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Prequel: Age of Kings, A Long Way to Fall
Sequel: The Lost Connection

Part of the Bloodlines Continuity

After defeating the Dazzlings and freeing Canterlot High School from the threat of eternal strife, the girls finally seem to be able to wind down for the winter holidays.

With less than a month left until school lets out, Sunset Shimmer finds herself being followed around by shadowy individuals who know of her otherworldly origins. As the year draws to a close, Sunset's only hope of making sense of it all may be a mysterious new transfer student...one who is very good at avoiding her.

-Equestria Girls/Assassin's Creed crossover-

Thanks to Cinders of War for the cover!


Featured on 1/19/2016, 1/26/2016, 2/15/2016, 3/13/2016, 5/25/2016, 5/31/2016, 6/21/2016, 6/22/2016, 6/28/2016, 7/4/2016, 7/9/2016, 7/19/2016, 7/24/2016, 8/6/2016, 8/28/2016, 9/11/2016, 9/21/2016, 10/1/2016, 10/9/2016, 10/16/2016, 10/23/2016, 10/27/2016, 10/30/2016, 11/4/2016, 11/6/2016, 11/10/2016, 11/13/2016, 11/17/2016, 11/20/2016, 11/24/2016, 11/27/2016, 12/1/2016, 12/4/2016, 12/9/2016, 12/15/2016, 12/18/2016, 12/22/2010, 12/26/2016, 12/29/2016, 1/1/2017, 1/5/2017, and 1/7/2017!

Chapters (59)

If there's one thing we can count on, it's Twilight Sparkle, prized student and newest princess, to botch up a spell in her quest to master all of magic.

This time, it propels her to a new world, this one not inhabited by bipeds, but ponies like herself, and yet not like herself. She has entered the realm of Everglow, where the queen is a queen, and ponies suffer horribly lethal combat much more often than Equestria could manage under the peaceful reign of its alicorn caretakers.

Will she find her way back home, to her friends and responsibilities? Will she survive the harsh new realm she has entered?

Based on Ponyfinder. Want to support the author? Check out his Patreon.

Chapters (133)

A young human called Alex is transported to Equestria without knowing how or why. After being discovered by Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike in the Everfree Forest, Alex soon learns that he is a very special case.
He now finds himself running for his life as everypony is out to get him.

Will Alex escape this ponified nightmare, or will he find himself as a prized catch?

This story was inspired by 'We will Catch You if we Can' by proto-alpha.

Chapters (27)

A regular human arrives in Equestria and to most it would be a dream come true. But this human knows pratically nothing about the ponies or their world. With no home to return to, he is forced to brave this new world. So he does what any human in his situation would do. He survives.

Rated teen for swearing, blood and how it gets kinda dark. Written after season two. Updated after season 4.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to World of Ponies: The Rise of Change.

Three years have passed since Castus and his humans fled from Canterlot. In that time, they have grown and learned; living at peace in a wide open plain. But forces begin to move, that now push Equestria and the Humans into a war in which both sides are not fully prepared to face.

Awsome Cover Art is thanks to Sipioc and KickassKing. Thank you dudes, you guys are awesome. I'm honored that my story has inspired fan art :)

Chapters (30)

My name is Rachel. Or at least it was. A bad decision brought me to the brink of death. I was "rescued" from that fate by some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos." Or maybe he really was the devil, I don't know. He promised me a second chance but didn't tell me it would be in the body of a cutesy pony in a world which makes no sense. Worse, I think I've been set up, and something bigger is going on ...

(Rated teen for language and non-gory violence)

Cover art by the talented NoviceCreedArt on tumblr. Link to original work.

Chapters (58)

Twilight Sparkle has too much magic, and it will take her decades to learn to control it. Her spectacular loss of control during her entrance exam only proves that fact. She is a danger to herself and others.

After Sunset Shimmer’s disappearance, Princess Celestia needs a new student to bear The Element of Magic to defeat Nightmare Moon. With all of Equestria at stake, Twilight Sparkle…is not the pony she needs.

Princess Celestia seals Twilight Sparkle’s magic with the distant promise of one day teaching her.

But there are two diarchs of Equestria. Amidst a lucid dream, an offer is made.

“Hello, Twilight. Would you like to be my student?”

Cover art provided by Lafiir.

Chapters (43)

Daring Do finds an interesting creature. She isn't going to take care of it, so she brings it to the Royal Sisters to deal with. Surely they can handle it, right?

Chapters (8)

Twilight discovers Discord in-hiding - which is strange enough - but the discussion they have causes her to consider the particulars of true harmony, and whether or not a being such as he should be allowed to live freely to retain his part in it.

[Written/published between Sept. 2011 and Oct. 2012]

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Pony's Sympathy

Following Discord's last escape from stone [as seen in A Pony's Sympathy], Twilight Sparkle sought to understand his role in the keeping of Balance in Equestria

Her want to understand sparked an alliance of sorts, a kind of understanding between them. Although having one pony in his corner has done little to convince the rest.

His lack of empathy and understanding of a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia.

But while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own, and it could not have come at a more inopportune time.

Continuing the story of A Pony's Sympathy, the fledgling friendship between the Spirit of Chaos and the Element of Magic may determine the fate of the ponies, and the way both sides of harmony regard one another.

[Written/published between Nov. 2012 and Nov. 2013, based loosely on Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 3x13 'Deja Q']

Chapters (12)