• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

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It is the year 2038, and the Earth is slowly being consumed by a space-borne monstrosity dubbed the Black Tide, which is using nanotechnology to remake the planet into something hideously alien.

Erin Olsen works for Project Harmonics, humanity's last-ditch effort to find a new world before the Tide can wipe them out. But when that world is found, and it turns out to be occupied, Erin will need to find the courage to face the unknown in order to save the inhabitants of both worlds.

(Many thanks to Easteu for the fantastic cover image for this story!)

Now with its own TV Tropes page

There is now a follow-up to this story: Sunflower - Side Projects
Sequel: Project Sunflower: Harmony

Chapters (35)

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape.

After one-thousand years of being bound in the celestial body, Nightmare Moon is free! Right alongside the poor sap that got bound with her.

Thrust into an unfamiliar world, with scars and memories that are now drastically out of place, this is the story of the former guard captain, Magic Barrier.

Do the words above sound familiar? If they do, then you've probably read my other story, A Pony Displaced. This tale isn't a sequel. It isn't a rewrite, though you might consider it a re-imagining of sorts. It is a tale of progression, one that I hope will show my development as a writer in both skill and quality. But more importantly, it is a story that offers exploration into one simple question. What if Magic Barrier had trotted down another path?

As always, thanks go out to everyone who helped me get to this point. In particular, thank you to Alticron, for editing, proofreading, co-writing, being my idea-wall, and arguably the single biggest reason this story saw the light the day, and thank you to Word Worthy, formerly Izanagi, who also edited, proofread, and threw ideas around with us. It wouldn't be possible without these two. In addition to those two I'd like to thank the newest member of the group Omnicron25 for his efforts in proofing/editing as well. Damn glad to have you on board mate.

Additional thanks to Wing for keeping me company late nights and for being a wordsmith when I needed one.

Chapters (54)

The Pony of Shadows. For generations, this creature of myth has terrified every pony who heard about it, and it became known as the source of all the darkness, cruelty and wickedness in the world, the wellspring from which evil flowed. Twilight, who has led her friends against many foes in the past, seeks out this ancient enemy of her people, to vanquish it once and for all.

But when she finds it, she and her friends instead discover a different story. One the young Princess would never have expected.

Chapters (2)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

Prequel to The White Mare
Fluttershy has recently taken up residence in her little cottage on the edge of the wild Everfree Forest, and has enjoyed the greater opportunities to go on excursions with her mysterious mentor, the reclusive goddess ponies know as "The White Mare" but whom she knows as simply Celestia.

One day her ancient friend approaches her with an adventure well outside the little pegasus' comfort zone. Will she be brave enough to attend the Great Dragon Migration, and who might they meet when they're there?

Chapters (1)

Over a thousand years ago, two royal siblings fought for the sky and were exiled, one by her sister's hoof, and one in penance for what she had done.

In the present Republic of Equestria, no one remembers them as anything more than legends and old pony tales. Save for one shy filly who fell from the sky one fine summer's day.

An Alternate Universe "What If" tale, reconstructing the beginning from a different angle.

Chapters (11)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

As the elements were unleashed, the Nightmare knew it was over. But it would not let it's fun end. No, it would not be left behind. It would find another world to bring to ruin. As for the poor sap that was left in It's place? He was going to get blasted, what did it matter what he ended up getting from It?

Cover Image by NetherWalker

Realized there was no link, so I'm adding two, one here and one in the chapter. After the events of Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare , the juicy bits that I cant put in a T fic: Defining Love

Edit: I swear, half of you are uncultured heathens. The thing in the image with the Nightmare's hair is a substitute doll

Chapters (107)

This story is a sequel to The Best of All Possible Worlds

For generations, humanity has dreamed of discovering intelligent life out in the stars. To say that ending that search in downtown Pasadena was a surprise would be an understatement.

Princess Luna had herself a simple mission: Track Twilight Sparkle and her friends through a malfunctioning portal to Earth, and get them out without being noticed. Luna had no desire to establish permanent relations, or even to stay and talk. After all, both princesses were convinced from previous experience that humans were nothing but trouble.

It appears that both parties have much to learn about each other.

Present-day follow-up to "The Best of All Possible Worlds". "Alternate Universe" tag is because it pretty quickly diverges from Season Two continuity.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle is not in a good place. Shunned and abandoned by her friends, her mentor and even her family for a thoughtless outburst at the wedding rehearsal. But she still has friends in Canterlot, even if she forgot about them.

Oh yeah, and somepony should probably do something about that whole changeling issue.

Written under the prompt "Warrior Twilight" for FOME's Imposing Sovereigns Contest.

Chapters (6)