• Member Since 21st May, 2013


I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".

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Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)

Parcel Post, the long-missing mailpony who delivered Discord's ticket to the Gala, staggers into work to explain where he's been. Spoilers for "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", but not serious ones.

Chapters (1)

She comes to me at night, sometimes, just when I think I may have fallen asleep. I've never known why or how, but in time, I stopped questioning her for the things we share. Call it an unspoken understanding that we have. A symbiosis. A silent accord, there in the dark, and I didn't press for any more. On one such lonely night, however, I get a little bit bolder.

Preread by DragonShadow
Now with a reading on YouTube by the illustrious Illya Leonov.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the song Happy Ending by Mika.

Golden Harvest farms carrots, is incredibly devoted to her husband, and lives in bubbles.

Written Script writes and travels far too often, but is charismatic and well-liked.

Derpy likes muffins and is legally unfit to take care of her foal.

And then there's Dinky, who (legally) belongs to Golden Harvest and (legally) must visit her mother once a month.

Life is incredibly complex, but it's also profoundly simple.

Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library and Equestria Daily.
Dedicated to Regidar.
Thanks to Zaphod and many others.
Updates every other day.

Chapters (4)

Derpy was just trying to make a sandwich. Vinyl was there too.

Now the world is ending.

Really, it's all their fault.

A stylistic tribute to Terry Pratchett.

Russian translation by Repitter.

Proofread by MrNumbers, Octavia Harmony, and TheMaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

There once was a little filly named Diamond Tiara. This is the story of how she died.

...No, that's not quite right. For there was in fact another filly by the same name. Another Diamond Tiara, who lived. She was the second one. It's confusing, I know, but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

It all started on a perfectly ordinary day in Ponyville, when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were trying to stop an insane magic-powered golem from destroying the entire town.

This is the story of two little fillies named Diamond Tiara. The one who died, and the one who lived.

Takes place during season 4, shortly after Twilight Time.

Chapters (1)

Evildoers beware! Ponyville's latest masked vigilante is here. She's small, she's blue, she can inexplicably use a bow and arrow despite being an earth pony. She's the Masked Arrow!

Written mostly because Archer is an awesome background pony who needs more love and deserves her own tag.

Chapters (1)

Lotus Blossom gets sent to the hospital and winds up meeting the love of her life. Now she just has to figure out how to approach the pony.

Chapters (2)

It was supposed to just be a simple prank. She never meant for anyone to get hurt. Now she must face her crime. At least Diamond Tiara has her journal and best friend to help her handle lowering herself like this.

Preread by ThatOneWriter.

Spoilers in the comments.

Accepted into Nonpareil Fiction!

Chapters (1)

Berry Punch likes to think that she's a fairly-normal pony, who lives in a fairly-normal town filled with other fairly-normal ponies.

Unfortunately, her house is anything but normal, in any sense of the word.

Chapters (1)