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One day, a young 7 year old kid named Nicky was riding his bike back from school. However, he finds a strange baby horse in the woods and decides to take care of it. However, he's a bit to young raise a baby Alicorn foal.

Story somewhat Inspired by My Little Dashie

Chapters (4)

Malrick Roscuro has everything: A fortified tower, minions employees, more riches than 96% of the population, insane amounts of physical, magical, and supernatural power, and now Trevor, an apprentice/adopted son. Unfortunately, almost everyone in the multiverse hates him and wants to kill him (he's REALLY good at making people hate him), so to finally get away from everyone's annoying attempts to murder him, he transports himself and his son to an unknown plane of existence as an "extended vacation". As they end up in Equestria, Malrick and Trevor can relax knowing nobody hates and wants to kill them, but where's the fun in that?

(Disclaimer: My Little Pony is owned by Hashbro and the title image is owned by Wizards of the Coast, but Malrick and Trevor are my own characters)
(This is my first fic, if you have any advice, criticisms, or edits, please let me know!)
(2/7/21 - 1,000 views! Whoo!)

Chapters (8)

(Code Vein crossover)

We had defeated Mido, put Silva out of his misery, and I took on the burdens of the Relics and the Gaol of the Mists. The Queen, Cruz, would remain at peace, unable to harm anyone again. How- why am I here? Wherever here is? Why am I a small humanoid horse?

Human/ Revenant turned newborn colt.
Takes place before season 1.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia: Goddess of the Sun, ruler of Equestria, beloved Princess of ponies. She is loved by all, and loves all in return. A calm and wise ruler, she sits on the throne in Canterlot, maintaining peace and harmony throughout the land.

What most don't know is that her past is much darker: She was once a commander of legions, a warrior and scientist of unmatched skill. Thousands of monsters and abominations fell to her forces, slain in the name of an old leader, one entombed within his own throne. Free of her old form, free of the powers of Chaos, she was cast into a new realm, in a new form, with a new lease on life.

She is the God Emperor, Eternal Ruler of Equestria and Lord of the Imperium of Man.

Has a TvTropes Page. Please contribute.

Comments contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to The God Empress of Ponykind

A message rings through the Warp: "The Game is broken, only Destruction remains". Celestia hears it, fearing for the lives of her former subjects and those of her beloved ponies. Unwilling to sit idle, she has chosen a dangerous path: return to the Imperium, take up the mantle of Emperor of Mankind, defeat the coming storm, and save Mankind once and for all.

With Twilight Sparkle to aid her, Celestia faces new challenges and new enemies. Her forces are scattered, her people assaulted, and the enemies of Man grow stronger with each passing day.

The Time of Heroes is gone. Now comes the Time of Ending.

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind. Reading that first is strongly recommended.
Rated T for 40K related violence, but that might change at some point.
Comments contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Chapters (61)

It's the end of the world, and I died.

Well not really, I managed to stay alive because God decided I was worthy of a new life with cool powers and I get to be with my family in this new world...too bad there are a lot of things keeping me away from them still.

So watch as I flounder around with my new powers, meet new friends, and save my family as monsters I know and don't know appear and try to destroy my new home.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Magic School Days

The Crusaders are returning for their second semester at Hogwarts. You can look forward to a nice quiet and relatively uneventful experience. Well as uneventful as magic allows, anyway.

Their presence has not already caused a wave of chaos that shook the magical world to it's core. You can't prove anything, so it never happen.

Rich-Online has taken the time to augment this story so please visit his blog HERE

Chapters (44)

I may not have been the best student, but to be fair I never put in any more effort than necessary. I barely passed my classes not because I was a bad student, but I just didn't care, even when challenged to a duel I didn't even try to win. This time was the last time as I was caught in a bad mood and actually fought back for once, the loser didn't take too kindly to getting curb stomped by a low level mage who's just short of failing all his classes. You can see where that's going.

Some may recognize the cover art from Lord Despair's story, "A Wizard's Tale". I honestly just typed dark mage in google images and it was one of the first that popped up. How could I not?

Featured 10/7/20
Featured 11/14/20, not even up for a minute, damn!
Featured 12/8/21
Featured 8/9/22

Chapters (11)

Two Pegasisters, named Eleanor and Samantha, go to a BronyCon event close to their hometown. There, the CEO of Hasbro reveals a contraption that allows dimensional travel. So Pegasisters and Bronies alike can meet the Mane 6 and ask one question each.

However, something goes wrong with the contraption and the Mane 6 cannot go home until it's fixed. Now, it's up to Eleanor and Samantha to volunteer and take the Mane 6 into their home and keep them calm until the contraption is fixed and they can finally go home.

How will Eleanor, Samantha and the Mane 6 handle with this new turn of events?

Cover Art by INowISeeI.
Anthro Pony Design belongs to Hioshiru.
This takes place before Twilight Sparkle became an Alicorn.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro, Lauren Faust and DHX Studios.
Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (3)

Edward Elric's fate has been altered. Little did he know that his decision is just the beginning of another chapter in his life.

- May include or remove tags if necessary.

FEATURED (Many thanks!!) (Dates are based on US CST) :
10/15/2020 (at least for a brief amount of time)
11/13/2020 (Friday the 13th!! :pinkiegasp: )
6/26/2022 (It's past midnight when I noticed this! :pinkiecrazy:)

Chapters (10)