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It wasn't long since Scar took over the Pride Lands, and everyone is left now wondering what the best course of action for both Equestria and the Pride Lands future, while wondering how to defeat him with the upcoming Summit at the Crystal Empire their next best course of action.

But before any of that could happen, Kion had his new magically enhanced crown along with his sister's (really Twilight's) stolen by Sunset Shimmer, another former student of Princess Celestia's who seeks to achieve it's power leaving both Kion, Bunga, and Spike all following after the now villainous Twilight Sparkle for going after the unicorn.

There they all find themselves in a new universe where they all are all now humans in front of a high school where they meet their human counterparts who share a lot of parallel similarities to their friends back in their home world all living lives as high school students at Canterlot High with some testy tension underneath their skin deep down.

In order to get back Kion and Kiara's crowns back and stop Sunset Shimmer from unleashing her evil plan to take over both worlds, both Kion and Twilight have to work together and become Prince and Princess of the upcoming Fall Formal while having to deal with whatever trick she has up her sleeves.

But can they do it in the next three days, before their only way back to their world is closed off for the next thirty moons?

Only time will tell with teamwork and mended fences required in order to pull things through.

*Note (This takes place just after the Season 4 premiere in between Castle-Mania and Daring Don't)

Chapters (12)

1000 years ago, the youngest of the royal sisters was banished to the deepest regions of space, where her dark magic could do no harm to Equestria or the ponies living on it.

The powers of the ponies that help defeat her were kept away, until the right time when they would be needed again.

Now, 1000 years later, deep in the mountains around Canterlot Celestia prepares for the day when her sister would return. That day is today, and its up to three ponies to put a stop to her and her army. Are they the best choice? No, because they are our only choice.

Element Storm Rangers: Scootaloo (Red), Sweetie Belle (Blue), Applebloom (Yellow)

Thunder Storm Rangers: Rumble (Crimson), Button Mash (Navy)

Inspired by the various Pony Rangers stories on FimFiction, and inspired by the Power Rangers show. Will add more characters to the description as the story progresses, as to avoid spoilers.


Chapters (16)

My Entry for the NaPoWriMo, this is my first huge huge story that I have written and posted like this.
The Premise is in the first chapter, and I hope that I can explain everything as the story is read. Thanks for taking the time to read it, as I have really worked hard on it and appreciate it.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Element Pony Rangers

Five months pass since Celestia and Luna was reunited and the Element Rangers enjoy their Peace. But when a old evil that was defeated by the Princesses return, the Element Rangers take up the Elements to defend Equestria once again. Welcome Discord, the god of Chaos and Disharmony. Will the Rangers be able to stop this threat or will Discord do what Nightmare Moon can't, destroy the Element Pony Rangers.

During the fight, a ranger will fall, new monsters will be fought and there will even be a evil team of rangers! Can the Rangers handle this new threat or will fall under Discord?

Returning from Season 1
Rainbow Dash as Element Red
Fluttershy as Element Yellow
Applejack as Element Blue
Pinkie as Element Pink
Rarity as Element Black
Twilight as Element Green and later Element White

Also returning from Season 1 are,
Trixie-former minion of Nightmare Moon and partly minion of Discord
Fighter-former minion of Nightmare Moon and now minion of Discord
Lighting Dust-Former Evil Green Ranger
Snap and Snails-that will have a bigger role then season 1 this time

New to the season
Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Twist-As Discord's Thunder Rangers. Along with Trixie, Fighter and Lighting Dust.

A bigger cast and hopefully bigger action. Get ready, because IT MORPHIN' TIME!

Chapters (3)

I had this idea for some time and I'm not the only one to write this type of crossover.

When the Evil Nightmare Moon and her minions escape their prison on the moon, Princess Celestia chosen five mares to be a new team, The Element Pony Rangers! My very first try at show I just started to watch and My childhood show. IT MORPHIN' TIME!

As the season continues, more ideas of my own will be added and Twilight will join her friends. I even have other Pony Rangers stories up. Feel free to read them.

Rainbow Dash is Element Red,
Fluttershy is Element Yellow,
Applejack is Element Blue,
Pinkie Pie is Element Pink,
Rarity is Element Black,
And much later Twilight joins as Element Green,
Hope you enjoy it!
Season 1

Cover made by Zenitram like he for Lance Skyes

Chapters (21)

When a new threat appears from another dimension and steals the Element of Harmony and it looks to be the end of the Pony Rangers, but a new ally comes from the same dimension and you know what they say new allies comes new power and new power comes with great responsibility. Pony Rangers! ZEO!

Pinkie Pie-Zeo Ranger 1, Pink
Fluttershy-Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow
Applejack-Zeo Ranger 3, Blue
Rarity-Zeo Ranger 4, Green
Twilight Sparkle-Zeo Ranger 5, Red
Rainbow Dash-Gold Zeo Ranger

Take place after all three season of my Element Rangers. Not sure how this is going to go but I'll do my best. Dimension Lord belong to me and is the Other Character to play the main villain. I need a description of the Zeo Zords in order to more on. So can some one please help me out here.

Cover made by Zenitram.

Chapters (2)

Luke Smith was living his normal life in Bend, Oregon. He didn't hate his home world, but he kind of find it boring sometimes, and wanted something exciting in his life. He was a very high functioning type of autistic person, and had a good heart. When he was unexpectedly transported to Equestria by wishing on a shooting star, it made his whole life different for him to endure.

Chapters (115)

Many people have many theories about Scootaloo. Some think she's an orphan. Some think she's part of an abusive household. Others still worry that she's somepony's illegitimate offspring that's hidden away.

However, the truth is far from that. She has a loving mother and father, and she means the world to them both. They've gone to great lengths all for her.

However...they're just a little...strange. Especially since neither one is comfortable with coming out except at night.

Rated Teen for some adult language.

Partially inspired by this story by Colonel J.

Edit: New Cover Art by G_Haze! Found here.
Edit 2: And G_Haze has decided to update the cover art, and damn does it look good.

Chapters (11)

After discovering that Cadence is not who she appears to be, Twilight is sent to another world entirely by the disguised Changeling Queen to avoid her plan being disrupted.
When Twilight lands, she discovers that not only have Spike, Owlowiscious and Peewee followed her, but that they've arrived in a world where the main sentient species is human.
There's still a place where they teach magic, though.
Crossover with Harry Potter. Twilight will be effectively taking the role of Hermione.

I've marked this story as cancelled to reflect the unlikelihood of it continuing. If I do come back to it I'll revert that.

Chapters (9)

Crossover with the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

An accident causes Queen Chrysalis to be freed from her prison long thought lost. In response to this, Princess Celestia asks Twilight to select five "Teenagers with attitude" to become Equstria's greatest heroes.

To become the Mighty Morphin' Power Ponies!

Rated teen for violence and a swear or two.

Idea came from Jake the Army Guy, so many thanks to him! :pinkiehappy:

Cover Art drawn by KarmaDash who does commissions, so check her out if you need art done!

Chapters (9)