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First part: When Button Mash invites Sweetie Belle over to his place for gaming, who knows what will happen?
Parts after: The growing relationship of Sweetie Belle and Button Mash after that fateful house visit.
Time to pick up my pen.

Chapters (5)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

Hearth’s Warming is a special time of year: a time for giving, a time for receiving, and a time for friendship. And for some, a time of great romance, second only to Hearts and Hooves day. Many a couple will spend the cold winter nights curled up in front of fireplaces all over Equestria. This year, Fluttershy is determined to make something of it. She knows who she would like to spend the winter months with. All she needs now is the courage to ask the bravest, fastest, most amazing pegasus in all of Equestria, out on a date.

Chapters (5)

Celestia had a problem. Somepony wrote a novel about Nightmare Moon's rebellion. This made Luna quite unhappy, and unfortunately for her sister, Luna has not yet gotten the hang of modern traditions like freedom of speech, the abolition of the death penalty, and not bothering Princess Celestia when she's trying to sleep.

Fortunately, Celestia also had a faithful student, one who is now a Princess with an ill-defined portfolio and perfectly capable of dispensing justice by the laws of both today and one thousand years ago.

Now Twilight Sparkle has a problem.

(Title image hacked together from vectors by Martinnus1, Hawk9mm, and Paulie15.)

Chapters (4)

A thousand years ago, two sisters - Luna and Celestia - overthrew Discord and freed Equestria. They later went on to have many more adventures together, before the younger sister fell to her greed and jealousy and became the dreaded Nightmare Moon.

In the present day, six mares uncovered a set of six artifacts, the Elements of Harmony, that combined to form an ancient power from the days of Discord's fall and thus they became the new protectors of Equestria.

A long time ago there was a pony who had a single wish that he wanted with all his heart, and so he flew to the stars to ask if they would grant his wish for him. Today he watches over us from the stars he once pleaded with, to grant the wishes made to the rising star with the chime of midnight. Or so the tale following the legend of The Mare in the Moon says.

Everyone knows the old mare's tales, but even more they know the story of the royal sisters. They know the tales of how Celestia and Luna overthrew tyrants, imprisoned monsters, and toppled evil wherever they could. But what they don't know is this: They didn't do it alone.

History is repeating itself, secrets are coming to light, and Equestria is about to have it's entire history turned on it's ear.

The present is about to get very interesting.

Chapters (10)

There is a flood on the horizon. Equestria's enemies have united, and the coming tide will not only change the course of history on one world, but two, and bring about a monumental meeting that will bring brothers and sisters from those two worlds together.

At long last, the downtrodden will rise.

The battle begins.

Chapters (41)

A diplomatic crisis arises between Equestria and the small, poor kingdom of Tarandroland, ancestral home of the reindeer. Celestia and Luna agree that it is time Luna takes a more active hand in foreign relations again, and Luna brings Twilight with her as someone she actually trusts and can talk to. But the mission turns out to be much more than political discussions - if scheming unicorn courtiers, unfriendly surly reindeer, bloodthirsty pirates, ancient sorcery and dangerous monsters weren't enough, our heroines must deal with something old - older than Luna. And is Luna really ready for diplomatic action, will Twilight learn to use a fan properly, and exactly how wrong are Spike's superhero comics about reindeer mythology?

Now has a TV tropes page

Chapters (56)

After a devastating Third World War, a planet nearly identical to Earth was discovered hiding on the other side of the sun. Desperate to bring hope back to a war-torn world, all nations united to send a manned mission to investigate the new planet. But when the old war pilot sent to explore it arrives, he will learn that there is more to this new world than anyone could have imagined, and that it holds some secrets that will change both worlds forever.

Edited By slateblu1

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Foal of the Forest

Second story of the Savage Skies series:
Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials in his life; persecution for his unique eyes, living amongst the monsters of the Everfree Forest. But now all of that is behind him. He's been adopted by Fluttershy, mended from his conflict with Applejack, and now sits poised to go to school and live the life of a normal foal. Unfortunately, Dawn's past is not so far behind him as he would like, as his experiences have left scars on his mind and heart that threaten everything he has gained since coming to Ponyville.

Followed by Storm on the Horizon.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (10)

First of the Savage Skies series.
After running afoul of timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy is saved by a mysterious young colt with a most unusual and disturbing feature. Realizing that he is alone, without anyone else to care for him, Fluttershy realizes that she must try to bring this lonely foal out of the forest and give him a life of love and friendship. The problem is that this colt's...unique qualities have made him more than a few enemies, including some who are closer to home than Fluttershy realizes.

Now with a sequel: The Promise of a New Day.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (15)