• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

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Total Words: 9,296,098
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Applejack has always struggled to make ends meet at Sweet Apple Acres. After the chaotic events of the Grand Galloping Gala, she returns home to find her farm experiencing a stroke of good luck. Applejack celebrates her fortune with all her friends, all except for one. Rainbow Dash has gone missing, and Applejack decides to find out why.

Chapters (1)

Applejack bites Rainbow Dash's tail off.

Special Thanks to: Vimbert, Ponky, and Pilate

Chapters (1)

Applejack asks her best friends to come watch her sister's hoofball game. The girls know they are in for the most boring Saturday morning in Equestrian history.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight tells Fluttershy about moonflowers, the rarest of all flowers in Equestria, the Pegasus pony goes on a perilous journey to find them. But when she also encounters Luna, the mysterious Princess of the Moon, she discovers that some things are worth conquering your fears for.

Illustration by Alacar988.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle returns to Canterlot to celebrate the Grand Jubilee with Princess Celestia, she again meets the prank-loving Princess of the Moon - but what does the mischievous Luna want with her? And what do socks have to do with it all?

Special thanks to Canterlot-expert TwilightFlopple for not only inspiring me with her sexy pic of Luna in socks http://twilightflopple.deviantart.com/art/Luna-s-Socks-227462669 but also for helping me come up with a DJ-PWN3 song, a room opulent enough for Equestria's capital and a Griffon King with a suitably epic name. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

In a dark place named Tartarus, a subterranean hellscape between worlds, humans and ponies are paired together at random to survive a gauntlet of horrible monstrocities while the future of their realms hang in the balance.

Now, are you buying that? Good. Cuz I'm friggin' tired of having to explain it all on top of dragging this annoying-ass unicorn around the effing corridors of purgatory along with me. You'd think the damn, burning yahoos who run this place would give us rest stops to drown ourselves in beer or something. Friggin' A.

Oh, and some ponies and humans spill blood together and stuff. I dunno. Stop playing BattleDuty: Future Football and read this, or whatever. Like I give a crap...

Chapters (10)

Twist is a complex filly with simple needs. When circumstance prevents her from fulfilling her desires, things can get quite chaotic for everypony around her.

A tale of rivalry, thirst, and shameless corporate tie-ins.

Chapters (1)

New! Part 3: After Twilight notices Applejack becoming increasingly obsessed with the game, she tasks Pinkie Pie (of all ponies) to keep an eye on her. The two head out into Ponyville in search of adventure and the perfect game.

Part 1: Twilight has finally convinced Applejack to join her other friends in Spike's weekly D&D game. However, will she be able to figure out the rules before they all drive Spike crazy?

Part 2: Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have stumbled across Twilight's D&D books, and convinced her to take up the dice once more. But will anypony meet their high standards to be their Dungeon Master? More importantly, what will happen when you-know-who finds out?

Chapters (13)

After a spell misfires, Twilight and Big Macintosh find themselves trapped in a world like none they've ever seen before. Together, they will face adventure, hardship, loss and longing, as their shared experience brings them closer together.

Chapters (5)

Ever wonder what a day is like in the lives of Fimfiction's illustrious owner and most active moderator? Look no further than this story! (Warning: Super duper gay.)

Chapters (1)