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Concept Art

The Block Kingdom, a foreign empire outside of the reign of Celestia and Luna, has asked that a Royal Representative of Equestria come to visit. In order to help him develop his social skills and public relations, Princess Luna has sent Dusk Shadow to meet up with the Block Kingdom's Princess.

Fun, games, and general chaos will certainly happen. What else do you expect when you have a kingdom controlled by smart little fillies and foals?

Dusk Shadow, an overly serious, and not well-known Prince of Equestria is not exactly happy about his task. However, duty calls, so he accepts his responsibility. From there, what started as a simple visit becomes something he never expected, and a change he needed. He will learn things that he was unaware of before, and rediscover what he lost a long time ago.

If you actually enjoy these kinds of things, and read the story, feel free to leave a rating and a comment/suggestion. Prejudiced ratings or rating just because you don’t like what the story is about, and not the writing itself is just immature. And when a babyfur calls you immature, you really should think about it.

- I do NOT ship with canon characters.
- My OC is my Ponysona, I based him off of myself. Anything that happened in his past has direct correlation to something that happened to my own. He's not made dark to be 'cool', it's how I am myself.
- I accept constructive criticism, but not flat-out hate and negativity. Difference: Constructive Criticism: “This is what I liked…. Here’s what I didn’t like and how you could fix it…” Negativity: “This is stupid, why is it like this? That makes no sense, it’s just stupid and wrong.”
- I do suffer from a number of issues (PTSD, depression, inferiority complex, etc. All formally diagnosed by various psychologists and psychiatrists), so that may carry over in how I write or interact with my readers. I apologize if I may seem nasty at times.
- Because a lot of people don’t READ, I had to include a bunch of disclaimers

Thank you, Zubric, for roleplaying this with me to iron out some details.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Eternal Lonely Day

On May 23, 2015, the world ended. It wasn't violent, it wasn't bloody, and it wasn't even very dramatic. The entire population of the planet vanished. But they didn't stay gone; almost at once refugees started trickling back. Unfortunately for them, they didn't come back with their humanity intact.

Instead of a single species, the earth is now populated with Ponies, griffons, dragons, minotaurs, and even stranger creatures. What will the remnants of humanity make with their world? Will they remember human achievements, or slip back into primitive ignorance? Learn from our mistakes, or repeat them over and over?

People haven't really changed, only their bodies have. The world now comes with new threats, supernatural as well as mundane. Demons lurk beneath the sea, while strange spirits whisper promises in dreams. Empires rise, dictators control, and ponies have nowhere to turn for help. Nowhere except themselves, and old-fashioned hard work.

This story is effectively an anthology of episodes, each of which will focus on a different time period and different perspective characters.

Latest in the Last Pony on Earth series. If you haven't read that story, start there. This one won't really make much sense otherwise.

Editing provided by Two Bit and Sparktail. Art by the fantastic Zutcha.

Chapters (25)

Until yesterday, my life was no different than anybody's. Go to work, pay the bills, sleep. Today, I woke up to a world without humans. The streets are empty, the power grid is running down, and not another soul is in sight. That might not be the worst thing, if I wasn't also a pony.

Where is everyone? Why is this happening to me?

Will l stay sane long enough to starve?

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

Now with a TVTropes page! Для тех, кто предпочитает русский язык, перевод можно найти по ссылке.

Note To E-Reader users: This story contains illustrations in each chapter, which will be lost in the standard fimfiction chapter export. The generous Phoen1x took the time to produce an epub version with all the illustrations intact, which you can download here.

A huge thanks to Zutcha for all his hard work on the art of this story. Also a huge thanks to my editors Two Bit and Sparktail, for tolerating my half-written crap.

Chapters (50)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)

Sweetie Belle is compelled to learn magic after Rarity promises to teach her the finer art of dressmaking, but only once the young filly has learned the basics of magic. However, learning magic comes with its own set of complications and bears an unforeseen gift that will change Sweetie Belle's life forever.

Here's a one-shot sequel that takes place four days after Scion of Chaos: An Emerald Treasure

And this is a Multi-chapter sequel that takes place 5 years after the events of SoC and AET: A Heart of Change

Here's a poem that's based around the character Red Timber. (Not necessary to read for the comprehension of the storyline): Red Timber

Special thanks to SameAsUsual for letting me use his art: http://sameasusual.deviantart.com/art/Ultimate-Sweetie-Belle-340226445. And to ShadowBro for adding in the title and cropping the image.

Chapters (21)

On her vacation in the town of Gold Springs, Rarity finds a dragon. He won't let go of her coin, and now she has no idea what to do with him.

Spanish Translation is Available! Thank you so much to SPANIARD KIWI for the work!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle faced a greater challenge that will test her fate and destiny - Restoring Mane Five's true selves, cutie marks and friendship, as well as stopping Sunset Shimmer and retrieve her crown back from Human Realm. What happens to her if she accomplished her mission? What fate awaits her?

* Antagonists: Sunset Shimmer, Mysterious Enemy
* Notes: This is the combination of Magical Mystery Cure and Equestria Girls first film, but this will not follow original storyline. PM and JusSonic's MLP Universe shared the same stories.
* The artwork poster belongs to me.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony Mystic Season 1

Sequel to My Little Pony Mystic Season 5 and Rainbow Spark Rocks as well.

With the Friendship Games on the way, Sunset and her friends found out that the Human Twilight sided with their rivalry school Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts. Autobots sided with Wondercolt while G.I. Joe sided with Shadowbolts as the mascots and representation to the school.

Strikespell built his Project: Avenging Ship or Phoenix Cruisers in watching over the world, defending it and repelling against the invasion to achieve his goal of peace and security of the world. Dark Curse and his Alliance of Darkness (Decepticons and Cobra) were about to initiate the mysterious Project End.

Now Sunset and her friends must team up with Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe to stop Project End and defeat their enemies. But can their friendship united to prevail and defeat their enemies? Can they trust their realm's Twilight Sparkle? Will their hope and world be destroyed?

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Friendship's Heart of Destiny

With Starlight Glimmer as her pupil and ally, Twilight Sparkle and her friends venture into new adventure with their Mystic Allies for new morality and battles to face.

Chapters (30)