• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

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This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

Kukri Doo has a good life in Freeport. She's almost twelve, her parents are warm and loving, she has a big sister to look up to, and Sunset Shimmer--the very same magus the young changeling met on the Venture--might be taking her on as an apprentice soon.

But then her big sister comes home with word that one of her jobs has gone wrong, and now the entire family is in danger. And now something ancient and evil has started stalking Kukri in the night...

Chapters (4)

If you asked Big Macintosh what he liked about a pony there would be very little about Vinyl Scratch that would fit the bill. That's probably why he doesn't really like her. You might even say he detested her.

Then again, he hardly knows her.
Nothing that a bit of forced confinement can't fix.

Written for the Straight Shipping group 'A disagreement of sorts' competition. Yes, I couldn't think of a better name, sue me. Also written on a very random prompt from a friend who sarcastically said 'I ship it' when he saw a picture of Big Mac and Vinyl somewhere vaguely near each other.

Chapters (1)

After noticing that Pinkie has a peculiar talent -- one she's only seen once before -- Twilight decides to have a little fun while doing some research. Yes, it's time for the first Ponyville Pony Throw-Off, between Prince Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie! Who will win? It's anypony's game!

Placed 16th out of 49 entries in the October 2014 writeoff, "Just Over the Horizon".

Chapters (1)

It's the wrestling-mania event of the century! Everything is at stake! Two muscled titans enter the ring, vying for the Equestrian Belt, but only one will leave!

Will it be the Mad Minotaur of Minos, Iron Will?

Or the True Terror of Tartarus, Tirek?

Let's get ready to rumble!

Chapters (1)

Every child has a moment when they must come face to face with fear. It is a moment predicated in growth and exemplifying growing up. It is a moment that can define a childhood, for good or ill.

For Dinky Hooves, that moment has come.

Winning entry of the January 2013 Writeoff, "The First Time".

A standalone story of the Whiskverse!

Approved by Twilight's Library!

Now in Chinese! (Google translated and read by me!)

Chapters (1)

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

When Soarin’s pride and manliness are on the line, he will resort to anything to defend them. Sadly, Soarin doesn’t always have the brightest ideas. So will his newest plan ‘Operation Prove I’ma Man’ end in glory and impressed teammates, or will it end in utter failure and shame? He will have to pull out all stops in an attempt to steal Rainbow Dash’s panties!

YouTube Reading!

Chapters (1)

“What the hell?” he muttered. “What happened? He cautiously opened his eyes again.
He wasn’t in his room.
“Oh…” Soarin mumbled again, looking down at the bed beneath him.
He wasn’t in his bed.
“Oh my…” He said, his eyes snapping open as his foggy brain put two and two together.

After being discharged from the Wonderbolts and spending an interesting night with a certain rainbow-maned Pegasus, Soarin moves into a new career, Weather Control.

He has no idea what he's in for.

Now has a sequel.

Chapters (12)

After a tiring day at work, Carrot Top trudges home. As usual, her cross-eyed roommate, Derpy Hooves, has emptied the fridge. Nothing out of the ordinary.

However, when Derpy comes down with a case of incessant itching and what's colloquially known as "the herp walk," Carrot's day is about to become... not so ordinary.

Inspired by an episode of "2 Broke Girls". (Accordingly, Derpy is analogous to Caroline. Go figure.)

Thanks to Sage Runner, ValorlordV5, RoboRed, and MarineMarksman for editing.

Rated Teen for some language and raunchy humor. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue. Also, herpes.

Chapters (3)

Being the Royal Advisor for Celestia and Luna, you've come up with solutions for many of the nation's problems.

Unfortunately you said a naughty word in front of a guard. Seeing as how these ponies are extremely sensitive, you lie your way out of it.

The events that follow could only be described as "completely stupid".

Rated Teen for naughty words being said.

Thanks to Zephyr for editing.

Featured within 1 hour and 30 minutes on Aug 12, 2015. Thank you guys so much!

Good thing I was reading this on the toilet, because this story made me lose my shit. -LeoneHaxor

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Everfree

A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

When the world finally seems to have fallen silent, the darkness shall always rise to swallow the light. Two agents of Canterlot's most secret organization have gone missing while on a critical assignment. Fearing for the safety of Equestria, Captain Fleethoof is drawn into an intense investigation surrounding weapons trafficking, violent crimes, a notorious family, and one very enigmatic special agent. Pulled into a web of betrayal, corruption, treason, and violence he never knew existed, Fleethoof begins to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes—and what the return of an old foe means for the future of Equestria.

Special Agent Bentgrass belongs to Jake The Army Guy.
Pre-reading and editing also done by the spectacular Jake The Army Guy.

Chapters (14)