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Twilight can't sleep. She has an ancient and unfinished magic spell running circles in her mind. It's only when her friends visit that she begins to relax.

Chapters (1)

A troubled Princess Celestia, wandering her School for Gifted Unicorns late one night, chances upon her young faithful student Twilight Sparkle, who has problems of her own:

She can't catch the Tooth Flutterpony.

What possible advice could Princess Celestia give to her upset young pupil, who is desperately trying to prove that an old ponies' tale is real?

Inspired by Skywriter's How to Remove a Unicorn Tooth (which is a much better story and you should probably go read it, if you already haven't); and, of course, Sir Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (which you should have already read, and even if you have, you should go read it again).

Chapters (1)

Twilight has little experience in the world of dating, and decides to ask Rainbow Dash for help on the matter. Rainbow's "practice date" seems like a good idea: two good friends, one helping the other out in their quest for love. As friends. Just friends. Nothing more. Right?

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/25/14.

Dramatic Reading by joehighlord
Read Through by KhaosSparkz

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves in a mysterious, compromising position. It's up to the brilliant mind of Twilight to deduce what series of events led them to this.

This story has sequels entitled Twilight Holmes: Sabotage After Sunset followed by Salting Snails.

Written for the Annual Twidash Contest.

Dramatic reading Part One and Part Two!

Let's Read blog by bookplayer here!

Remaster edited by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Fluttershy are closer to each other than with anypony else, they're truly the best of friends. But during their usual get-together day, strange feelings sprout within Rarity. Is it... love?

Chapters (1)

From the Greater Canterlot Library. One of the earliest stories from the legendary unicorn hero Starswirl the Bearded. After an impromptu meeting with Equestria's esteemed Princess Luna, Starswirl and the Princess embark on a perilous journey to stop a mysterious plague that puts its victims into unending sleep.


The second story I wrote concerning Starswirl the Bearded. It was featured on Equestria Daily alongside its sister story, and I figured it needed revisiting as well. Edited and restructured, back and better than ever, Starswirl and the Lunar Princess!

Chapters (3)

From the Greater Canterlot Library. The most popular story from the legendary unicorn hero Starswirl the Bearded. Starswirl and his assistant are instructed to investigate reports of missing ponies in Dodge City, and the evil presence responsible.


This is one of my earliest works, which some of you may have seen on Equestria Daily a few months back. After careful consideration, I decided to revisit the story, as I always believed it had not yet reached its full potential. Never before seen on FIMFiction, Starswirl and the Magus Magnus!

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna reflects on what it's like to come back from one thousand years of exile, and all the things she's missed in the time she's been gone. These are a few of her favorite things.

Written as an homage / response to Skywriter's "Heretical Fictions" and "A Short Story by Twilight Sparkle". Cover art by secret-pony.

Chapters (1)

After a lot of procrastinating and planning, Twilight Sparkle ends up asking out Rainbow Dash.

My first TwiDash fic!

Chapters (2)