• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

Favourites 1250 stories
Found 429 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 9,296,098
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight Sparkle is a gifted student and scholar. When she attempts to harness her creative side by writing a science-themed sensual romance novel, however, things rapidly get out of hoof. Can her friends stage an intervention before she humiliates herself (and them) at a prestigious literature recital?

No. No, they cannot.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

Applejack steps out of her barn to discover that her home is gone, and the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres has been transformed into a beach. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is opening up a juice bar on her front lawn, Pinkie Pie's dancing the hula, and Big McIntosh is getting his groove on. And she soon realizes that her troubles have only just begun.

Chapters (1)

"They've got your little brother."

Those are the words that begin Snowflake's testosterone-filled rampage through Equestria to the gates of Tartarus... and beyond. Only with his cousins, Cloudchaser and Flitter, do they have any chance of rescuing Featherweight from the forces of Evil.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to It's Elementary, My Dear Rainbow

Something is going bump in the night in Ponyville, cutting a path of destruction through the quiet town. It's up to the brilliant mind of Twilight Sparkle to get to the bottom of this, accompanied as always by her loyal assistant (and new marefriend) Rainbow Dash.

This is a stand-alone story following the Twilight Holmes continuity established in It's Elementary, My Dear Rainbow. Reading the first story is recommended, but not required to enjoy Sabotage After Sunset. It is followed by Salting Snails.

Editing by Doctor Strangelove and Formerly Committed.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves in a mysterious, compromising position. It's up to the brilliant mind of Twilight to deduce what series of events led them to this.

This story has sequels entitled Twilight Holmes: Sabotage After Sunset followed by Salting Snails.

Written for the Annual Twidash Contest.

Dramatic reading Part One and Part Two!

Let's Read blog by bookplayer here!

Remaster edited by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (1)

Much of Luna's life has returned to normal in the short years since she returned. It takes a pony very close to her to spot that something is haunting the princess again and that she's been sneaking off after nightfall for some time. When that pony has all the tact of a battleship, the only thing for certain is that things are about to get heated.

"We are teased by the reveal with an interesting premise that could easily expand much, much further... and it does not. The author has said their piece, revealing this small vignette. The audience is left satisfied, yet hungry for more. That’s basically kind of exactly what you are always aiming for, as an author."
—Pav Feira, Seattle's Angels

(For those that share my sci-fi tastes, yes, the title is a small tribute to Babylon 5)

Cover by RikiTheSuperZeldaFan.
Dramatic reading by Illya Leonov

Chapters (1)

Having been rejected, yet again, Trixie decides that drastic measures must be taken in order to gain entry to the Golden Oaks Library... and Twilight's heart. Fortunately for her, and the rest of Ponyville, she's stopped by someone who knows Twilight intimately. Against his better judgement, Spike agrees to help Trixie with her purple pony problem. But what does Spike know about wooing mares? Apparently a lot.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is the most epically winning pony there is. She wins so much, she had three epic wins before she even woke up. And with her best friend le Pinkie Pie, how could she ever possibly stop winning...epically?

Twilight thinks she knows how, and the answer isn't a good one. Will she be able to help Rainbow Dash before her epic wins become an epic... fail?

Part of (le) Winningverse (because I said so).

Comic illustrations done by (the awesome) Chromosome.
Cover art by knighty.

Chapters (1)