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Applejack had long since taken the Hearth’s Warming Eve story for fact. When she and Fluttershy find themselves in an untamed wilderness, they’ll learn that not all history is preserved. In their struggle to find their way home, the two will unearth secrets unknown to any living being, pony or otherwise.

Half a world away, the others have problems of their own. As Rainbow Dash struggles to discover exactly what she is to her oldest friend, Twilight must face the stunning truth about her long-time mentor.

In the end, what is lost, and what is found?

Chapters (35)

Sweetie Belle has been living with Rarity since their parents went off to see the world, but some years have passed, and it may be time for a change.


Credit to title pic goes to dlazerous of deviantart

Chapters (4)

Meet Diamond Tiara. She’s a stuck up earth pony who’s been given whatever she’s wanted whenever she’s wanted it. Her life has everything: riches, luxury, ease, and most of all, her best friend Silver Spoon. With the school year over it seems like Diamond Tiara is set for the best summer ever! Of course, that is, until her big sister comes for a nice, long visit to Ponyville…

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to In Her Majesty's Royal Service

After guardsponies Storm Stunner, Crack Shot, and Check Mate proved instrumental in stopping an interdimensional incident that threatened to annoy the city of Canterlot, the Royal Guard made a realization: perhaps they might just be able to serve functions beyond pulling aerial chariots and trying not to blink in public.

Now months later, they're finally starting to get somewhere with each of the odd regimens they've designed; it's a shame that three of their number will have to miss the progress to follow. In recognition of their prior bravery, quick thinking, (and to a smaller degree their dumb luck), Princess Luna has given Storm, Check, and Crack Shot a special assignment: to visit the lands on the borders of pony control, to sample the local flavors, and to maybe even take a picture or two. One might dare to call it a vacation.

However, expectations mean little so far from home, and despite Luna's wishes to keep the guardsponies out of harm's way, the world can easily change in a thousand years. The three guardsponies may be forced to deal with the inconvenience of their vacation turning into an adventure.

First Story: In Her Majesty's Royal Service

Chapters (14)

Sequel of Moving On: Silver Spoon's Story

Edited by- Lewie!
Many thanks to Steel Resolve & Comma-Kazie

Having faced and surpassed the challenge of making new friends, Silver Spoon's tranquil and simplistic world comes to an abrupt halt once family obligations begin to lurk in her shadow. With the help of the crusaders, Silver Spoon and co. uncover a Silver family secret that could possibly shift the fate of all of Ponyville.

Chapters (10)

Twilight has always had feelings for Celestia. But whether these feelings are for her surrogate mother or for her imagined lover, nopony knows. It will take something strange to make her understand just what she thinks of the Princess; something like her conscience becoming sentient.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to From the Mouths of Fillies

Dinky and Sparkler have the most awesome godmom in Equestria--that's right, me! Rainbow Dash. Being friends with their mom means I've spent a lot of time with them over the past few years. They're pretty cool kids.

But then ... well, Ditzy got sick. Like, really sick. I've been watching them for her, but if she doesn't get better soon, they may be staying with me for a lot longer than I thought.

That's okay, though: I'm Rainbow Dash. I can handle anything life throws at me.

(Connected to From the Mouths of Fillies, Saying Goodbye, and Feeling Regrets)

Chapters (3)

Blossomforth wants to comfort her friend Cloud Kicker in the aftermath of Derpy's death. However, helping Cloud Kicker move on from death of a friend and lover is a difficult thing, and before she can help her friend Blossomforth must first confront her own feelings for Cloud Kicker and the reason she never got along with Derpy Hooves. Not to mention dealing with all the regrets that inevitably come from lost opportunities.

Follows from the events of Saying Goodbye and connected to Comma Kazie's "From The Mouths of Fillies" and "Changes." References some of the events of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" but the two stories are not in continuity with each other.

Chapters (2)

Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ-P0n3, is one of the most famous DJs in Canterlot. But lately, she's been feeling like something's missing in her life. And then a gray Earth pony mare shows up at her club one night...

Author's Note: I wanted to do something different with the Octavia/Vinyl Scratch pairing. In all the stories I've read, Tavi was the reserved, more quiet one while Vinyl was the party girl. But what if it were the other way around? What if Vinyl was the more reserved one and Tavi the wild girl? This is my attempt to expand on that idea.

Chapters (5)

Silver Spoon has always been a loyal friend to Diamond Tiara. In the years since the Cutie Mark Crusaders earned their cutie marks, however, she has tried and failed to get Diamond to leave them alone. Secretly, she never bore the Crusaders ill will but she always feared incurring Diamond's wrath. When a secret Silver was keeping comes out and destroys her friendship with Diamond, Silver takes it as an opportunity to mend some fences and re-discover just what kind of pony she is.

This story follows the timeline of Raiders of the Cutie Mark from the second ending where the CMC earn their cutie marks.

Chapters (7)