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Mister Forbidden. The weird bug pony in the crystal castle tree. Has a dislike for technical incest. Somehow found a way to safely acclimate a robot to its cybernetic existence without an existential rampage.

This weird bug pony is me.
A crossover with the indefinitely stagnant Friendship Is Witchcraft by Sherclop Pones.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends have a lot of strange adventures
(Note: In this story Cozy Glow is free from her stone prison and reformed. Also my OC: Tidalwave is dating Applejack)
Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke
(Cuphead is Dating Scootaloo)
(Spike is dating Rarity and Applebloom)
(Spike and Applebloom have a female Longma baby named: Talonflame.)
(Tidalwave and Applejack adopted Cuphead and Mugman)
(Pear Butter and Bright Mac from Canterlot High visit once in a while)
(All of this takes place a year after 'The ending of the end')

Chapters (1)

The crew of the USS Orville was excited to visit Equestria. Much like the other planets they've visited on the far reaches of space, it promises to be another thrilling encounter full of wonder and intrigue.

And then they go and screw it up. Now, the crew must do their best to make up for it or they risk alienating one of the Union's most valuable vacation spots and the source of its delicious breakfast pastries. We can't have that.

Chapters (2)

It's the year by the pony calendar of course. It's the year 1990 ponies rule the earth. But there is more to this story than an invasion from an alien race in the universe. There is so much more of how this came to be.

Some don't even remember the true story of what happened to earth.

Chapters (13)

Dudley has been a spoiled brat his whole life. So what happens when he finds this weird show that is not only interesting but makes him drop his guard just enough to learn something about himself and possibly even change his character for the better?
That's right Dudley the Brony. He'd never admit it to Harry, or even his parents but he has fallen in love with the little girls' show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Read on to find out what it does to him.

Let me know what you think but please keep the comments clean; I share this account with my little sister and she reads them too.

Now has an audio reading by No One and Nobody.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were hanging out in their clubhouse when a strange miasma rolls in. It's mere presence brings in strange creatures known as shadows that seek to destroy all that is good but why did the fog roll in and where did the creatures come from.

Chapters (8)

There was a field trip to Canterlot Stadium for a baseball game happening. But, Twilight and her friends, including Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, couldn't go. They got so depressed, they were sent home. Who can cheer them up? Maybe Lincoln Loud and his sisters can help.

Chapters (12)

SG-1 is sent through the Stargate as a forward scouting team for an extended scientific mission to P3X-597. Arriving in a long abandoned castle, the team heads out for the nearest village. As they approach, it becomes clear that the locals aren't exactly human. Their contact with the pony-like aliens goes well, conveniently timed alongside a celebration of the sun, until an over-the-top, hammy, evil pony appears to ruin the festivities.

A Stargate SG-1 crossover.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle discovers something in the Everfree Forest. Something that nopony had seen for hundreds of years. A Stargate. A wormhole linking Equus to the rest of the Pegasus Galaxy, not to mention to the home planet of the bipedal race that used to be Equestria's biggest ally before the Equestrian government, headed by Princess Celestia herself, decided that it was time to shut it down for good.

But will that race still be there after all this time? Only one way to find out.

Chapters (5)

Responding to a magical letter that was somehow able to make it through the iris.....SG-1 jumps through the wormhole only to discover a child's television show on the other side......Or is it? Other humans are using the second stargate on earth, constantly visiting this world and threatening it's inhabatants. Jack O'neil, Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c embark on a quest that might just question the validity of the largest toy and TV show producer in America.......

This is a cross over from the si-fi show, Stargate: SG-1. I highly recommend watching it before reading this, just look it up on the net. Great show. Anyway, enjoy!


Chapters (5)