• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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In order to improve their skills at detecting changeling infiltrators, Twilight Sparkle and the Council of Friendship ask their new friend Thorax to help them with a little training exercise. Their goal? Figure out which of their six friends is actually Thorax in disguise.

Dialogue heavy, as this story focuses on the cross-interrogation of the game itself.

Note: This story takes place before "To Where and Back Again."

Chapters (9)

The law exists to protect Equestrian citizens, and must be enacted in a fair and even manner. Prince Blueblood knows this; he's accepted punishment for his numerous minor disturbances of the Equestrian legal system, without ever trying to slip out of it.

Fluttershy is in violation the law. Ergo, she must be brought to justice. That's just logic.

Now if only he can get the captain of the guard and his annoyingly lackidasial aunt to cooperate...

Made for the eighth FTP competition. Cover art by hwaho.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Princess Celestia, as your (former) most faithful student, I feel I have to warn you that this is probably a trap. Chrysalis cannot possibly be serious about this. Why would anyone, much less her, want to shoot a documentary on us?"

Chrysalis, queen of all the changeling hives and infinitely cunning architect of their plans to conquer Equestria, has a problem: She knows diddly-squat about ponies. But Chrysalis is cleverer than most—or all—changelings, and she's already devised a brilliant solution to this trifling issue: Make a movie about them.

Tenth place winner in Equestria Daily's Outside Insight contest.

Chapters (5)

Alicorns are immortal. Earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi are not.

Princess Twilight Sparkle has no intention of going through life without her dearest friends...

Even if she has to do something extremely questionable to make that happen.

Chapters (1)

A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)

In the aftermath of her battle against Tirek, Twilight Sparkle is unwell. She wants more. She needs more. And she is afraid of what others might think of her.

But even in the midst of her growing despair that she has betrayed everything she stood for, she learns something about friendship and what it means to be an alicorn.

Chapters (12)

Another visit to the ER for Dash, but that's not going to keep her from her usual night out with the girls. The conversation turns to Death, and… it's not at all what Twilight expected. Death either.

13th-place finisher in the Write-Off Association's "Distant Shores" event.

Thanks to Themaskedferret for pre-reading feedback.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Twilight's had some time to think about what happened during the Tirek crisis, and now she has only one question on her mind:

Did Twilight get Celestia's immortality or not?

When she confronts her former mentor about it, she learns some interesting things about definitions, technicalities, and necromancy.

More importantly, she learns that even the greatest of ponies have their weaknesses.

A/N: Mostly TwiLestia friendshipping, and lots of headcanon. Also one or two cameos.

Chapters (1)

All Twilight had to do was finish Starswirl the Bearded's final spell. She didn't have to become undead, seal her soul in the Elements of Harmony, or enlist her friends in an effort to fix everything... but you have to play the hand you're dealt.

Even if it's rotting off.


Big ups to Themaskedferret for all her support on this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Aegis of the Hive

Natural selection. It is the byword of every changeling queen who has ever lived. The chief resource that has always curbed the hives' growth used to be love. Now though, with Queen Twilight Sparkle's bloodline capable of producing love on their own, the old guard of changeling morality has seen fit to acquire this ability for the next generation before removing all of their future royal daughters' competitors.

Some queens are far closer to this goal than others.

Editor in Chief: A Bitter Pill, and Boldish42

Chapters (17)