• Member Since 1st Mar, 2017


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Twilight is fed up having to take care of every threat to Equestria.
Especially since she is way too smart NOT to notice the discrepancy between Celestia's so called 'defeats' and the actual power she knows her mentor possesses.

Therefore, Twilight decides to kick Celestia's royal butt (figuratively) into dealing with all the villains herself again.

After all, the Princess of Friendship deserves some vacation, too.


This is not really a crossover (therefore no tag), nor a ponification.
But I honestly think, that Saitama and Celestia share at least one similarity... when she wants to, that is.

Warning: Contains obvious fanboying and an accurately powered Celestia :trollestia:


Very special thanks to DracoBlair for his thorough help with many details!
Please visit his DeviantArt-page: https://www.deviantart.com/dracoblair

AND also very special thanks to EquestriaStories vor his opinion and constructive criticism!
Please visit his DeviantArt-page, too: https://www.deviantart.com/estories
(Also my sincere apologies to EStories for not putting this credit here right from the beginning :fluttercry: )

Chapters (12)

When Twilight fulfills her destiny and ascends to the throne of Canterlot, everything goes black. Turns out her life is a game, and she won. Now follow Twilight Sparkle as she experiences the shiny appeal of New Game+.

4/16: It was only approved yesterday, and already this story is featured and hot? You guys are the best!

4/17: Second day and still featured! Moved to the top featured spot too! Awesome!

4/18: Still in the top spot? I think people like my story.

4/19: Left the top spot but still featured. It feels amazing to feel so appreciated!

Chapters (4)

This story is a philosophical and comedic telling of my journey, becoming one with Fluttershy, after waking up one morning quite yellow and quite confused.
Set it the "PonyEarth" verse (group here: PonyEarthVerse)
Rated teen for mentions of sexuality etc. (and guns!)


The picture is being used with permission from the artist, original here: Soapie-solar

Chapters (80)

This story takes place after the events of the episode "Keep calm and flutter on."

After Discord's reformation, he decides to have a bet with Princess Celestia. Wanting to see her chaotic side, a bet was made between the two. For one whole week, Celestia will agree to become a draconequus, to see if she can control the powers of chaos itself. Celestia agrees on the condition that should she win, she gets to transform Discord into whatever she wants for a week in turn. However, Celestia has many secret desires and it doesn't take long for her to start abusing her new chaotic magic...

Editor: The Fan without a Face

Cover artist: hikariviny

Chapters (13)

Shortly after becoming an Alicorn, Twilight asks the princesses about her new body. She doesn't get the answers she expected. Instead she gets a series of secrets known only to the other Alicorns, as well as a revelation which might change Equestria forever.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Harmony Unbound

Luna is home again. A new home, in fact; a library in Ponyville. Things are messy right now between her and Celestia, and awkward. After things ended so poorly between the two of them last time, and clearly neither of them is ready to face the other again, she instead found herself a new place in the world.

But Luna is not sad. She has a new life, and new friends to lift her spirits. It's all helped her settle in, settle her past, and finally be happy again. Even if she cannot or does not go back to her old life with Celestia, she's plenty confident she'll remain cheery and content.

Then tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala arrive for her and her friends, and it completely stresses her out. Because Celestia will be there, and she might not be ready, even by then.

Chapters (16)

Luna has fallen back to Equestria. And, to her shock, she is no longer Nightmare Moon. Perhaps this is her second chance at life. Will she find it, wandering aimlessly into the nearby town? What will the new ponies she meets think? Can she truly hide among them, disguised as one of their own? Well, perhaps, with a little help from some new friends, as she leaves behind her crown, to run away from her past that haunts her.

But can you ever truly escape the monster you've become?

Chapters (6)

Awakening as BlackWarGreymon, a lost human tries to adjust even as more surprises and traps spring up. Yet timing and fate seem set against him, as events lead him to being imprisoned in stone before he could make a name for himself. Branded by the crown as a villain, he struggles to adapt years later once free and takes an unlikely ally as his protector and savior. But what will his presence do to the events ongoing throughout Equestria? What truths will he find beyond the public eye? More importantly: Will he embrace his given role, or will he strive to be his own 'mon?


This is hands down the most dedicated piece of writing I've worked on to date. Before this lies many an aborted fanfic including some over on fanfiction.net. All of whom were nowhere near as taken seriously by me as this one was. Months were put into this just to reach the release point for the story itself. Struggling with my own procrastination and real life priorities made every paragraph I wrote important to me and I'm so happy to finally be releasing this. It may be a silly crossover between Digimon and My Little Pony, but I love the MLP fandom/show and I'm a huge sucker for successful crossover tales. So putting this much time and effort into a tale like this was thrilling as much as it was terrifying. I had to motivate myself so much at times and I hated every time my obsession over rewriting and editing older chapters got in the way of moving forward. But I think it was worth it in the end. I hope everyone who clicks on my tale and reads this enjoys the adventure you're about to go on as much as I did writing it.

Finally, major thanks to goattrain for drawing the amazing cover art. He's an awesome dude and I love looking at it every time I view this story. Thanks again man!

Chapters (8)

In the magical land of Equestria, there are no ponies.
In the sleepy town of Ponyville, there are no ponies.
In the glittering Castle of Friendship, there are no ponies.

So who are all these colorful quadrupeds?

Chapters (7)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)