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When Rainbow Dash announces something very important to her friends, one of them reacts in a way that she never would have foreseen. Why is that, and how will it affect their friendship?

Chapters (3)

Twilight makes a trip across town in search of something to wake her up. Sometimes awareness is where we least expect it.

Warning: Contains unnecessarily verbose, overly-complicated, inscrutably dense literary self-indulgence.

Now in the process of being dissected in a series of blog posts—check them out if you'd like some help understanding the story:
Dismantling the Morning: Part 1
Dismantling the Morning: Part 2: Em-dashes and Dictionaries
Dismantling the Morning: Part 3: Breakfast on Bloomsday

All included satire is at the permission of the respective authors (allusions are another matter).

Cover art graciously provided by Stinkehund, edited by knighty.

Chapters (1)

When Discord accidentally opens up a small dimensional rift, his best (and only) friend Fluttershy, along with her pet bunny Angel, accidentally gets sucked in. They end up in a place that is inhabited by strange animals that possess incredible abilities, and Fluttershy and Angel have been turned into two creatures that they've never seen before.

After another failed attempt at beating Whitney, a rookie trainer decides to train his Pokémon in the Ilex Forest. There, he finds a pink-haired girl with a Buneary stumbling around, lost. After telling him she has no idea where she is or what Pokémon are, and about a strange region he's never heard of where she lives, the trainer decides to help the lost girl find her way home.

Big thanks to Cerulean Starlight for proofreading this story.

Oh, and don't ask about the short description. I keep on trying to change it, but nothing happens.

Chapters (11)

What if Twilight was orphaned before her acceptance into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?
what if she and the princess of the sun became inseparable? What if Twilight starts calling Celestia mommy after their lessons?
What if Celestia loves it?
Inspired by the cover photo

Chapters (15)

Poems are a window to the soul—a lens of wonder that reveals the beauty of the world around us. In this collection, nine of the fandom's most talented poets hold that prism up to the ponies we all cherish.

The poems in this anthology cover all main characters and a wide spectrum of Equestrian life, and range in style from strict form to free verse. We've presented them in an order that showcases the collection's wide variety of styles and themes. There's also an index if you're looking for a favorite subject, author, or poetic form.

It is our hope that this effort can make readers unfamiliar with poetry consider ponies in a new way—and in doing so, also show that poetry can be approachable, honest, and amazing.

A list of contributors follows below. Endless thanks—this project would not have been possible without you.

The Illusive Badgerpony

Fimfic Editing and Arrangement: darf
Organization and Creative Oversight: darf, Horizon
Cover Art: Pony Horse Nice-guy
ToC Lettering: Spaerk

Chapters (39)

While on her way home from a day with her friends, Apple Bloom runs into Twilight on a trip to Zecora's hut. After insisting to join her, little Apple Bloom gets lost in the woods after chasing a mysterious mare hiding amongst the poison joak. She stumbles upon a town completely isolated within the Ever Free Forest, but something about this town just doesn't feel right...

Chapters (1)

On a normal weekend, Cheerilee assigns everypony an assignment from a unit she has been using for years. She considers it to be the most important one of the year; to teach the fillies and colts about the differences between ponies, and how they can all work together to do more than they could on their own. Unfortunately, a confused trip to the library by three fillies raises questions the teacher can't answer.

In an effort to make sure she teaches everything she can to the best of her ability, Cheerilee enlists the aid of Twilight Sparkle to help rewrite the textbook she has been using for years. As the days tick by, however, she is forced to deal with something she thought she had a handle on a long time ago.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Dashaloo Days and Scootabow Nights

Have you ever needed to be loved so bad that when you got it, it was painful? Scootaloo has! And when her mom shows back up from deployment for a bit of leave, her idol/big sister Dash faces new challenges with an intense internal conflict, compounded by her meddling friends, suddenly boiling over. Will she be overcome by the new barrage of gut wrenching emotions and insecurities? You bet she will! Will Ponyville still be standing after their spat? Will the barrage of anxiety on Scootaloo ever end as she's caught in the middle?

Chapters (9)

Cover art by Neko-Me!

Rainbow Dash promised to take the rambunctious Scootaloo under her wing on the whim of pride. However, when Scootaloo's repressed emotions come to surface, Dash finds there's more to the little filly than fun and flight training. Can Dash master her own insecurities as she struggles in expanding her comfort zone to give Scootaloo what she really needs? Will she accept the responsibilities to a much deeper meaning with the title of Big Sister?

Dedicated to DawnFade who inspired, through elegant prose, a shattered writer to follow his dreams once again.

And to my daughter Ella, who is a wonderful big sister, but really needs a big sister herself sometimes.

Edited by Unknownlight
Pre-read by MasterLuke07

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Holmes: Sabotage After Sunset

While Apple Bloom is away in Manehattan, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle struggle to find something to do aside from crusading. In their search for activity, they realize that they don't know what Snails' cutie mark represents. Curiosity regarding what happens when you introduce a garden snail to table salt gets the better of them. There's no case too big, no case too small. Not for Scoots and Belle: rescue rangers bandit busters.

Part of the Twilight Holmes continuity, following It's Elementary, My Dear Rainbow and TH: Sabotage After Sunset. Reading the previous stories is unnecessary to enjoy Salting Snails.

Editing by Formerly Committed, Shellsh0cker, and Warlord487.

Chapters (1)