• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Shining Armor has been living a lie.

Many see him as powerful and brave.

Yet deep inside is a soul who is playful wishing for true freedom.

Coming across a ancient tome, how could he pass up the chance to live as how he always saw himself?

A simple carefree night turns his life upside down, Gleaming Shield wants to live her own life and the pull to break free is becoming too strong.

Can Shining Armor balance a life between two parts of himself?

Or will He and She lose everything?

Cover Art belongs to The talented and wonderful Marenlicious.

Made Popular on 7/2/16.
Featured on 4/12/17*6/19/18

Chapters (9)

The despicable woes of being a youth. I despise suffering through them day in and day out, but I fear that I must, but only with the help of my trusted friend Smarty Pants and my BBBFF. Unfortunately, I only find one of them to be reliable, as my BBBFF constantly is wooed by that insufferably chipper foalsitter that my life-givers dump me with constantly.

Well, at least I have you, Mr. Secret Diary.

Written for the Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder Bad Fanfic Contest. Based on the card Best Foalsitter Cadance

If you like this story, consider checking these guys out and maybe getting a copy of this (awesome) game of your own at the above link, or supporting them further here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to TD the Alicorn Princess

Prince Antares, formerly the human TD Powell, has ascended to rule Equestria alongside Celestia and Luna to form the Equestrian Triumvirate. Taking his residency in Baltimare, Antares comes into his role as smoothly as he can, given the circumstances.

But not all is right with the world.

A warmongering king in the newly formed minotaur nation has just allied with the griffin empire, a country that recently gained a leader unfriendly to Equestria. Now Antares will face his first true test as an alicorn prince of Equestria. He must lead his peace loving ponies into the hells of war, and face an Equestria that will never be the same.

Edited wonderfully by Strike89

Buy a print copy of the original here!

Chapters (20)

"The historians had slipped up. In addition to the five supporting Elements that accompanied Twilight to the Everfree Forest, there was also a Sixth Element... and it wasn't Magic!"

A combination of a backstory for Derpy and Dinky, and a look at the events that took place in Ponyville during Nightmare Moon's return. Also answers the question of why everyone in Ponyville so readily puts up with the wonderfully klutzy Derpy, no matter how much damage she does.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle is the best student at Crystal Prep Academy, and while she’s pretty happy with her situation, her unofficial big sister, Cadance, keeps telling her to try and make friends. It never seems to go well for her, until Cadance convinces her to tutor the new student at Crystal Prep, Sunset Shimmer.

Pre-read by gerandakis

Featured on 9th Aug 2018! :twilightsmile:

Sex tag for:
Volume 1: references to masturbation, and talking about masturbation.
Volume 2: references to sex, and talking about sex.

Cover vectors:
Sci-Twi by aqua-pony
Sunset Shimmer by punzil504

Chapters (19)

After a long battle with a great evil, Celestia managed to gather the strength and magic to banish them from Equestria. Nopony had any idea she would be trapped as well until she was gone. Ten years to the day and about to be declared dead, there are only three ponies who still fight to find her.

Princess Luna- whose only desire is to hold her sister in her forelegs once more.
Princess Cadance- who wants her aunt back and is willing to do whatever it takes.
Princess Twilight Sparkle- who is willing to sacrifice anything to bring her former teacher and friend home.

After a decade of searching Twilight, along with the help of her two friends and students Sunset and Starlight have found a small glimmer of hope.

Twilight is going to grab hold and not let go. She has a promise to keep

Edited by RK

Chapters (7)

Tomorrow, Cadance will turn six hundred and forty eight. It's been a tough few years, but who doesn't look forward to their own birthday?

Cadance certainly will be, but first she's eager to share a dream with somepony close to her.

One thing is for certain: it will be an unforgettable night.

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Chapters (4)

Damien Silver never expect to be sent to another world.
Nor though a Bright flash of light
But curiosity didn't kill this cat
(Well..not yet)
So follow his antics adventures
From the Crystal Empire to the Chrysalis's hive
As he's usually more interested with the world around him rather than finding a way back home.

Photo is not Mine

I will add or remove tags as I write :rainbowkiss:

Chapters (3)

Mark Wells was a klutz, but even he could not imagine stumbling into a mirror that he had just bought at an antique store and ending up in a world of colorful equines, not to mention gaining hooves and wings at the same time. And whoever heard of green fur on a horse? Perhaps the great and powerful Princess that the guard was taking him to would have some answers because he sure didn't!

An alternative version of canon events with humorous twists. Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Mix-up and their DeviantArt account is Amalgamzaku.

Book One: Chapters 1–33
Book Two: "Further Off The Mark": Chapters 34–69
Book Three: "On The Mark": Chapters 70–100

Sex tag added as of chapter 32 but it's mostly due to talk. Actual sex takes place "off camera".

Chapters (100)

Cadance and Luna are both well aware of what a bat pony is, but Luna claims that they aren't real. What could the reason behind this possibly be?

Takes place sometime around Season Four. Reviewed and recommended by PresentPerfect. The review contains spoilers for the story! Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)