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In 2161, the Federation was founded, making contact with several new species, their goal, exploring the stars, meeting new friends, and discovering new things. However, the worlds they've seen are only part of what awaits to be discovered. Admiral Wyatt, commanding officer of an Excalibur class vessel, U.S.S. Chestnut, have been called into battle against the dreadful Na'kuhl, a race bent on altering the timeline for their lost homeworld. Shortly after, though, they are pulled into a world with different physics, less-than-normal violence, and more than Starfleet could have even expected. Join the crew as they voyage further into the unknown, beyond the known universe, and into the more vast, wondrous, and most intriguing points of the theorized multiverse.

{NOTE: This story is set for teen because there is major violent conflict in space, minor on ground, no gore, however. This is my first story that I have made so far, some of the chapters may seem a bit lazy in the way they're made, so I may edit them sometimes, and new chapters will be posted at random, so keep an eye out for any new chapters I post. I hope you enjoy it upon finish. LLAP :):twilightsmile::yay::raritywink::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy:

Star Trek, and other referenced characters are the property of CBS Paramount Corporation, My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro Studios.}

Chapters (16)

*Takes place after the events of the 2017 Power Rangers movie so, spoiler Alert is in order*

When Jason used the Megazord to slap Rita Repulsa into space to defeat her, Rita along with her Green Ranger power coin were sent flying in another direction that flew all the way to another planet where a certain newly crowed Princess of Equestria named Twilight Sparkle finds the coin during a walk with her love Flash Sentry while Rita follows suit.

Later that night when she is asleep, a group of assassins try to murder Twilight in her sleep, but seeing an opportunity to get revenge on the Rangers and Zordon, Rita intervines save Twilight from death.

Then using her dark powers, she posses Twilight via the green ranger coin that allows the princess new powers like never before, but unknown to the princess, nothing is what it seems as Rita's world and Twilight's world are on a collision course that will see two factions of good unite to stop not only Rita, but also the Traditionalists as well.

*This will be similar to the Green With Evil MMPR story in Season 1 and using elements from the 2017 film and a few other bits as well.

The Sex tag is for bits of occasional nudity.

Theme song: Green Ranger theme song

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro Inc.

Power Rangers belongs to Saban Inc and Haim Saban.

The Assassinverse and the cannon stories that fall into it (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle and Aftermath of a Fallen Star) belong to Rated-Ponystar.

Chapters (12)

On November 28, 2015, there was a riot on Crystal Empire, it's between King Sombra's supporters and non-supporters. Over 500 ponies were dead during the conflict. Most of them alive to tell the stories of a Black Griffon downed today, this is the story about, Black Griffon Down.

Inspired by Black Hawk Down
Image cover by Pandramodo or PJ, check PJ's DeviantArt!
Storyline by Moonbeam the Changeling
**Some of them were picked from the movie "Black Hawk Down" and National Geographic "No Man Left Behind".

Chapters (2)

Celestia has given Sweetie Belle a rare opportunity to become an exchange student where she can bring friendship to a whole new world’s students of magic. Elsewhere, Theodore Nott has been given a similar opportunity: turn down his Seventh Year at Hogwarts in order to learn powerful magic from the cursebreakers of the Equestrian Crystal Empire.

Neither of them has the slightest idea what they are about to experience over the next year.

Editors: Tek, Peter, Charles H
Cover art from Florida's Harry Potter World at night.

Chapters (15)

The evil in Equestria has returned and it's up to a team of friends to stop them. The team must use the Elements of Harmony and become powerful beings; Power Rangers.

With another world in need and their friend taken by the forces of darkness, can Adam; with the help of his friends, protect the world that is precious to him.

And save Discord.

Chapters (27)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders fail to get their cutie marks yet again, they think they will never find out what their talents are. But all that change when a new transfer student named Imp joins Cherilee's class. When they try to be friends with the new student, they get involved with the Armor Fillies, an organization run by an Alicorn, named Faust, and her Counsel. The three will team up with other fillies and young creatures to fight against the dark forces that threaten Equestria.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Edit By Florarena Crimsonflame, 90259025, Cookiedo and Quickscript

Note: When I first published this story, I got so much flack and I deserved it. But this time I cleaned it up and gave it more descriptive detail. I even got an editor, though I had to do the first few chapters on my own since she was busy at the time. I want for people to remember this story for good reasons and not bad ones. Hope this is better

Chapters (27)

Two years have passed since the Royal Wedding, and the kingdom is preparing to celebrate. As part of this, foreign royalty are being invited to the celebrations, and one of them in particular will fire young Scootarella's heart.

Requested by Chazkopa. Artwork by the wonderful Fude-Chan-Art.

Chapters (5)

Many millennia ago, Pokemon used to roam the world of Equestria freely. Then, one day, they simply vanished... One day, a crazed stallion decided to mess with something that should have been left alone. With Pokemon suddenly appearing in Equestria once more, how will Equestria cope with change, especially when the Pokemon appear to be more than what the myths said?

(Formerly known as "Faraway World of Our Dreams".)

This idea came to mind when I saw all of the Human-turned Pokemon in Equestria fics, and I thought, “Hey, maybe I can make a unique spin on it!” So that’s how this came to be. Hopefully, aside from a random twist here and there, you’ll enjoy a (relatively) realistic take on HiE as Pokemon. Will update sporadically, whenever I get ideas and have time to write.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon, nor do I own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are owned by Nintendo and Hasbro respectively. I claim no credit, ownership, etc, and ask that you support the official shows.

Chapters (42)

After Trixie breaks a teleportation spell, Scootaloo the not chicken becomes flat and is sent on an adventure to collect the Pure Hearts with a dude named Mario and a butterf- Pixl named Tippi.

Chapters (3)

This is my first story so, bear with me if it's not perfect or bad grammar mistakes so...enjoy!

Twilight herself is thrown into a tailspin when Celestia and Luna decide to retire. However, a new villainous alliance is rising from the cyber space, and suddenly, there is a crisis on two worlds. The Mane 6 will need the help of the Beast Morpher Power Rangers to save their worlds with magic, and zords to save the day!

Beast Morphers - It would have to take place after "The Cybergate Opens", but during "Silver Sacrifice"
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Probably a rewrite of the season 9 opener so, most of this will probably not be canon.

I don't own anything. MLP & Power Rangers are both owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (7)