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When Celestia went on sabbatical into the west, she promised Twilight it would be only a couple of months. A year and a half later, the sun resists control, the country is in ruins, and her teacher is lost in the wilds. Twilight has become the apostate, her faith in her teacher and her teachings waning. In the wake of tragedy, her resentment blossoms into fury and she vows that something must be done. Shadows gather around Canterlot, and old things that should not have been awakened are on the move. The Student goes west, her hope restored by friendship and righteous fury.

The night, at long last, is passing.

Chapters (53)

The trauma of having his mind twisted and controlled before his wedding had a larger effect on Shining Armor than he first thought.

After an innocent conversation, Shining Armor is feeling uneasy about his wife’s special talent and even more worried about something he learns regarding Princess Celestia. However, luckily for him his sister is one of the most talented ponies in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

When Celestia dares Luna to lick a pole out in the park, promising her that she can be the big spoon when they snuggle that night, Luna doesn't have to think twice.

Besides, it's only for a second, right?

Chapters (1)

In a silly foal's game, old feelings come back to surface.

Under a mistletoe.

Hearth's Warming fuzzy princest.

Thanks to Anonymous Editor for help. Again. <3

Chapters (1)

Warning: The following story contains a rule 63 or gender-swap of Twilight and Celestia, which means this story will be a m/m romance. So if you don't like that sort of thing, you know where the exit button is.

Not long after moving into his new home, Prince Dusk Shine gets an unexpected visit from Prince Solaris who seemed to be a bit out of character. Not only that, but the hundreds of letters the Sun Prince accidentally sent, he had them burned immediately.

However, thanks to Dusk's number one dragoness, a few of these letters escaped the inferno.

So what was in these letters that mad Solaris wanted to burn them before Dusk reads them?

A huge thank you to his Highness, PrinceCelestia for the cover art. As well as Shadeol for volunteering to proofread this.

Chapters (25)

How can this be true? When the sun was later in rising than it should have been, Princess Luna became concerned for her older sister. No pony had seen her since Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's reception had ended late the night before. However when Luna went to urge the moon down hoping to nudge Celestia into completing the cycle, her magic brushed against an aura she had hoped and prayed to never glimpse again.

Had her inability to protect the ponies she cares so deeply for, driven Princess Celestia to do... The unthinkable?

Chapters (10)

For more than a thousand years, Equestria has blossomed into its beautiful, peaceful state... but when Princess Celestia tells Twilight the order she must carry out with the help of the other alicorn princesses, she is heartbroken. What she is about to do will shatter all that she thinks she is.

Note: this story takes place after season four and before season five. There will be no mention of Flurry Heart. She does not exist.

Chapters (4)

Behind Celestia's graceful smile and kind eyes, secrets are hidden with a thousand years of practice. The whispered legends of her depravity hide a dark grain of truth, hidden in the mists of time: the clash with Nightmare Moon left her with scars that will never heal.

This was written before Season 4: it's in a Season 3 universe.
An eighth chapter, by Icebox Froggie, is on its way, and will be added to the story at some point.

Wonderful Cover Art By: PonySlayer, aka JonnySalami
Mailbox Bomber (From Bronyville Forums)
Ininsaki (From Bronyville Forums)
The 11th Wonder

Chapters (7)

Celestia tells Twilight the story of the beginning of the world.

Chapters (2)

There are beings known as the goddesses of the sun and moon this is true, but Equis herself is barely new. When her embodiment begins to fade, how will this world change?

Long ago and far away, before the beginning of all days, a being born from times forgotten, mantle passed to one not rotten. An ancient being now begins to fade, without her will Equis stay?

Or will a new beginning be born, to bear the eternal legacy and the world on her horns.

A story in which I break the planet...no really.

Then again, I suppose breaking is a relative term. This take is far more sci-fi horror than you might expect. You have been warned.

Written as part of my contribution for Nightmare Night.

Chapters (3)