• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


born in america raise in america love all anime and cartoons bookwarm adult and a mlp fan

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What had started out as a relatively normal day for Twilight Sparkle quickly became the day that everything changed for all life on the planet Equus-G4.

For it was on that day the Galactic Empire arrived, with only one single purpose.


Despite the best efforts of Princess Celestia and the Royal Guard, Canterlot fell, unable to stand against the technological superiority of the Empire.

Princess Celestia herself, the Light of Hope for Equestria, fell to the hands of the Sith Lord, Darth Vader, her public execution broadcast across the kingdom.

But it was also the day that 10 year old Twilight tapped into a mysterious power, one that nobody on Equestria had ever seen or heard of before.

The Force.

After spending five years hiding from the Imperial Forces, surviving by stealing from their convoys, she finally scrapes together enough credits to buy passage from a smuggler to another planet.

There she meets Sunset Shimmer, a fellow Equestrian who reveals herself to be a Jedi Knight and a survivor of Order 66.

And together, they set off on an adventure that will help change the galaxy forever.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader discovers another Equestrian who's Force Sensitive. One whose anger makes her a perfect candidate for the Inquisitors.

And perhaps, something more...

Before the five year timeskip, this story starts roughly 10 years Before the Battle of Yavin, or 10 BBY.
AKA, ten years before Episode IV: A New Hope and nine years after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Death Tag is for the aforementioned death of Princess Celestia, and many members of the Royal Guard that forgot to wear their Plot Armor.
Gore Tag is for dismemberment and decapitations via Lightsabers, Vibroblades,
and a few other creative tools.
I don't think I need to explain the Violence and Profanity Tags. This IS Star Wars after all.

Chapters (3)

Coming back from a hectic job, the crew of Serenity experience a ship-wide malfunction as a bizarre incident occurs in space around them. Eventually all of the ship's systems clear and they think nothing of it, that is until they discover they've taken on a rather interesting hitchhiker.

An MLP/ Firefly crossover story, if that wasn't obvious.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (9)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a tyrant who would sat on the throne of Equestria but under the leadership of Princess Platinum the third, a unicorn rebellion dethroned the tyrant and established the UNICORN EMPIRE showing once and for all the superiority of UNICORNS over lonesome mud-ponies or mutated chickens!

A thousand year has passed since the fall of the tyrant and now a prophecy is coming true, what will Twilight do as she finds long-held beliefs shattered?

[29/3/2020] I'm going to rework the chapters and improve them, I'm busy with my other stories but I do want to finish this one.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Time Goes On

After reuniting with her best friend, Sunset Shimmer has decided to do the one thing that will ensure Twilight will never forget her again: move in with her.

Now it's a simple matter of reconnecting with the mare who stole her heart, learning the ropes of her new home, and continuing her study of magical artifacts... And, perhaps, making new friends as well. All while dealing with all the surprising perils that seem endemic to Ponyville. But none of that could possibly be a problem for a pony as great as Sunset Shimmer, right?

It's going to be a long year.

Cover art by ShutterflyEQD

Featured on May 3, 2018!

Chapters (12)

Winter Break has come to Canterlot High. But Sunset Shimmer has no one to spend it with, as her friends are otherwise occupied. Rather than spend the time alone, she decides to travel to Equestria to enjoy Hearth's Warming with her friend Twilight Sparkle.

After the craziness of the Battle of the Bands and the general stress of the holidays, Sunset is looking forward to the peace and quiet of Equestria, where ponies never have to worry about wacky hijinks or impending magical catastrophes.

At least, that's how Sunset remembers it.

Cover art done by the amazing NixWorld

Chapters (12)

Several balls of darkness appeared throughout the world, slowly expanding and spreading, eating and absorbing everything it touches. Soon, it will devour the world. Celestia may have found what it was and how to stop it; however, it is no easy task. The Jewel of Life, an old and mythical artifact able to destroy all evil. The journey they'll have to go through to find and take it is hard. Even more so when they're not the only ones looking for it.

Edit: Added the comedy tag due to some humorous moments

Chapters (4)

Tempest Shadow finds the path of reformation is not easy for her... it just doesn't feel right. Then she learns of a disquieting trade going on in the Southlands... and then a close friend is ponynapped... and she discovers exactly the kind of pony she is meant to be.

Sequel to MLP: The Movie, covering Tempest's reformation and also tying up loose ends in the movie and prequel comic.

User Spaniard Kiwi was kind enough to post a Spanish translation over on DeviantArt -- check it out!

For more fun with Tempest Shadow, see the Nightmare Night story,
Nightmare Fight.

This story's timeline is also continued into Season 8 by Twilight's Pirate School.

Chapters (20)

Twilight Sparkle accomplished something incredible, something not even the great Starswirl could manage. But ascension into the ranks of Equestria's princesses is not without its difficulties. Before she can take her place as princess of Friendship, Twilight must travel to the underworld and make a ceremonial offering to Death in exchange for her immortality. Twilight is more than a little surprised to discover the identity of the pony under the hood.

After years living in Ponyville and getting to know her friends, Twilight always assumed they were exactly what they seemed: a group of friendly and ambitious ponies. But as it turns out, the sort of pony who saves Equestria and decodes the ancient mysteries of Starswirl is likely to attract ponies a tad more interesting.

Updates on the 3rd or 4th Friday of every month, then daily until that section is complete.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Trixie Luna Moon

A shadow descends upon Canterlot. Celestia announces the impending return of Nightmare Moon. And Twilight, Tempest, and their fellow students find there's more to being Equestria's chosen defenders than they bargained for...

For more of this AU, see: Ring Around the Moon -- Part II

Also see the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends

Chapters (5)

A collection of short stories.

It's been a few months since Twilight freed herself from captivity by creating a mystical suit of armor. Now she's dedicated her life to warring against a group of domestic terrorists called A.I.M to make sure what happened to her never happens to anybody else as the Invincible Iron Mage!

Proofread by Berry Delight and Dinode.Cover art by JodtheClod.

Chapters (10)