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Every week or so, Rarity gathers all of her friends for a little get-together at her boutique. Or at a cafe. Or in Sugarcube Corner. Anywhere that serves tea or tea can be brought in.

And every time, as soon as their conversation steers towards that most intimate of topics, Rainbow Dash falls silent.

Chapters (4)

When facing Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon was given a choice: redemption or revenge. What if she had chosen the latter? A grim fate awaits Equestria, but in a time of greater strife and conflict, Discord's return is accelerated. While he expected to bring chaos, he did not anticipate that he would end the Longest Night and bring hope and joy back to the land.

Discord struggles to reconcile his nature with his desire for admiration. While Twilight's friends strive to carve a new life in the ever-shifting Equestria, she searches for Celestia, the only one who can bring harmony back to her lands. But Nightmare Moon also seeks her sister in a desperate attempt to find her place in the world. New dangers lurk in the wild and more threaten to fall over Equestria. Nightmare Moon's decision broke the balance of the world. Will Equestria ever turn to peace, or will the spiral of chaos and destruction be the end of everything?

(An alternate history, this story takes the universe established by the canon and explores one possible outcome if Princess Luna had not been redeemed.)

Comments contain huge spoilers. Walk softly.

Special thanks to my pre-readers, MmmandarinOrange and DarkmatterButterflies for keeping my head on, taking the journey of the story, and making it so much better than it would have been if I wrote it alone.

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to Reading Rainbow

Pressed by the looming shadow of academic tardiness after her internment at the hospital, Twilight again attempts the use of the Split-Sight spell to catch up on her studies. But when a strange side effect alters more than just her vision, she finds that things might not go quite as she had planned.

[Cover Art by: Conicer]

Chapters (2)

It has been five years since Emergence. Since then, Bureaus have been opening around the world, and many are embracing the offer of survival that is ponification. The United States is still the center of the cooperative efforts to refine the serum that allows a human to walk in as a member of Homo sapiens and walk out as Equus equestriani. But a menace dismissed as an isolated incident is marshalling its might, and its eyes are turned toward the city that stands as the foremost center of the research effort. St Louis fell asleep to peace, and will awaken to thunder and fire.

Set in the Cloudyverse. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro and all other relevant owners. All original characters copyright to their respective owners.

Chapters (17)

Princess Celestia calls for Twilight's aid for a monumental occasion.
The princess's mother is coming for a visit, and she's not quite what anyone was expecting.

Chapters (1)

After an accident, Twilight's life is turned upside down and changed forever.
With her friends standing by her, she must manage to overcome new obstacles, learn a new way of life, and discover just how long secrets last when hidden from those who know you best.


Now in audiobook form!: Youtube

Chapters (8)

Hearth's Warming Eve has come once again, which means fun in the snow, warm food, and spending time with family. At least, that's what it means for most ponies. For Scootaloo it means a day off from crusading, loneliness, and the coldest night of the year. When Discord begins to whisper to her from his stone prison, she questions the beliefs held by many. What was so great about Harmony? What could be so bad about a world where chocolate milk fell from the sky?

Thanks to The Band Brony, Gsppcrocks10, Inkscrawler, TheBuggiest, and minjask6572 for help with editing. Thanks to SStwins for the awesome cover art.

Now with its own TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (22)

In the dark,six voices dwindle. They drift, forgetting life and love and hope, eaten away by time and void.

And then, suddenly, there was colour.

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo and her friends have long been crusading for their cutie marks, but after a long string of failures, Scootaloo is more desperate than ever. Desperate enough to try something as namby-pamby as - ugh - dancing. Will Scootaloo find that dancing's more fun than she expected, or will she end up once again covered in tree sap? Read this to find out!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 7/25/12.

Chapters (1)

For a long time, I thought I was an oddity. One dragon living with a bunch of ponies, in a whole kingdom of ponies, no less. I was emasculated, a shadow of what I thought I was supposed to be. What I expected of myself, and what I thought was expected of me, drove me to follow the great dragon migration. I thought it would wake up my inner dragon, and finally allow me to realize what I'm meant to be in this world. But it didn't. All it showed me was that other members of my species only care about size, strength and brute force. I left there, glad that I had such good friends, but still just as lost as ever on the inside. That is, until she showed up.

A crossover-ish type story involving a certain black lady dragon from a video game series.

A MLP Legend of Spyro crossover, though no knowledge of the games is needed to read the fic.

Chapters (6)