• Member Since 1st Mar, 2017


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This story is a sequel to Cause, Effect, and Consequences

Hello there. My name is Seth. I happen to be a self-insert character who was made self aware of this. I don't mind if that doesn't interest you. There's bound to be someone out there who is interested. This is merely me talking about all the things I've seen as the timeline creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I mean, someone has to care about how all the stories you read about enough to see them become reality right?

Maybe you would like to hear about a few of them? Maybe some breaks in between here and there as well? Yeah that sounds alright, but be warned I'm not the best storyteller so even thanks to my magically assisted perfect memory you might not get the best experience. Still, I'll try my best to give it to you straight. Or maybe a little embellished.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth

Conclusion to Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth and Searching For Six Ponies (And Discord If I Feel Like It).

A year has passed for me. I had hoped that things would be better for me since my little excursion to Equestria. I had hoped to become a better person.

Instead, my life went kinda south. I like Earth, but living in Equestria was way more fun. Of course, fate has a real sense of humor. Sometimes, cause and effect has its consequences. When they happen, you just have to try your best to clean up the mess.


Chapters (68)

This story is a sequel to Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth

Somehow, I won my duel with Discord. Unfortunately, winning had it's consequences. Discord had a hissy fit that backfired and now him and the Mane Six have been transported to different universes. Now, I've got to go to these universes and bring them back or who knows what might happen. I really hope nothing bad happens.

This will have a final volume that you can find right here.

Chapters (26)

Twilight was ready. She'd survived the tricks and deceptions the draconequus had thrown her way, she'd retrieved the Elements of Harmony, she had been able to turn her friends back to their old selves, now all that was left was confronting Discord and finally defeating him.

If only she hadn't twisted her ankle during the fight.

Based on a thing Wintermist wrote.

Chapters (1)

We all dream of going to fantasy worlds we like one day. Well, that happened to me once. However, not everything was all sunshine and rainbows. What if there's a higher reason? We all like to think there is, but perhaps this time there truly is one.

If you end up with a feeling of why is the main character like this, well, I have a reason for it so don't stop reading because of that.

Comes with a nifty sequel here, and a final volume in progress right here.

Chapters (24)

Existence is pain. Blame Shadowninjaman for my insanity in trying to re-write this. Please search for the non-old and cancelled version. Because I repeat, I'm insane. And so is he for managing to convince me.

Note: It's not up yet. Kinda jumped the gun here, but meh, enjoy this remnant I suppose!

Chapters (9)

Princess Celestia is very concerned about Equestrians’ lack of visits to their primary care physician, and Twilight and her friends are happy to help out on a public health campaign by filming a documentary about their visit to the doctor.

Thing is, they might not be the best ponies for a health campaign...

EDIT: Heyyyy, Featured #2 9/18! Thanks a bunch!
EDIT: Number one same day- glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: Late Nite 9/20- lmao how is this still at #1
EDIT: Finally off number 1 but it took to 9/21. Actually means a bunch that everyone liked this silly little story :D

Chapters (1)

“We, the Royals of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, hereby find you guilty on all counts.”

After years of being a treasured friend, the human they thought they knew was revealed as a mass murderer. He never showed the slightest remorse after being caught.

Days later, Celestia has unanswered questions that cannot be denied.

Small extra note: Appearances can be deceiving...
Pre-readers: JimboTex and BikerPon3
Featured 9/4/2018
Oh bloody hell... :facehoof:

Chance's theme: Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky

Chapters (1)

Being a gamer is normal. David and I had a normal life. That is until one day, some abomination pops up out of nowhere and says, “Let’s go on an adventure!” Now, I’m an emotionally unstable sentient virus who’s trying to find his place in the world by just going with the flow and doing my thing...

(Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN: Prototype, , or any other games I reference in this story! I could not add all the necessary tags! Also, the Sex tag is for references or jokes to sex.)

Chapters (3)

I've spent the past few years coming up with plans for every fictional situation imaginable, and with a 'recent' influx of X-turned-Nightmare stories, I've already come up with several but I never thought I'd be able to field test 'em!

Unfortunately, it looks like practice is harder than planning.

May contain beaten horse.

Tagged sex for possible innuendo as I usually can't resist.
Tagged the other bad things for the repeated failure of the MC to not be horribly maimed.

I've wanted to create one of those nutty over the top stories where the author blatantly doesn't give a flying fangdoodle for ages. So here I am making a lighthearted story despite all the horrible death and gore. Consistency of tone, I barely know her.

Chapters (1)