• Member Since 11th Oct, 2016

Alto Legato

Don't look at my profile and I don't know what to say......... Do you want tea or coffee? Ok... More for me then (Drinking coffee aggressively).

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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch are musicians and the best of friends; despite this, the two couldn't be more different. But when Octavia leaves Ponyville to find her fortune, she learns that her friend might have been all she ever really needed. Meanwhile, Vinyl finds herself trapped in the shadow of her father, struggling to make her own fame.

Follow them, and many other Equestrian musicians, as they further their musical careers, meet new friends, find love, and experience loss. Together, they encounter dangers, challenges and, ultimately, face the greatest realization of all - what it means to accept one's own destiny.

Using songs of the fandom for inspiration, this story was crafted to show the love of music in all it's forms, but also the love music brings to those around it. This story follows the timeline of the show, trying to match it as closely as possible. This does not mean it's not without bumps.
Speaking of editing; a huge shout-out for Aburi, my editor. He may not be the fastest editor - life being what life is - but his suggestions have made my story that much better for everyone reading. Thank you, Aburi!

Bonus Chapters are not required reading, but are just fun little additions. They do include some development for side character, or fun scenarios I wanted to toss in, but many of them are just that: bonuses.

Cover Art by Little Tigress

Plugs, Reviews, and Accolades

Equestria Daily Spotlight!

My Little Reviews & Feedback by Skyward Sword -- Final Score: 23/30

Chapters (26)

During an evening performance at a private manor, Octavia is shown one of the rarest and finest instruments known to Equestria, a Stellar Variance cello. Just being in the same room as one is a dream come true for Octavia, but then she is given the chance to play it. It is an opportunity Octavia can't pass up, no matter the consequences.

Yet, the next morning Vinyl finds herself at the same private estate, searching for the friend and roommate who never came back.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Inner Strength

This story is a sequel to Playing House

After discovering the magic of friendship, Sunset Shimmer's senior year was one of the happiest times of her life. But it's been almost two years since graduation; all her friends have moved on to studying abroad, to promising careers, to new lives.

Sunset decides that with nothing left to keep her in the human world, it's time to go back where she belongs, only to find that returning home is different than finding one.

A story set in the Who We Become series.

Although this story could be well understood without knowing anything about Who We Become, this comment will explain what happened in previous stories if you want to get caught up.

Content warning: This story contains depictions of polyphobia. The narcotics tag is included for heavy alcohol use, no hard drugs.

Thanks to ArchAngelsWings, elmago02, Eddie Grammar, and Dessert, known on Fimfiction as Mouch30 for editing/pre-reading. This text would be much uglier without them :ajsmug:

And another thanks to Dessert for the wonderful cover art, which I'm sure is the biggest reason anyone notices this story in the first place :raritywink:

Chapters (23)

Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to create the greatest spell of the past century – and then want to destroy it.

It's too dangerous to use, she says. It's too tempting. It can't help you the way you think it can.

Well, Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or three about temptation. She'll prove to Twilight that this spell – this magnificent book – is too important to destroy. That it can help ponies.

She just has to survive using it, first.

Second place in the May 2018 WriteOff.

Cover art is "Reformed" by Okaces.

Chapters (1)

Lyra wants—no, needs—to understand what's making Bon Bon depressed.

Chapters (1)

After putting on the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer was shown just how much of a monster she really is. But that wasn't all the Elements did to her.

Sunset has now been forced to serve penance by answering any question truthfully and by doing anything asked of her, whether she wants to or not.

And she really doesn't want to.

Until all of the hatred in her heart is gone, Sunset is at the whim of her peers, unbeknownst to them of course. Can her new "friends" help her down the road to redemption?

If not, there's always that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into.

Current editor: Nomad_Sigma
Guest editors: Cerulean Voice, Flint Sparks, Starlight Nova, and Sholan
Extra thanks to Icarus_Gizmo, JustAnotherTimeLord, and HenryAnthonyCourtler

Cover art customized by Amber Spark!

Now with it's own TV Tropes page!
Posted on EQD June 25, 2014
Wanna read it in French?
Or, read the E-Pub version here or the online version here
Now available in print format!

Chapters (43)

Adagio, who everyone knows is an immortal sex goddess, is determined to give her girlfriend a perfect eighteenth birthday. If only she weren't secretly a virgin, it would be easy.

Preread by Tethered-Angel and forbloodysummer.
Art by imDRUNKonTEA.
An entry for FamousLastWords' Two-Faced Charade contest.

Review by PresentPerfect
Review by PaulAsaran
Author interview

Chapters (1)

I understand you wish to learn more about my dreamwalks, as well as what I did with my time on the Moon. Well, listen carefully when I say I do not entertain these types of inquiries lightly. My life and my work are my business alone, and no amount of sheer curiosity will get me to delve too deeply into them.

I also understand that you have been overthinking your actions, as evidenced by your performance, and that Celestia thinks I can help you. I'm not sure if you've met one Twilight Sparkle, but she usually handles these sorts of things. She must be busy.

I suppose I, of all ponies, would know a thing or two about spending too much time in one's own head, due to my rather famous imprisonment. I had it all, you see. Disrespect, loathing, nightmares. One nightmare in particular, actually... Yes... I suppose it's time I spoke of that night. I was not alone up there, you understand. I had my other half to keep me company. Sometimes, I would open my eyes and see her...

Well, perhaps you should pull up a seat.

Cover Art by: Zilkenian
Also available in audio form!
Also available in Spanish form!

Chapters (2)

Prophecy is a dangerous game; meanings which are obvious can become obscure in an instant, and fates are laid bare only in hindsight.

After the fall of Discord but before the rise of Nightmare Moon, a dragon breaks the peace between its race and ponykind, and Princess Luna flies to mete out justice.

Editing courtesy of the speedy, thorough, and unfailingly helpful Pascoite, whose assistance has proved invaluable once again.

Cover image by the astonishingly talented GenjiLim, used with permission.

Now in (breathtakingly excellent) audiobook form, courtesy of Illya Leonov and co.!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust has been in a bit of a rut ever since getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy. Day after day, she's been sticking to a strict exercise regimen under the guidance of Cloudsdale's premier personal trainer, Haymaker. Her hope is that she'll unlock her true potential and show Haymaker how awesome she is, thus prompting him to use his connections to get her back into the Wonderbolts. No matter how many times Haymaker tells her it's impossible, Lightning simply refuses to listen.

Then one fateful night, Lightning Dust's training is interrupted by the appearance of her greatest idol, Wind Rider. It turns out he too has difficulty accepting reality, and he has his own, more nefarious schemes to get himself back in the game. Haymaker sees this as his last chance to save Lightning Dust from walking Wind Rider's path. And if that means rubbing salt in a few wounds and shattering a few dreams, then so be it.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Cyrano.

Chapters (1)