which has already been shaken by her murders. Sugarcube Corner has been abandoned ever since her spree, but now something is stirring in there again.

I can’t help but shudder as Mully tells me to check on the disturbance. A part of me hopes that this will be just another case of a desperate teenager first dealing with misconduct. The other part dreads what I might find amidst the decrepit walls of what Pinkie once turned into a slaughterhouse.

A collaboration between Owlor, Lucefudu and jmj.
Edited by MikhailWilson.

[Cover art by Darkenshore and xArakayx; edited by MuzzledElk and MikhailWilson.]

Chapters (19)

The sequel to Pinkie Pie Discovers Coffee, a series of oneshots show what other horrors will be unleashed on Ponyville as several different ponies try out the Cake's brand new Starbits coffee lineup.

Chapters (4)