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Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Golden Oak. It's continuing mission, to explore stage, new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where nopony has gone before.

Chapters (1)

(The continuation of this story-verse is Star Trek: Pegasus.)

This is a direct sequel to my previous fic The Quandary of DisQord and is, of course, another Star Trek: The Next Generation / Friendship is Magic crossover. This time, however, Q has decided to bring the crew of the Enterprise-D along for the ride as well.

This is a much lighter story than Quandary was (since Quandary was the story of Discord's reign prior to his first defeat, it was bound to be a bit on the dark side). Also, be warned, though I tried to keep them to a minimum, there are still a few references to and spoilers for Quandary in this fic here, so I'd obviously recommend reading that one first before reading this one. Though, at the same time, this one is hopefully self-contained enough that you wouldn't necessarily have to read Quandary first in order to understand anything, if you don't care to.

Also beware, there is a bit of very mild one-sided shipping between one of the ponies and one of the humans, but nothing super serious or squicky or anything like that. And the Discord/Celestia ship from Quandary is touched upon again, of course. Just thought I'd mention it here, in case someone might be turned off by that sort of thing.

As with Quandary, extensive (and spoiler-filled) Author's Notes can be found after the end of the final chapter.

(Cover image is a direct screen-grab from the Next Gen episode "The Arsenal of Freedom" that I played around with in GIMP.)

Chapters (15)

Captain’s Log; Stardate: 54870.6

It has been two weeks since Neelix left Voyager to be with his own kind and things on Voyager have slowly started to readjust itself. We've recently picked up a strange unknown energy signature coming from a small M-Class planet and have changed course to investigate.

A Star Trek Voyager Crossover.

This will be getting a new author as soon as ShobieShy gets around to it.

Chapters (2)

During a battle with Discord, a mishap occurred when Q and Discord use their power at the same time, sending the manes 6 to the Enterprise-D, from there Captain Picard and the crew is faced with a new threat, changing the history The Next Generation's universe as we know it. Cover art by WhiteDiamondsLtd

Chapters (1)

Human Tag = Human In Equestria
Blog Post regarding title change
A Star Trek Crossover
It was a long six months, but thankfully it was finally over. After an uneventful tour of duty patrolling the Tzenkethi DMZ, Lieutenant James Scott, Helmsman of the Akira-Class USS Juno Beach, was glad to be rotated off for three weeks shore leave.

En Route on the Shuttlecraft Nichola Goddard to the Trill Homeworld, there was a small mishap... Apparently Dark-Matter doesn't mix well with Matter/Anti-Matter Drive Cores.

Crash landing outside a small hamlet town inhabited by Ponies, a Starfleet Officer must find a way to make the best of thier situation.

Title is in homage to the novel of the same name by Thomas Wolfe

Chapters (11)

After playing lots of America in mlp mods I decided to give my own account a try so here I go.

America after WW2 capitalist America and communist Korea are at war and this escalated into a full blown nuclear war but Americans survived better then others did and manage to escape most of the radiation and flee to MLP FIM but not exactly as they have seen it.

A HOI4EAW fanfic.

Hearts of iron 4 Equestria at war for those who don’t know.

Chapters (0)

Scootaloo is just your average young pony. A pony who any bully would think she’s unattractive and just a loser who can’t be able to fly and probably never will. But there’s only one dragon who thinks she’s worth being his special some pony, and there’s a chance that Scootaloo may have found her own Prince Charming.

The first chapters will take place during FiM Season 2 Finale and later chapters will flash forward to a future where Scoots and Spike are older adolescents.

Requested by chazkopa

Chapters (2)

Nick, an 8-year-old boy in New York, has been having a tough life ever since he was younger. At four years of age, his parents died in a car wreck. When he was in 1st grade, he was picked on in school for being an orphan. Recently, he was kidnapped by a wicked pawn shop owner who stole and hid away a diamond somewhere in a nature preserve. But what he didn't know was that the gem reacts to the full moon, sending him off somewhere, taking the diamond with him.

The next thing he knows, he finds himself in an old castle, not knowing how he got there. Not only that, but he finds himself in a completely new body, one of the opposite gender. Nick was now a black alicorn filly, with a mane that looks like the night sky, and turquoise dragon eyes. She also had on a blue helmet and four blue horseshoes. Nick has no idea where he is, what he had become, or what he was wearing, but he has to find a way back to his world in his original form.

But how will the ponies of Equestria take it when they see a filly Nightmare Moon? This will be a very confusing or shocking to the Main 6 and Spike. This is going to be one heck of an adventure.

This story is based on Living Nightmare by Autum Breeze, but we're doing this story early in the series, and with a kid that had a lot of trouble through his life.

Chapters (25)

My body was in tatters, and my mind was in pain. But... I have killed them all... I have avenged my family... my friends... and... Nicole....... I did it....... I closed my eyes, having no regrets, waiting for the end....... So, why am I alive? What happened? I was supposed to be dead, after all... So, why and how did I wake up in THIS World?

Follow the story of Magnus Might in a world where he finds familiar, yet unfamiliar after going through tremendous loss.

Chapters (25)

After being abandoned by his friends, Gohan makes a wish with the areas to go far, far away. Little does he know his desire leads him to the world of Equestria. How Gohan deal with his life in a new world?

Chapters (4)