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She never saw herself as a caretaker, nor did she foresee gaining a sister, but after taking in a homeless filly, Rainbow Dash finds herself in a new role.

Playing the big sister for the only Cutie Mark Crusader without a family, Rainbow Dash finds she still has a thing or two to learn about sisterhood. After butting heads with Scootaloo one too many times, Rainbow Dash consults an expert on the subject.

This story is a sequel to My Sister, Loyalty

* Featured 06/23/2012
* Written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville

Chapters (1)

Why won't everypony leave Cheerilee alone about being single?!

(Featured on EqD.)

(Audio versions by Mr Kenyon and FarnesyFudge.)

Chapters (1)

During a lull in the conversation at an upper class charity dinner, Rarity takes a moment to contemplate some commonly held assumptions made of Princess Celestia. Specifically, her table manners.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm

Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two grown up sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.
Will they make Ponyville proud?
Will they win some gold medals?
How will they manage so much nobles in town? Including their lovers' family.

Awesome Cover art by BillieW.

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (35)

After hours at the Sugarcube Corner, a heavy storm thundering outside, Pinkie finds a pony knocking on the door.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle loves books, but is that even legal?

When Twilight realizes that she loves books, and not in the way you love your grandmother, she embarks on a quest to discover if her love is legally allowed. Along the way, Rainbow Dash and Applejack try—and fail—to talk her out of her madness. Trixie, upon hearing about Twilight's passion for books, hatches a plan to get the lovestruck mare to fall for her. Shenanigans and absurdity ensue.

Written during a tea-fueled bout of midnight-madness induced by looking at one too many Twixie pics on deviantart. Someone save me from myself...

Reading by BronyNerdsandGamers

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash loses her temper and yells at Pinkie Pie, driving the talkative party pony to make a drastic promise. Now, it falls to Rainbow Dash to fix the mess she's made, lest Pinkie lose a vital part of herself forever...

A Pinkie x Dash friendshipping fic, playing at the style of an episode from the show.

Chapters (1)

One would think that the wounded Trixie would appreciate Twilight Sparkle taking her in to nurse her back to health. But for some ponies, leaning on someone else isn't so easy. Their crossing of paths sets them both on a journey that neither of them would've expected...

Chapters (32)

Rarity has always believed that there exists a prince for every princess. And she's not wrong about that. She's just not right for quite the exact reasons she thinks she is.

Chapters (1)

For almost a year now, Trixie has been sending letters to Twilight. The only problem is, Twilight hasn't gotten a single one... until today. But now that she has, Twilight is left with more questions than she knows how to answer. Fortunately, she has a plan. Unfortunately, she doesn't know if that plan will work.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Reading by: WhoLandon
Reading by: PonyFicsOutLoud

Chapters (40)