• Member Since 11th Oct, 2016

Alto Legato

Don't look at my profile and I don't know what to say......... Do you want tea or coffee? Ok... More for me then (Drinking coffee aggressively).

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October 26th, 2023 update: This story's going back in the oven. There's some changes I want to make. Details here.

Sunset Shimmer lived a perfect life: an aspiring career as Princess Celestia’s star pupil, a budding romance, and the perfect best friend to discover the wonders of the world that made life worth living.  But under the guise of a new friend Sunset met in her dreams, Nightmare Moon sought to upend everything in the name of vengeance, and the powers that be demanded their pound of flesh.

Years later, long after the dust had settled, Sunset found her home beyond the portal. Life was good, if a little strange.  But when Princess Luna comes seeking to quell the nightmares of a past that still haunt her, those nightmares rapidly spiral out of control, and Sunset is faced with the impossible decision of allying herself with the very individual who had destroyed her life.

With little choice, they strike a tentative partnership, and as past and present converge to threaten all that Sunset holds dear, she is left standing at the precarious ledge of a question that may very well have no answer:

Is there a limit to forgiveness?

[Non-con] tag for story elements, not on-page events.
Edited by RBDash47.
Cover art by Ventious.
Chapter header art by Smeows_isgood.

Chapters (1)

Octavia has always played the piano. From a young age, it was her mother's dearest wish that she would learn, and she couldn't let herself disappoint her mother. So she played the piano. But that isn't to say she wanted to.

This is the story of her life, told by her. It's a story about music, family, and self-discovery.

Written for the /fic/ May Write-Off, in which it came second place (to DuncanR's amazing Erase and Rewind).

Edited by Vimbert.

Chapters (6)

For several years, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have both embodied and defended the very essence of harmony itself. Now, at the request of Princess Celestia, they will found a new school to teach the six pillars of Harmony: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. After all, who else is more qualified to teach such ideals? And with Twilight Sparkle's diligent planning and sure-fire teaching methods, this school is sure to help shape the youths of Equestria for a better tomorrow.


Chapters (4)

The personal diary of Sunset Shimmer: from the days prior to being chosen by Princess Celestia as her new prize student, to her ascension through the School for Gifted Unicorns, to her corruption and lust for power, to her escape to and conquest of Canterlot High School, to her attempts at atonement, and finally her redemption.

After seeing "Rainbow Rocks", I wanted to do a Sunset Shimmer piece, but I couldn't think of a good stand-alone that wouldn't come off as another "Equestria Girls" clone. I think I could come up with a "good" story if I thought of it long enough, but I'm backlogged on fanfiction dot net and I wanted a quickie. This isn't my "best work" by far but hopefully it will interest people more in my more "dramatic" work...or, heck, even my "Two Background Ponies" series.

The image I'm using is public domain.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia? Do You Have A Belly Button?

Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia's student for years before she came to Ponyville. What happened during those early years? Read on to find out.

Don't expect anything but short tales filled with filly adorableness. Have any ideas? Let me know in the comments!

Preread by several awesome people including Shiny, Stan, Raiden,ZOMG, Jumbled, andZodiac

If you are interested in more filly cuteness go check out Tiny Trixie Tales!
Twilight is still cutest!

Chapters (19)

With the memory stone crisis behind her, it's time for Sunset to deal with an even bigger challenge:

A caring Princess Celestia interested in seeing how Sunset lives on Earth.

* Takes place right after Forgotten Friendship, Teen for some tame Sun x Sci-Twi Romance Fluff
* Helps to have seen the two minute short Rarity's Display of Affection
* Cover From a Picture by akainu7
* Editing help by Clancrusher
* Featured on Equestria Daily's 2018 Sunset Day 50 Fic list! :yay:
* Translated into Chinese on Fimtale by Cyber Poison

Recommended - PresentPerfect

Chapters (5)

The wheel of time turns, as destiny and history clash together.

Fifty years into the future, Sunset Shimmer is Princess Twilight Sparkle's most faithful student. She is smart and eager, but doesn't always think things through. Her life had been perfect, right up to the End of the World.

With a ruined future, Sunset travels into the past to alter the course of history. With only her mentor's cryptic word to go on, Sunset and the Elements of Harmony must solve the riddle of the Dark Regalia and stop the mysterious Vesper Radiance from rising to power. But the further Sunset goes, the more she feels like she's been through it all before.

Is destiny set in stone, or can Sunset shape her own future? Only time will tell.

Featured on Equestria Daily 6/16/13
Gratefully edited by JustAnotherTimeLord, Icarus_Gizmo, Cerulean Voice and Bad_Seed_72

The Sunset of Tropes page!

Chapters (27)

Life is looking up for Sunset Shimmer.

With her grandstanding at the Battle of the Bands, Canterlot High has taken a new approach to her. Amends have been made, friendships have been restored, and Sunset is on the fast track to becoming a better person.

But even now, there are still apologies that have to be said.

For her Spring Break, Sunset returns to Equestria to make up with her estranged family: the parents that raised and provided for her, and the sister she left behind. But a lot has changed since then, and some wounds won't heal by just saying 'I'm sorry.'

Fixing friendships is one thing. Sunset will be put through her hardest test yet when she tries to bring her family back together.

Another one edited by Cerulean Voice.

Stunningly amazing cover art drawn by Ayemel!

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Listen to the audio book here!

Chapters (11)

Starting over is never an easy thing to do. Lost, alone, and cold, sometimes a friendly smile and mug of cocoa are all that's needed to warm the heart.

And right now, Bon Bon is very cold.

Preread by Carabutt and Crystal Wishes.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (2)