• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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Twilight Sparkle was a daughter to Nightlight and Twilight Velvet, a sister to Shining Armor, and a student to Princess Celestia. That was who she was, nothing more and nothing less.

However, on the longest day of the thousandth year, her world will change forever. A secret kept even from her will be revealed and her life will be forever changed.

A different take on the Nightmare Moon incident with a slightly darker outcome.

I'm not sure where the cover came from. If you do, please let me know. Cover art belongs to rosahadoodle

Chapters (1)

No pony can hold onto their magic forever. Inevitably, a pony's body will be broken, and their magic will return to the air and soil. Celestia has held onto her magic for a very long time.

After many long years of preparation, the time for Twilight to succeed Celestia as Bearer of the Sun has come. But as the abdication ceremony in which Celestia will relinquish her power approaches, Twilight begins to desperately search for a way to stop the dread ritual of the ceremony and save her friend.

Chapters (1)

In her latest bid to impress Princess Celestia, Twilight takes to mapping out the Everfree Forest. Along the way she discovers that some things are not to be disturbed. She also learns to get a second opinion whenever Spike offers her advice.

Artwork courtesy of Short Circuit: http://shortcircuitca.deviantart.com/
Editing by TypeandKey.

Chapters (6)

After an experiment gone wrong, Twilight finds herself stuck in a body that's not hers, in a place she never wanted to be. Now she's in a race against time as Queen Chrysalis sets another one of her terrible schemes in motion, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Editor: PiquoPie

Coverart commissioned from Evangel-Rising

Chapters (7)

Filthy Rich is good at a lot of things...

He always considered himself to be a good parent as well.
But when Miss Cheerilee requests a meeting with him, he may have to face the fact that his darling daughter isn't as perfect as she seems.

Featured 3/16/14 - 3/19/14

Chapters (1)