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”So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

Hazen Smith was your average young man. He has lived a pretty decent life thus far, and now he is currently attending the college of his dreams at Oxford University.

But his life gets overturned when he learns from an old man in a bar that he is none other than the Dark Lord of Mordor; Sauron, the Lord of the Rings.

Surely you shouldn’t trust old men in bars right? So what happens when Hazen awakens as you guessed it Sauron, with all of his memories back to boot. Is this his second chance for a new life? One where he can bring himself a purpose of goodness when all he has ever done was tear others down? Why is he trapped on a world of mythical creatures, and what does this world have to offer that can bring him the purpose that he so desires?

{Contains Silmarillion elements, readers are encouraged to give insight into any inconsistencies that I make. It’s greatly appreciated!}

{Romance tag is for later chapters, so you might have to wait a bit for that part.}

Inspired by Reforged: Tyranny is Magic by Arawndil. You can read it on Fanfiction.net.

Current cover is a placeholder.
I don’t own crap save for this story.

Chapters (1)

Cutie mark crusaders, at the age of 8, begin to develop skills beyond the reach of any pony. Their strength increases dramatically, their hearing is now sharper than ever, and it seems they can no longer be damaged. This leads them to discover a secret that their families have hidden from them, they are not ordinary fillies, in fact, they were not even born as such. The very essence of the Tree of Harmony and the mysterious Chemical X runs in their veins, and it is up to them to decide what to do with these revelations.

Chapters (3)

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?
Commander Shepard wakes up on an alien world of colorful pony's, how will the Commander cope with her new environment?

And a of course check out the original creator

Any art used by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/144/Wanderer+D

Chapters (28)

With Wall-E and Eve's objectives completed and their usefulness run dry, they are deactivated and stored in a bunker safe from the environment with the Humans taking over the clean-up and rebuilding of society. Over 1000 years later, they are awoken by a mysterious force but to Grassy hills and Unique creatures instead of the Skyscrapers and Humans that they are used to.

Now it's the Robot duo's job to discover what happened to the Humans and where they went while trying to enjoy their own artificial lives together

Chapters (3)

[This is my rewrite of my Elements of harmony: Divine grace sunshine]

Some number of years ago, the seven deadly sins were framed for the murder of Grand Master Zaratas. Knowing the secret to Escanor's power the holy knights chased him all the way throughout the kingdom of Liones during the night, only for him to fall into a cavern and for the royal knights to presume he is dead.

He wakes up in the capital of equestria, Canterlot. Being the only human in equestria, the upper members of society which inhabited Canterlot looked down upon him and treated him like the dust they walked on, while the children and mares called him a monster as he turned and laughed him off.

One day, a certain alicorn and upon seeing how badly he was treated, she offered him a job at her castle. Seeing as anything was better than living on the streets in a land he knew nothing about, he took the job not caring for what it was. The best part about it was that most of the stuff he needed to know for the job he was already good at.

This story takes place sometime around the end of season 1, I may possible update the blue tags if I need to in the future because this isn't purely romance. If you dislike the story please tell me what I can improve on and how.

3/11/21 - I managed to get onto the popular stories page, may not seem like much now, but it is a small step for a small writer.

3/12/21 - I think this may be my first ever featured story. I am so happy.
3/16/21 - Second time being featured, I'm glad everyone like my story so much.
3/19/21 - Featured Again? (even if only for a little while.)
1/24/22 - I was gone, but now I'm back!

Chapters (7)

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has existed for thousands of years, an organization that survived the near extinction of their species, an organization that has always been in the shadows, but will one slip-up bring them into the light?

What if someone wanted it to happen?

Based off SCP: CB
Takes after the end of season 8

Chapters (41)

When Izuku Midoriya and his unofficial sister Eri get sent to Equestria by a strange being, they now must learn to live in this new world, with new bodies, new abilities and new friends, Deku must help defend Equestria with the Mane 6 and save this world from evil

[Set Before MLP Season 1, Set after MHA Cultural Festival]

Chapters (1)

One million years ago, in the year 2017 A.D., humanity discovered two new types of radiation that were being emitted from an unknown region up in space. Using the Hubble space telescope, scientists were able to discover that the radiation was being emitted from an asteroid, which was on a direct collision path with Earth. 

These two newly discovered radiation types were dubbed Keifer's radiation (later nicknamed harmonic radiation) and Chaotic radiation. Keifer's radiation was found to be completely harmless to humans and animals, although it was later discovered that Keifer's radiation tended to be attracted to certain animals. Chaotic radiation, on the other hand, was found to be extremely harmful to humans in large amounts, causing fatal mutations to humans. 

The discovered asteroid was found to be over twice as big as the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. In the year 2018, scientists predicted that the radiation was expected to reach fatal, critical levels by the year 2027. The asteroid itself was estimated to only crash into Earth one thousand years later, long after the rest of humanity would be wiped out by the lethal Chaotic radiation.

As a result of this, world leaders got together and began construction of Utopia, a large underground bunker, capable of housing four hundred thousand people, two thousand from each country. The chosen few were gathered together within Utopia and would be the last of humanity.

However, the radiation was estimated to have a half life of at least 1,000,000 years. This led world governments to invest heavily in suspended animation and cryogenic technology. And finally, in the year 2024, the first cryogenic pod was invented, capable of freezing someone for an infinite amount of time, without the need for sustenance, as long as there was a power supply.

Exactly one million years later, the humans reemerged to begin recolonisation... only to find several sentient species currently inhabiting the planet that they once had absolute, unchallenged authority over. 

One of them was humanity, which was able to recolonise and repopulate the planet from the few members of the human race that managed to survive the Second Flood, long before the Utopians woke up. But there was something wrong, humanity was being used as slaves by the ponies and several other species.

How will humanity answer to the fact that Planet Earth (now renamed Equus) is no longer theirs? Will they make peace with the locals, or will they attempt to wipe them off the face of the planet with their stockpile of nuclear weapons, that were there for the very purpose of reinstating human rule if another creature evolved to their level?

[Heavily inspired by the tv series The 100]

Featured from 19/7/21 to 23/7/21

Featured on 25/7/21

This is the old version of this story. The rebooted version is available here:

Beyond Earth Phoenix Rising

Chapters (36)

The year is 2974. A year has passed since the end of the conversion war. Earth recovers from the war as the rest of the Milky Way's civilizations plan to end humanity and their allies. Unfortunately/fortunately for them, humans and their allies were teleported into a different place, into a galaxy far, far away.

Being Rewritten since this was shit

Crossover with Star Wars. Slight crossover with War of the Worlds(2005).
Takes place after Twilight ascends and before Minister Tua was assassinated.
Credit to Vortix and Verfriedguy7 for the names of planets, stars and alien races.

Edited by comrade

Chapters (1)

In the beginning, The Great Weaver brought together the world, from the mountains to the forests. Stitching it together, the Great Tapestry connects all living and nonliving things.

The Changelings found themselves especially connected to this Tapestry. Legend says that the first Changelings fell through the world as it was woven together, only to be caught on the First Weave beneath it all.

But what happens when something else is caught in the Weave?

Prince Phasmatodea, son of Queen Chrysalis, remembers what it was like before he hatched. He remembers being a human. He remembers dying. And he fully intends on avoiding another death.

But being gifted a new life does not matter when one failure, one false step, will lead to your untimely demise in the Changeling hive, for Prince Phasma must survive his toughest adversary from the start: Mother Dearest.

Cover art as of 1/18/21 by Nixworld

Chapters (151)