• Member Since 21st May, 2013


I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".

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This story is a sequel to A Drunken Night and a Cup of Tea

Vinyl just wants some time to drink a cup of tea and have a little snack. Unfortunately, she unleashes the oldest argument in British history.

Proofread by the wonderful docontra
Note: Reading of the former story is not required, only recommended, and this was also mainly written during a tea craving.

Chapters (1)

It's just another normal week of Vinyl Scratch attending school with the most beautiful creature on the the face of the earth.

Chapters (7)

Maud Pie has been tormented by a secret she has had to keep from Pinkie Pie for many years. A secret that her Nana has now taken to her grave, but which Maud feels she needs to tell. She owes the truth to her adoring baby sister... but after all of these years, how can she come out and tell her something that could change the way she sees herself and the world around her?

Co-written by Bootsy Slickmane
Rated T for mature themes.

Chapters (1)

The CMC set out to interview Sea Swirl, the unicorn with dolphins for a cutie mark, for the school paper, but wind up joining her in trying out her newly constructed submarine, the Mark V.

Also, Sea Swirl is best background pony.

Chapters (3)

"Mind thy work. Honor thy kin. Stay away from Holder's Boulder."

Marble disobeyed the warnings.

* * *

Audiobook by Scribbler Productions.
Edited by GaryOak.
Cover art by Mica Halligan.
Written for Scribblefest 2016.
Titanium Dragon
The Hat Man

Chapters (1)

Octavia tells her friends she's dating Discord.

They take it well.

Proofread by Soundslikeponies, Pearple Prose, Themaskedferret and Octavia Harmony.

Chapters (1)

I hate not being able to sleep. You lie there, staring at the inside of your own eyelids and waiting, but it seems like morning never comes. Nothing to do but stare at the walls or think about all the stuff you're usually too busy for. Just be alone in the dark and quiet with your thoughts, pondering existence and history.

All that pondering would be easier if it weren't for that air-headed twerp snoring next to me.

Pre-read by DragonShadow and Samey90

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer goes to the market to buy things and make new friends.

Both of those things are made incredibly difficult by the ponies at the market.

Reading by DRWolf!


Another reading by Doug_!

Chapters (1)

An unassuming mare gets a tempting offer by a stranger and takes them up on it. It's a gourmand's wish come true! What could go wrong?

Chapters (1)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)